Student Exchange to Learn about Dengue at ITD Unair.

Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga received a visit from student exchange . This activity was well received by the chairman of the Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, M.Kes., Sp.MK(K), Ph.D.

These exchange students come from four countries Egypt, Tunisia, Italy, and the Czech Republic. This visit is included in the program managed by SCORE and SCOPH CIMSA Universitas Airlangga, namely Global Action Program (GAP EXCHANGE). This program lasts for one month, from 1 – 28 August 2022.

This visit is to conduct research in the field of public health related to Dengue. Students will take mosquito data in Sawahan and Tenggilis Subdistricts, Surabaya, for later analysis by looking at DNA. The students will also provide socialization and education to the community. In carrying out its activities at the Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, the students are guided by Dr. Sukmawati Basuki, dr., MSc. This activity is expected to provide benefits for science and society.

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