Institute of Tropical Disease

{:en}Workshop Molecular Technique Bacteria (Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus){:}{:id}Pelatihan Teknik Molekuler Dasar Pada Bakteri (Salmonella thypi dan Staphilococus Aurellius){:}

{:en}Improved industrial and DNA-based research requires the acquisition of basic techniques of Molecular Biology. Tropical Diseases Institute and Kobe University, Japan cooperate in organizing Basic Molecular Biology Technique Training to answer
such demands. The training includes techniques for RNA and protein risolation, DNA synthesis, RTPCR, and Western Blotting. This activity lasted for two days on 22 – 24 November 2017.

In this activity the participants not only get the material presentation of molecular genetic theory only. Participants also had the opportunity to practice directly in the laboratory on cytogenetic analysis and characterization of bacterial chromosomes, analysis of genetic variations of DNA finger printing, and DNA sequence analysis and barcoding.

This activity presents a number of resource persons who are experts in their fields such as Prof. Toshiro Shirakawa, Dr. Dadik.

Dr. Dadik, chairman of the committee, said that this activity is part of the program to increase the relevance of biology, medical, and research graduates in the field of health and realize UNAIR as World Class University. The event was held in collaboration with the Laboratory of Gastroenteritis and Salomelasis and Tuberculosis Laboratory of Tropical Disease Institute,

“Hopefully through this training can provide benefits in the development of molecular biology,” he hoped. Dadik as chairman of the workshop committee.

One of the trainees, Sugeng, S.Si., M.Si, Dr. RSUD researcher. Soetomo, mentioned the participation in this training as a place to deepen the knowledge related to molecular biology.

“To complete the science while doing research in the research hall later,” he explained.

Meanwhile, dr. Cita, alumnus of the Medical Faculty of UNAIR, hopes that by joining this training can add insight and skills related to the field of genetics. That way, knowledge gained in the future can support when plunged in the world of work. (Public Relations ITD / Zaki){:}{:id}Peningkatan industri dan riset berbasis rekayasa DNA menuntut penguasaan teknik dasar Biologi Molekular. Lembaga Penyakit Tropis dan Universitas Kobe, Jepang bekerjasama dalam menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Teknik Dasar Biologi Molekular untuk menjawab
tuntutan tersebut. Pelatihan ini mencakup teknik dasa risolasi RNA dan protein,sintesisc DNA,RTPCR, dan Western Blotting. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama dua hari tanggal 22 – 24 Nopember 2017.

Dalam kegiatan ini para peserta tidak hanya mendapatkan pemaparan materi teori genetika molekuler saja. Peserta juga berkesempatan melakulan praktik secara langsung di laboratorium terkait analisis sitogenetik dan karakterisasi kromosom bakteri, analisis variasi genetik DNA finger printing, serta analisis sequence DNA dan barcoding.

Kegiatan ini menghadirkan sejumlah narasumber yang ahli di bidangnya seperti Prof. Toshiro Shirakawa, Dr. Dadik, .

Dr. Dadik, ketua panitia, menyampaikan bahwa kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari program peningkatan relevansi lulusan mahasiswa biologi, kedokteran, dan peneliti dibidang kesehatan dan mewujudkan UNAIR sebagai World Class University . Acara terselenggara atas kerja sama dengan Laboratorium Gastroenteritis dan Salomelasis dan Laboratorium Tuberculosis Lembaga Penyakit Tropis,

“Semoga melalui pelatihan ini bisa memberikan manfaat dalam pengembangan ilmu biologi molekuler,” harap Dr. Dadik sebagai ketua panitia workshop.

Salah satu peserta pelatihan, Sugeng, S.Si., M.Si, peneliti RSUD Dr. Soetomo, menyebutkan keikutsertaan dalam pelatihan ini sebagai ajang untuk memperdalam pengetahuan terkait biologi molekuler.

“Untuk melengkapi ilmu saat melakukan penelitian di balai penelitian nantinya,” jelasnya.

Sementara itu, dr. Cita, alumnus Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, berharap dengan mengikuti pelatihan ini dapat menambah wawasan dan keterampilan terkait bidang genetika. Dengan begitu, ilmu yang didapat kedepan dapat mendukung saat terjun di dunia kerja. (Humas ITD/Zaki){:}

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