Five delegates from the University of Rhode Island (URI) visited the University of Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya on Thursday to partner in tropical diseases and nursing faculty.
The five URI delegates are Dr. John Kirby (Dean of the College of Environment and Life Science), Dr. Paul Larrat and Dr. Dave Rowley (URI College of Pharmacy researcher), Nancy Stricklin (staff of the international partnership office), and Brook Ross (URI representative for Indonesia).
Accompanied by the US Consul General in Surabaya, Joaquin F. Monseratte, they were welcomed by Vice Rector III Unair Prof. Soetjipto, Head of Institute of Tropical Disease Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Dean of Nursing Faculty (FKp) .
During the meeting, Monseratte promised to promote exchange programs between Indonesian students and the US.
“We can complement each other between universities in the US and Indonesia, I hope that this cooperation can survive until later,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Dean of FST Unair Prof. Win Darmanto said that the cooperation that will be followed up soon is the ease for FST Unair students or alumni, especially from Chemistry study program, and Environmental Science Science, to get Letter of Acceptance (LoA) from URI.
“This LoA is a requirement for alumni to continue their master or doctoral studies, especially for those who will apply for scholarship through LPDP,” he said.
Initial assessment conducted by Dean FKp Purwaningsih who last year was offered to cooperate in the field of nursing with URI by officials at the Embassy for the US. At that time, the Dean of FKp immediately agreed because one of its targets is working with universities in the US.
“Moreover, the direction of the nursing school is the United States of America, and finally URI will cooperate after seeing our company profile (FKp Unair) .We make the MoU One of the results is we have held an international conference on nursing URI also sent some delegates Presentation here, “he said.
In the future, both parties want to exchange students and staff to each college.