{:en}Researchers from the HIV Institute Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga studied the potential of Zingiberaceae, an endemic plant of Central Sulawesi, as a candidate for anti-HIV medicinal plants. This research is in collaboration with researchers from the Natural Ingredients Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy, Tadulako University (UNTAD) Palu.
This study is based on the fact of using drugs known as antiretrovirals (ARVs) for people who are infected with HIV or have AIDS. This drug has side effects if used for a long time.
HIV-1/AIDS Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) researcher Siti Qamariyah Khairunisa said that the Tadulako University research team contributed to the extraction and characterization of compounds from Zingiberaceae.
Meanwhile, the research team from the ITD UNAIR HIV laboratory is the only laboratory in Indonesia that has isolates of the HIV virus, thus contributing to in-vitro anti-HIV testing.
ITD UNAIR HIV Laboratory also provides support in providing samples of HIV patients for research.
Zingiberaceae is a perennial herb that grows widely in subtropical and tropical climates in Asia and the Pacific. This plant is found in the Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP) area of Central Sulawesi.
Topo Baria tribe has used it traditionally as medicine, food flavoring, and food wrapping.
“There are three endemic species of Zingiberaceae plants in Central Sulawesi, namely Alpinia eremochlamys K. Schum, Etlingera exuosa A.D. Poulsen, and Etlingera acanthoides A.D. Poulsen,” said Qamariyah in a written statement, Thursday (10/6/2021).
In Zingiberaceae plant research, it was found that the methanol extract of Alpinia galanga rhizome showed strong inhibitory activity on the replication of the HIV virus in the protease gene (PR).
19S-19Acetoxychavicol acetate isolated from Alpinia galanga was reported to be able to block transport in the Rev. (E) -Labda-8 (17), 12-diene-15,16-dial isolated from Alpinia zerumbet has the ability to inhibit HIV virus replication in the integrase gene.
“Zerumbone is the main compound of Zingiber zerumbet and Zingiber aromaticum which is also reported to be able to inhibit the replication of the HIV virus,” he said.
Qamariyah also revealed that anti-HIV candidates on medicinal plants Zingiberaceae, Alpinia eremochlamys, Etlingera exuosa, and Etlingera acanthoides were carried out in vitro in the HIV/AIDS laboratory at the Institute for Tropical Diseases, Airlangga University.
This test uses high standard laboratory facilities, namely Biosafety Laboratory Level 3 (BSL3).
“The stages include compound extraction, compound characterization, toxicity test and anti-HIV activity test using lymphocytes (T cells) and HIV virus isolated from HIV type 1 patients,” he said.
Based on the results of anti-virus screening, it showed that the ethanolic extract from the rhizomes of E. Acanthoides and A. Eremochlamys had the potential to inhibit the replication of the HIV-1 virus in MT-4 cells in vitro.
The rhizome of E. Acanthoides showed the best antiviral activity with the lowest IC50 value and toxicity level, and
the highest selectivity index among other anti-HIV candidates.
“The presence of terpenoid compounds such as zerumbone, ar-turmerone, caryophyllene, and caryophyllene oxide as well as several saturated and unsaturated fatty acids have the potential for antiviral activity,” he said
Source news and picture: detik.com
Source Paper: www.sciencedirect.com{:}{:id}Peneliti HIV Institute Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga mengkaji potensi Zingiberaceae tanaman endemik Sulawesi Tengah jadi kandidat tanaman obat anti-HIV. Penelitian ini bekerjasama dengan peneliti Farmasi Bahan Alam Jurusan Farmasi Universitas Tadulako (UNTAD) Palu.
Kajian ini didasari fakta penggunaan obat yang dikenal dengan nama antiretroviral (ARV) untuk orang yang terinfeksi HIV atau mengidap AIDS. Obat ini memiliki efek samping jika digunakan dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
Peneliti HIV-1/AIDS Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Siti Qamariyah Khairunisa mengatakan bahwa tim peneliti Universitas Tadulako berkontribusi dalam hal ekstraksi dan karakterisasi senyawa dari Zingiberaceae.
Sedangkan tim peneliti dari laboratorium HIV ITD UNAIR merupakan satu-satunya laboratorium yang ada di Indonesia yang memiliki isolat virus HIV sehingga berkontribusi dalam melakukan uji anti-HIV nya secara in-vitro.
Laboratorium HIV ITD UNAIR juga memberikan dukungan dalam memberikan sampel pasien HIV untuk dijadikan penelitian.
Zingiberaceae merupakan ramuan abadi yang banyak tumbuh di daerah subtropis dan iklim tropis di Asia dan Pasifik. Tanaman ini ditemukan di daerah Taman Nasional Lore Lindu (LLNP) Sulawesi Tengah.
Suku Topo Baria telah menggunakannya secara tradisional sebagai obat-obatan, penyedap rasa makanan, dan pembungkus makanan.
“Ada tiga spesies endemik tumbuhan Zingiberaceae di Sulawesi Tengah, yaitu Alpinia eremochlamys K. Schum, Etlingera fl exuosa A.D. Poulsen, dan Etlingera acanthoides A.D. Poulsen,” ujar Qamariyah dalam keterangan tertulis, Kamis (10/6/2021).
Pada penelitian tumbuhan Zingiberaceae ditemukan ekstrak metanol rimpang Alpinia galanga yang menunjukkan aktivitas penghambatan yang kuat pada replikasi virus HIV pada gen protease (PR).
19S-19Acetoxychavicol asetat yang diisolasi dari Alpinia galanga dilaporkan mampu memblokir transportasi pada gen Rev. (E) -Labda-8 (17), 12-diene-15,16-dial yang diisolasi dari Alpinia zerumbet memiliki kemampuan untuk menghambat replikasi virus HIV pada gen integrase.
“Zerumbone merupakan senyawa utama dari Zingiber zerumbet dan Zingiber aromaticum yang juga dilaporkan mampu menghambat replikasi virus HIV,” ujarnya.
Qamariyah juga mengungkapkan bahwa kandidat anti-HIV pada tanaman obat Zingiberaceae, Alpinia eremochlamys, Etlingera fl exuosa, dan Etlingera acanthoides dilakukan secara in-vitro di laboratorium HIV/AIDS di Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga.
Pengujian ini menggunakan fasilitas laboratorium berstandar tinggi yaitu Biosafety laboratorium Level 3 (BSL3).
“Tahapannya meliputi ektraksi senyawa, karakterisasi senyawa, uji toksisitas dan uji aktivitas anti-HIV dengan menggunakan sel limfosit (sel T) dan virus HIV yang diisolasi dari pasien HIV tipe 1,” katanya
Berdasarkan hasil skrining anti virus yang dihasilkan, menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol dari rimpang E. Acanthoides dan A. Eremochlamys berpotensi menghambat replikasi virus HIV-1 pada sel MT-4 secara in-vitro.
Rimpang E. Acanthoides menunjukkan aktivitas antivirus yang paling bagus dengan nilai IC50 dan tingkat toksisitas yang paling rendah, dan
selektivitas indeks tertinggi diantara kandidat anti HIV lainnya.
“Adanya kandungan senyawa terpenoid seperti zerumbone, ar-turmerone, caryophyllene, dan caryophyllene oxide serta beberapa asam lemak jenuh dan tak jenuh berpotensi sebagai aktivitas antivirus,” katanya.
Sumber Berita dan gambar : detik.com
Sumber Jurnal : www.sciencedirect.com{:}