Human Genetic laboratory serves the examination of genetic disorders such as chromosomal abnormalities, diagnosis and research of cancer genetic abnormalities, genetic profile of tropical diseases. As well as helping police duties in uncovering crimes and disputes child’s identity (paternity). Human Genetic laboratory has been involved in the identification of victims of various national events such as: the identification of victims of Bali bombing 1 and 2, the identification of marine casualty KM Senopati, Marsinah case, and others. Samples were examined: the peripheral blood, bone, nails, hair, blood spots, spotting sperm, liquor, and all parts of the body core. Human Genetic Laboratory in collaboration with PT. Novartis Indonesia and The Ministry of Social Solidarity -Timor Leste. Chairman of the study group is Prof.Dr.Med.Soekry E.Kusuma,dr.,SpF(K). The activity of Human Genetic Laboratory are basic and applied research as well as innovative, research, training, counseling, diagnostic services, information and referral center.
Forensic identfication through Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis is a DNA testing to determine an identity of an individual. DNA is a genetic material functioning as an information carrier that can be inherited. DNA in human cells are located in the nucleus and mitochondria. DNA constructs a thread called chromosome. Human cells have 46 chromosomes and consist of 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and 1 pair sex chromosome (XX or XY). In nuclear DNA, a child will inherit half chromosome from his father and half chrmosome from his mother so that a child will carry any characteristic inherited from his father and mother.
During 2004-2015, human genetic study group performed approximately 50 identification cases. Other than identification, we also provide service for:
- Detection of individual person,
- Paternity test,
- Detection of genetic disease, i.e. Down syndrome,
- Purification of PCR product for sequencing.
- Detection of infectious disease by PCR, i.e. tuberculosis. leprosy, chlamydia,
- Personal Identity Test
- PCR Down’s Syndrome
- Trisomi 13
- Trisomi 18
- Trisomi 21
- Identification gender on thefetus
- HLA typing on ABDR types detection
- PCR Leukemia (BCR ABL) Qualitative test of CML
- PCR Leukemia (BCR ABL) Quantitative test of CML
- Detection of BCR-ABL Mutation T1052C
- Detection of BCR-ABL Mutation C944T
- Detection of BCR-ABL Mutation T932
- Detection of BCR-ABL Mutation T315
- Jak-2 MutationTest
- DNATyping On Male’s Fertility
- K-Ras Gene Mutation
- N-Ras
- ELISA:(3-HCG, PAPP-A, PLGF, Free Estriol, AFP
- PCRToxoplasma
- PCR Rubella
- Analysis of the effectiveness of ear swab as an alternative sample for paternity test.
- Pattern of damage of mitochondria! DNA in forensic identification.
- Analysis of DNA from underwear’s sweat spot in sex determination.
- Sex determination from the analysis of human sternum and human arc compose shape.
- DNA isolation from sweat spot on clothes as an alternative sample in forensic identification.
- AllelesTH01 patterns in Batak population in Surabaya.
- The effectivity of usage of mini primer set in mitochondrial DNA amplification using PCR method.
- Optimization the usage of degraded nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA in forensic DNA.
- The effectivity of DNA isolated from sweat spot on clothes as a sample in forensic identification.
- DNA isolation from cigarette butt as an alternative sample for forensic identification.
- Nuclear DNA locus mapping pattern in forensic identification sample using PCR in locus CSF1P0, TH01 & TPDX.
- STR CODIS locus pattern from cigarette butt sample among Madura population in Surabaya.
- Molecular analysis in criminal perpetrator in Indonesia (a molecular profiling approach).
- Identification of victims in Senopati Nusantara ship fire using DNA profiling (a Disaster Victim Identification case report).
- Assesment of the effectivity of usage of nuclear DNA mini primer set in locus CSF1 P0, FGA and D21 S11 in degraded DNA due to high temperature with PCR.
- Analysis of nucleotide damages in STR CODIS, mini-STR CODIS and mitochondria] DNA due to high temperature during forensic molecular identification.
- Analysis of DNA in bones and teeth in STR CODIS locus, Y-STRs and mitochondria! DNA due to high temperature.
- Profile of DNA sequencing in locus mapping of fragmented STR CODIS in forensic DNA examination.
- Genetic variation in archeological sites in East Java (a molecular paleoanthropology study).
- Nucleotides variation in locus 126 by D-loop mitochondrial DNA in maternal inherited.
- Genetic variation analysis of STR CODIS locus (TH01,TPDX, CSF1P0, vWA) and D-loop mitochondrial DNA in Madura ethnic group.
- DNA isolation from human urine spot as an alternative sample for forensic identification.
Service : Paternitytest, identification , sex determination.
Educational service : Undergraduate final project, masterthesis, doctoral dissertation
Social dedication : Personal identification