{:en}Wednesday, November 25, 2020, The handover ceremony for the secretary of a Institute of Tropical Disease went solemnly. The handover of this position was carried out from Prof. Achmad Fuad to Prof. Fedick Abdul Rantam. The participants consisted of prof. Maria Inge and her staff, chair of the laboratory group, and representatives of researchers and staff of the Institute of Tropical Disease.{:}{:id}Rabu 25 November 2020, Acara serah terima jabatan sekretaris lembaga penyakit tropis berjalan dengan khidmat. Serah terima jabatan ini dilakukan dari Prof. Achmad Fuad kepada Prof. Fedick Abdul Rantam. Pesertanya terdiri dari Prof. Maria Inge beserta jajarannya, ketua kelompok laboratorium dan perwakilan peneliti dan staf Lembaga penyakit tropis.{:}