Institute of Tropical Disease

The FGD (Forum Group Discussion) and Workshop for Scientific Article Writing held by C-NPMRD ITD UNAIR FGD dan Workshop Penyusunan Artikel Ilmiah C-NPMRD LPT UNAIR

{:en}Monday, July 4, 2022, at Aston Inn Batu Malang, East Java, an FGD (forum group discussion) and workshop on the preparation of scientific articles were held by C-NPMRD (Center-Natural Product Medicine Research and Development), ITD (Institute of Tropical Disease), Universitas Airlangga. The event lasted for three days intending to provide and stimulate C-NPMRD researchers to be able to finalize their research results as scientific articles which can be published internationally.

The FGD and workshop activities on the first day were opened by the chairman of NPMRD, Prof. Dr. apt. Aty Widyawaruyanti, M.Si,. with explanation of the vision and mission of C-NPMRD and the role of C-NPMRD in the scientific community. The vision of C-NPMRD is to become a leading and innovative center in the field of research and development of natural medicine at the national and international. Meanwhile, the missions of C-NPMRD are to conduct research and development through national and international collaborations, publications, drug discovery research to increase capacity building for Indonesian drug independence and to develop excellent human resources.

In the event, the C-NPMRD researchers were divided into 4 discussion groups, namely the Phytochemical team, the Malaria team, the Hepatitis C Viral (HCV) and other viral teams, and the Amoeba team. The four teams explained research progress, scientific publications, research services, and further research plans. On the first day, that was also mapped which research was eligible to be written as scientific articles.

On the second and third days, the researchers wrote scientific articles together and discussed them according to their research expertise. A total of two publications submitted followed by 8 publications will be submitted until August 2022. This achievement and spirit of togetherness are expected to contribute directly to C-NPMRD and ITD Universitas Airlangga therefore can contribute to accelerating Universitas Airlangga as a World Class University by a target rank of 401-500 on the Times Higher Education (THE) Asia University Ranking system through international publications and citations index. (lyd-DT){:}{:id}Senin, 4 Juli 2022, bertempat di Aston Inn Batu Malang, Jawa Timur telah diselenggarakan acara FGD (forum grub discussion) dan workshop penyusunan artikel ilmiah oleh C-NPMRD (Center-Natural Product Medicine Research and Development), LPT (Lembaga Penyakit Tropis), Universitas Airlangga. Acara tersebut berlangsung selama tiga hari dengan tujuan memberikan stimulus kepada para peneliti C-NPMRD untuk dapat memfinalisasi hasil penelitian mereka dalam bentuk artikel ilmiah sehingga dapat dipublikasikan secara internasional.

Kegiatan FGD dan workshop dihari pertama dibuka oleh ketua NPMRD, Prof. Dr. apt. Aty Widyawaruyanti, M.Si,. dengan paparan visi dan misi C-NPMRD serta peran NPMRD dalam masyarakat ilmiah. Adapun visi C-NPMRD yaitu menjadi center yang unggul dan inovatif dalam bidang penelitian dan pengembangan obat bahan alam di tingkat nasional dan internasional. Sedangkan misi dari C-NPMRD sendiri adalah melakukan riset dan pengembangan melalui kolaborasi nasional maupun internasional, publikasi dan riset drug discovery untuk peningkatan capacity building kemandirian obat Indonesia, serta pengembangan SDM unggul.

Dalam FGD tersebut para peneliti C-NPMRD dibagi dalam 4 kelompok grup diskusi yaitu tim Fitokimia, tim Malaria, tim Hepatitis C Viral (HCV) and other viral, dan tim Amoeba. Keempat tim tersebut melakukan paparan progress penelitian, publikasi ilmiah, pelayana penelitian, serta rencana penelitian lanjutan. Pada hari pertama ini juga dipetakan penelitian-penelitian mana yang sudah layak untuk ditulis dalam bentuk artikel ilmiah.

Adapun pada hari kedua dan ketiga, para peneliti melakukan penulisan artikel ilmiah bersama dan berdiskusi sesuai bidang kepakaran masing-masing. Total publikasi yang disubmitt sejumlah dua buah dengan 8 publikasi akan menyusul sampai bulan Agustus 2022. Capaian dan semangat kebersamaan ini diharapkan akan berkontribusi secara langsung pada C-NPMRD dan LPT Univeristas Airlangga sehingga mempercepat Universitas Airlangga sebagai World Class University dengan target rank 401-500 pada sistem peringkatan Times Higher Education (THE) Asia Universitas Ranking melalui publikasi internasional dan sitasi index. (lyd-DT){:}

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