Rights of Researchers when Conducting Research at ITD

The Institute of Tropical Diseases is a research unit owned by Universitas Airlangga which focuses on the health sector, especially on tropical diseases. This institution was founded because Indonesia is located in a tropical region. At the same time, the diseases that develop are also different from Europe, America, Australia, and all areas that are not traversed by the equator. Therefore, the formation of this institution is expected to be able to catch things that are happening and provide solutions, be it healing, prevention or even knowing the developments that have occurred.

The Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) is always trying to develop research, both internally and externally. Internal research is research carried out by research staff from ITD itself while external research is research either carried out by users or outside researchers who wish to conduct research at ITD because of the facilities or research materials. If outside researchers want to do research, they need to register first. The registration can carry out consultations regarding what will be researched, be it methods, viruses, or bacteria and matters regarding the research, if it has been accepted, it can make an abstract proposal and a letter addressed to ITD. If you have registered according to the applicable requirements, outside researchers can carry out their research.

The Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) is always trying to develop research, both internally and externally. Internal research is research carried out by research staff from ITD itself while external research is research either carried out by users or outside researchers who wish to conduct research at ITD because of the facilities or research materials. If outside researchers want to do research, they need to register first. The registration can carry out consultations regarding what will be researched, be it methods, viruses, or bacteria and matters regarding the research, if it has been accepted, it can make an abstract proposal and a letter addressed to ITD. If you have registered according to the applicable requirements, outside researchers can carry out their research.

Here outside researchers or users can get rights that can be obtained by doing research at ITD. What are those rights? : 1. Researchers are allowed to use facilities and tools honestly and responsibly. In this case, the outside researcher can use all available laboratory equipment according to the agreement on the research method used. 2. Obtain a workplace for research The workplace presented is a supporting public facility in carrying out research carried out while at ITD in accordance with predetermined requirements and requirements. 3. Obtain an accompanying analysis Accompanying this analysis can be obtained according to the conditions needed 4. Obtain consultant guidance in accordance with applicable regulations if necessary This guidance is given if there are researchers who need guidance in the research process carried out by these researchers in accordance with applicable requirements. Regarding foreign researchers, there will be separate treatments. From this, researchers can understand the work process before conducting research in order to get the best results so that the services provided can also increase later.