Tropical Disease Diagnostic Center (TDDC), Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga successfully held the Workshop on The 4th Molecular Update PCR, SDS-PAGE, and ELISA for Research Application. This workshop was held for three days, 1-3 November 2022. This activity was opened by the chairman of ITD, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr. M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.MK(K) and chairman of the committee Alicia Margaretta Widya, dr. M.Ked. Klin., Sp. MK.
Around 20 people participated in this activity. The activity on the first day of Tuesday (1/11/2022) was presenting material on molecular biological methods (PCR) by Prof. Retno Handajani, dr., MS., Ph.D., in the 2nd Floor Main Meeting Room, LPT Unair. In addition, on the first day, hands-on were also conducted on DNA extraction and PCR, as well as electrophoresis. Hands-on in the laboratory was guided by Teguh Hari Sucipto, S.Si., M, Si and Nur Syamsiatul Fajar, S.Si.
The activity on the second day of Wednesday (2/11/2022), the presentation of material on ELISA by Prof. Dr. Suwarno, drh., M.Si and continued with hands-on at the Leprosy Laboratory guided by Iswahyudi, S.KM., M.Kes. On the last day of the workshop, Thursday (3/11/2022), Dr. Ali Rohman, M.Si, gave material related to SDS-PAGE. In addition, on the previous day, hands-on was also held at the TDDC Laboratory guided by Radita Yuniar A., S.Si and Mamik Damayanti., S.Pd., M.Si. Hopefully, the knowledge conveyed can support the development of health sciences, including research and diagnostics, in the future.