Wednesday 17 August 2023 The Civitas Academic Institute of Tropical Disease participated in the procession of the red and white flag-raising ceremony at Airlangga University in order to celebrate the 78th independence of the Republic of Indonesia. With our traditional/regional clothing attributes, we blend into one in one field, as if representing Indonesian citizens, both from Sabang to Papua.

This makes the sense of brotherhood between the Civitas Academic deeper because there are no more racial, ethnic, and religious barriers. If a sense of brotherhood will continue to be fostered, then the spirit of mutual cooperation and social sensitivity will continue to grow so that later “Advanced Indonesia” will be achieved.

During this ceremony, the Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof.Dr.Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., and all of his staff launched the “69th Anniversary of UNAIR” logo. Excitement and joy were described by all the participants who saw the moment. Hopefully, this joy and spirit of mutual cooperation can be the basis for the struggle “Keep Going for Advanced Indonesia”
#Terus Melaju untuk Indoensia Maju #Dies Natalis ke-69 UNAIR