Visit of PUI-PT Center for Fintech and Banking at Sebelas Maret University to ITD Unair

The Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University, received a visit from the PUI-PT Center for Fintech and Banking, Sebelas Maret University on Friday, September 16, 2022. This visit was about exchanging best practices for managing the Center for Excellence in Science and Technology and strengthening relations between the Centers for Excellence in Science and Technology.

This visit received a good response from the Institute of Tropical Disease Chairman, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, Ph.D., and Secretary of ITD, Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, DVM. In addition, there were 15 participants from the PUI-PT Center for Fintech and Banking at Sebelas Maret University. Dr. Taufiq Arifin, Ph.D., describes the profiles, innovations, collaborations, and publications carried out by the PUI-PT Center for Fintech and Banking, Sebelas Maret University.

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