Institute of Tropical Disease

{:en}The 3rd Molecular Update – Basic Cell Culture and Realtime PCR in Research Application{:}{:id}Pengaplikasian dasar kultur sel dan Realtiem PCR dalam penelitian Gelombang ke 3{:}


At the end of 2021, the Tropical Diagnostic Disease Center & RC-Gerid held a Workshop entitled "The 3rd Molecular Update – Basic Cell Culture and Realtime PCR in Research Application" to be exact on December 1-2, 2021. 
This event was attended by 8 participants from among clinicians and researchers from several agencies inside and outside the city of Surabaya. The participants were given material about vero cell culture and realtime PCR.

In addition to being given material, participants were also given the opportunity to carry out cell culture and real-time PCR work on a hands-on basis. The enthusiasm of the participants in participating in the workshop was seen because it was a new thing for them. At the event, TDDC also gave door prizes for participants with the best pre-test and post-test results. 

In the future, TDDC will hold regular workshops every year with a new theme which is sure to be interesting to follow. Hopefully, the workshop held by TDDC will bring benefits to the world of research in Indonesia in the future.

{:}{:id}Di penghujung tahun 2021 ini, Tropical Diagnostic Disease Center dan RC Gerid  mengadakan Workshop yang bertajuk “The 3rd Molecular Update – Basic Cell Culture and Realtime PCR in Research Application” tepatnya pada tanggal 1-2 Desember 2021. Acara ini diikuti oleh 8 peserta dari kalangan klinisi dan researcher dari beberapa instansi di dalam dan luar kota Surabaya. Para peserta diberikan materi tentang kultur sel vero dan realtime PCR.

Selain diberikan materi, peserta juga diberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan pengerjaan kultur sel dan realtime PCR secara hands on. Tampak antusiasme para peserta dalam mengikuti workshop tersebut karena merupakan hal yang baru bagi mereka.

Pada acara tersebut juga TDDC memberikan doorprize bagi peserta dengan hasil pre test dan post test terbaik. Rencana kedepannya TDDC akan rutin mengadakan workshop setiap tahunnya dengan tema baru yang pastinya akan menarik untuk diikuti. Semoga workshop yang diadakan TDDC membawa manfaat untuk dunia riset di Indonesia kedepannya.{:}

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