The Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Airlangga University received a visit from representatives from students from Mahidol University Thailand and the Faculty of Science & Technology, Airlangga University. This visit was welcomed by the leadership of ITD Prof. Maria Inge Lusida and staff such as Mr. Saadun as Head of the General Tasks Section, and Laura Navika as Head of Human Resources.

This visit began with remarks from the ITD leadership which continued with a deeper introduction to the history of ITD itself and the development of the research being carried out. The flow of the discussion was interesting, even one of the Mahidol University students asked about the development of tuberculosis, especially with the pandemic. Meanwhile, the lecturers asked about tropical diseases which may still be rife and only exist in Indonesia.

After having discussions, they visited several laboratories in ITD such as Hepatitis, Viral Diarrhea, Dengue, and Satreps. During this visit, they were accompanied by researchers from each laboratory for an in-depth explanation regarding the research and supporting knowledge that became the deepening in ITD.