{:en}On 14-17 June 2022 Airlangga Disease Prevention and Research Center – One Health Collaborating Center (ADPRC-OHCC) in collaboration with the Biosafety Engagement Program (BEP) and Tropical Disease Institute, Universitas Airlangga held a Workshop on Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity.

This activity aims to improve the understanding and ability of lab workers in applying the principles of biosafety and biosecurity in the laboratory. This workshop was held virtually and face to face at the Tropical Disease Institute, Universitas Airlangga. A total of 25 participants consisting of lab workers at universities, government and hospitals were invited to this activity.

The practicum sessions carried out included: risk assessments, hand washing, donning-doffing PPE BSL-2 and spills.

Writer : Firdausy Kurnia (ADPRC-OHCC) {:}{:id}Pada tanggal 14-17 Juni 2022 Airlangga Disease Prevention and Research Center – One Health Collaborating Center (ADPRC-OHCC) bekerjasama dengan Biosafety Engagement Program (BEP) dan Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga menyelenggarakan Workshop Biosafety dan Biosecurity Laboratorium.

Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan pekerja lab dalam penerapan prinsip-prinsip biosafety dan biosecurity di laboratorium. Workshop ini dilaksanakan secara virtual dan tatap muka di Tropical Disease Institute Universitas Airlangga.

Sebanyak 25 peserta yang terdiri dari pekerja lab di universitas, pemerintah dan rumah sakit diundang dalam kegiatan ini.

Penulis : Firdausy Kurnia (ADPRC-OHCC){:}

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