The Institute of Tropical Disease received an overseas visit from the Cambodja Dermatology Society with PPDS UNAIR and representatives from the hospital and also served as Head of KSM/Department of Dermatology and Venereology DR. dr. M. Yulianto Listiawan, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV, the visit was welcomed by the head of the institution, Prof. Maria Inge Lucida. Ph. D.

This event was started with greetings from each agency representative which was then followed by discussions regarding the objectives of the collaboration to be carried out. They all signed the agreement that had been made which could later become the basis for cooperation. After that, they visited the leprosy laboratory, where they discussed activities and all the research developments that had been carried out. It is hoped that this collaboration can provide contributions both domestically and abroad and can become a beacon in research in the health sector.

Those attending are:
- Head of KSM/Department of Dermatology and Venereology (DR. dr. M. Yulianto Listiawan, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV)
- Representative from Cambodia Dermatological Society (CDS)/Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital (KSFH)
-Dr. Chan Vicheth
-Dr. Nong Reaksmey
-Dr. Deng Angkitboss
-Mrs. Nguon Sokcheng
-Mrs. MakNola - dr. Regitta I. A., Sp. KK
- PPDS UNAIR (3 people)
- Iswahyudi, S.KM., M.Kes
- Dinar Adriaty, S.Si., M.Kes
- Puput Ade W., drh., M.Sc