{:en}International Workshop Series: Gastroenterology Research Opportunities in Antimicrobial Resistance, Metagenomic, Clinical Surveillance and Wet-Lab Experiment Day-4{:}{:id}International Workshop Series: Gastroenterology Research Opportunities in Antimicrobial Resistance, Metagenomic, Clinical Surveillance and Wet-Lab Experiment Hari ke-4{:}

{:en}Sunday, 22 Maret 2021

The fourth day of an international workshop with the theme “Cell Culture” organized by Helicobacter pylori and Microbiota Study Group presents talented speakers from the younger generation. Although relatively young, the speakers already have experience in the field they deliver. The four speakers were:

  1. Phawinee Subsomwong, PhD., Assistant Professor of Department of Microbiology and Immunology Graduate School of Medicine, Hirosaki, Aomori, Japan
  2. Astri Dewayani, MD., Department of Infectious Disease Control, Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Japan
  3. Ricky Indra Alfaray, MD., Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Japan
  4. Kartika Afrida Fauzia, MD., Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Japan

They are the young talented generation who should be role models, especially in the academic field. Three speakers in this workshop (dr Astri, dr Ricky, and dr Kartika) are members of Helicobacter pylori and Microbiota Study Group who are currently continuing their doctoral education (Ph.D.) at Oita University, Japan. Phawinee Subsomwong, Ph.D. who is the speaker today is also very enthusiastic to participate in all workshop series since the first day.

The first material on “mRNA Evaluation of Cytokines – Gastric Mucosal Expression in H.pylori Infection by using real-time PCR” delivered by dr Ricky. Then continued the second material about “Biofilm Formation: What and How to Examine?” presented by dr Kartika. The third material was “Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) for Cells Morphology Characterization” delivered by dr. Astri. Then closes with the final material delivered by Phawinee Subsomwong, Ph.D. on “Cell Culture: Dos and Don’ts in The Laboratory”. No less enthusiastic than the previous days, the discussion session moderated by Dia Amalindah, S.Kep.Ns., was flooded with many questions. Alternately, the speakers convey their point of view and experience.{:}{:id}Senin, 22 Maret 2021

Internasional workshop hari ke empat dengan tema “Cell Culture” yang diselenggarakan oleh Helicobacter pylori and Microbiota Study Group menghadirkan pembicara bertalenta dari generasi muda. Meskipun relative masih muda, para pembicara telah memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang yang mereka sampaikan. Empat pembicara tersebut diantaranya:

  1. Phawinee Subsomwong, PhD., Assistant Professor of Department of Microbiology and Immunology Graduate School of Medicine, Hirosaki, Aomori, Japan
  2. Astri Dewayani, MD., Department of Infectious Disease Control, Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Japan
  3. Ricky Indra Alfaray, MD., Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Japan
  4. Kartika Afrida Fauzia, MD., Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine, Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Japan

Mereka merupakan generasi muda yang patut dijadikan role model, khususnya dalam bidang akademik. Tiga pembicara dalam kegiatan ini yaitu dr Astri, dr Ricky, dan dr Kartika merupakan anggota Helicobacter pylori and Microbiota Study Group yang saat ini sedang melanjutkan pendidikan doktoral (PhD) di Universitas Oita, Japan. Phawinee Subsomwong, PhD yang menjadi pembicara saat ini juga begitu antusias mengikuti seluruh kegiatan sejak hari pertama.

Materi pertama tentang “mRNA Evaluation of Cytokines – Gastric Mucosal Expression in H. pylori Infection by using real time PCR” disampaikan oleh dr Ricky. Kemudian dilanjutkan materi ke dua yaitu “Biofilm Formation: What and How to Examine?”dibawakan oleh dr Kartika. Materi ke tiga yaitu “Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) for Cells Morphology Characterization” disampaikan oleh dr Astri. Kemudian ditutup dengan materi terakhir yang disampaikan oleh Phawinee Subsomwong, PhD tentang “Cell Culture: Dos and Don’ts in The Laboratory”. Tidak kalah antusiasnya dengan hari-hari sebelumnya, sesi diskusi yang dimoderatori oleh Dia Amalindah, S.Kep.Ns., dibanjiri banyak pertanyaan. Secara bergantian, para pembicara menyampaikan sudut pandang maupun pengalaman mereka.{:}

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