Surabaya Health Polytechnic Students Participate in a Molecular Biology Workshop at ITD Unair

From 30 to 31 September 2022, the Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga received a visit from Surabaya Health Polytechnic students for the Molecular Biology Practicum. Prof. Ahmad Yudianto welcomed this event as the Head of the Human Genetics Study Group of the Molecular Forensic Division, who previously provided material on Molecular Biology online.

On the first day, Surabaya Health Polytechnic students performed DNA extraction and PCR in the Human Genetics Laboratory alternately by dividing into two small groups so that the practicum and giving instructions were more conducive. On the second day, they continued with the next practicum stage, namely electrophoresis at the Human Genetics Laboratory, followed by posttest and closing practicum activities. Hopefully, this event can provide learning opportunities and experiences for students in conducting DNA testing so that the knowledge gained can be helpful for their field in the future.

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