(ITD-UNAIR) On February 10, 2023, the Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga received a visit from Lecturers and Education Personnel from the Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University. The purpose of this visit is to benchmark to the laboratories located at ITD. This visit was welcomed by Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Si., PhD. as the head of human resources of ITD.

After remarks and discussions related to the development of research at ITD, the visit continued to 5 laboratories in ITD, namely, the Malaria Laboratory, Entomology Laboratory, Human Genetic Laboratory, Dengue Laboratory, and Gastroenteritis Laboratory. In this visit they were welcomed by researchers in each laboratory, they explained the field they were engaged in and the development of research developed in each laboratory (Sucipto, TH. 2023)