{:en}Kartini’s Day at the Institute of Tropical Diseases{:}{:id}Hari Kartini di Lembaga Penyakit Tropis{:}

{:en}21 April 2021, In the framework of Kartini Day, the Institute of Tropical Diseases recommends all staff and leaders to wear Indonesian traditional clothing. Not only that, it will be…

Continue Reading{:en}Kartini’s Day at the Institute of Tropical Diseases{:}{:id}Hari Kartini di Lembaga Penyakit Tropis{:}

{:en}A visit from PT Avia Avian to Institute of Tropical Diseases{:}{:id}Kunjungan dari PT Avia Avian ke Lembaga Penyakit Tropis{:}

{:en}Tuesday, April 13, 2021, PT Avia Avian's leadership and staff visited the Institute of Tropical Diseases. This visit was welcomed by the university, represented by the vice-chancellor I Prof. Dr.…

Continue Reading{:en}A visit from PT Avia Avian to Institute of Tropical Diseases{:}{:id}Kunjungan dari PT Avia Avian ke Lembaga Penyakit Tropis{:}

{:en}Exploration of Complex Compounds Against Non-Pathogenic E. coli Activity{:}{:id}Eksplorasi Senyawa Kompleks Terhadap Aktivitas E. coli Non-Patogenik{:}

{:en}Imidazole compound derivatives are known to have several biological activities, such as antibacterial, anti-fungal, anticancer, and antiviral. On the other hand, 2,4,5-triphenyl-1H-imidazole is a very important compound in chemical organometallics,…

Continue Reading{:en}Exploration of Complex Compounds Against Non-Pathogenic E. coli Activity{:}{:id}Eksplorasi Senyawa Kompleks Terhadap Aktivitas E. coli Non-Patogenik{:}

{:en}Expectations and Challenges of Management of Neglected Tropical Diseases in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic{:}{:id}Harapan dan Tantangan Manajemen Penyait Tropis Terabaikan (Neglected Tropical Diseases) di Era Pandemi COVID-19{:}

{:en}The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic had a significant impact on the health systems around the world. Since it was discovered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China on December 31, 2019, COVID-19…

Continue Reading{:en}Expectations and Challenges of Management of Neglected Tropical Diseases in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic{:}{:id}Harapan dan Tantangan Manajemen Penyait Tropis Terabaikan (Neglected Tropical Diseases) di Era Pandemi COVID-19{:}