Institute of Tropical Disease

The activity of Joint Research between ITD Unair and Kobe University, Japan (J-GRID Progress Report)

Institute of Tropical Disease conducted a progress report by Kobe University, Japan, represented by Prof. Mori. This activity was warmly welcomed by the chairman, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, Ph.D. and the secretary of the institution, Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, DVM. this event was first opened with remarks from the chairman Prof. Maria Inge, followed by remarks from Prof. Mori and stories of experiences while in Indonesia. Furthermore, there are presentations from laboratory representatives who are members of J-GRID, such as Dengue, New Pathogen, AMR Group, and Viral Diarrhea. This presentation explains the progress of research development that has been carried out and also research that has been planned in the future. The hope is that with this, the Tropical Disease Institute can maintain the cooperation that has been well established in terms of integrity, communication, and research results.

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