Institute of Tropical Disease

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Call for Papers

  2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFECTIOUS AND TROPICAL DISEASE 2023 (2nd ICITD 2023) IN CONJUNCTION WITH CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (CM-CME). Dear Researchers, Teachers/Lecturers, Undergraduate/Master/Doctoral Students, and Practitioners We are delighted to invite you to the “2nd International Conference on Infectious and Tropical Disease 2023 (ICITD 2023)” that will be held on November 18-19, 2023. This conference will be bring up shared knowledge and insight to help scientists, medical experts, health workers, scholars, and authorities contribute to the wellness. We also welcome oral and poster presentations for all of you to discuss and exchange ideas and feedback from fellow scientists. Theme:“Global Threats and Responses to Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases” Scopes:● Antimicrobial Resistance● Global Health● Host Behaviour● Infectious Diseases● Pandemic Preparedness● Vaccine and Immunology● Zoonosis Selected papers will be published in SCOPUS Q2/Q3 indexed journals.Link Registration: Further Information and registration : ● website :● Mrs. Zayyin Dinana :● Mrs. Siti Qamariyah :  


UNAIR and Japanese Consul General Discuss Indonesian Health

Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, the Head of the Institute of Tropical Diseases Universitas Airlangga, welcomed the arrival of the Consul General of Japan in Surabaya, Mr. TAKEYAMA Kenichi, at the Institute of Tropical Diseases MEER C Campus UNAIR on Monday, December 12, 2022. The visit was made to strengthen the relationship between the Japanese Consul General and Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). The leadership had a discussion regarding health problems in Indonesia, especially in East Java. UNAIR’s collaboration with the Japanese Consul General has been established for a long time, as seen in international publications and partnerships with universities in Japan, including Kobe University. One of the collaborations supported the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Prof. Fedik Abdul Rantam explained that the established collaboration is expected not only in joint publications for academic purposes but also for mutual needs. Two years ago, Covid-19 began to spread, and vaccine production began to be intensified, including the Merah Putih vaccine. The vaccine development involves various parties from the government, six universities, and research institutes. The challenge we are currently experiencing is that the government is urging imported products to be replaced with our technology. “I am very happy when Mr. Takeyama visited, this is a win-win solution through the cooperation with the Japanese government. It is the result of cooperation between the governments of Indonesia and Japan,” he added. Furthermore, Prof. Fedik added that we had designed a vaccine model for a new disease. It is expected to be able to replace the imported one, as 30-50% must be made from Indonesia. In the end, Prof. Fedik hopes for a close relationship, working with universities in Japan that have the potential for further collaboration. One of them is for the diagnostic of dengue fever. Author: Satrio Dwi Naryo Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia Source:


The Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere (PRIMA) Visited ITD Unair

The Institute for Tropical Diseases, Universitas Airlangga, received a visit from researchers of the Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere (PRIMA) of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) on Thursday, 01 December 2022. This visit was intended to discuss tropical diseases and climate change and the possibility of collaborating with ITD Unair. This activity supports research conducted by PRIMA researchers on Projections of Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases and Their Impact on Health Due to Land Use Change in the New National Capital. This visit was received by Laura Navika Yamani, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. as Head of Human Resources, and Marcellino Rudyanto, Drs., Apt., Msi., Ph.D., as the Head of Research Board of the Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga. In addition, this activity was also attended by researchers from the Dengue Laboratory and Malaria Laboratory. Researchers from PRIMA introduced related fields of research conducted. They also discussed climate change with several researchers because several diseases, such as malaria and dengue, are affected if climate change occurs. Hopefully, this meeting can create collaboration to conduct joint research.


University of Putra Malaysia (UPM) Students Visited ITD Unair

Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, received a visit from students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, University of Putra Malaysia (UPM) on Monday, 28 November 2022. This visit was part of a comparative study regarding various research and facilities at ITD Unair. This visit was welcomed by Saadun, S. Sos, as the Head of ITD Unair Administration. This visit was attended by 20 students from UPM, one accompanying lecturer from UPM, one from FKM Unair, and three FKM UNAIR ambassadors. Zayyin Dinana, drh, Heni Puspitasari, drh., M.Si, and Yulyasri C. Saragi S.Kom, as a team from ITD Unair, participated in accompanying this visit. During this visit, UPM students visited the Dengue and BSL-3 Laboratory and discussed research conducted at ITD Unair.


The University of Lampung Conducted a Comparative Study in Research Capacity Development at ITD Unair

Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga received a visit from the University of Lampung on Tuesday, November 15, 2022. This visit was within the Comparative Study in Research Capacity Development Project ADB-Unila HETI. The Institute of Tropical Diseases secretary, Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam welcomed this visit. Representatives from the University of Lampung visited six laboratories at LPT, namely the Leprosy Laboratory, Influenza Laboratory, Human Genetic Laboratory, Dengue Laboratory, and Tuberculosis Laboratory. This activity discussed some of the research and collaboration in the Laboratory.


The Red and White Vaccine Research Team, Institute of Tropical Diseases, Universitas Airlangga, Won an Award from the Indonesian Ministry of Health

The red and white vaccine research team, Institute of Tropical Diseases, Universitas Airlangga, won an award from the Ministry of Health in the category “Winner of the Nation’s Work Award (Inventor) in the Field of Pharmacy and Medical Devices in 2022.” The award was handed over at the opening of the 58th HKN Exhibition at ICE BSD, Tangerang, on Thursday (11/3/2022). Prof. Dr. dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, the head of the red and white vaccine research team, acceptance of this award. This award is a form of appreciation from the Ministry of Health to the Red and White Vaccine Research Team, who have been and continue to assist the government in building the Indonesian health system, especially regarding the prevention of COVID-19 to realize a healthier Indonesia. The Red and White Vaccine, or Inavac vaccine, is made by the nation’s work that has received a distribution permit from the Indonesian Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM). Hopefully, the awards can motivate and encourage the Red and White Vaccine Research Team to continue working and supporting health programs and policies in Indonesia.


Workshop on The 4th Molecular Update PCR, SDS-PAGE, and ELISA for Research Application

Tropical Disease Diagnostic Center (TDDC), Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga successfully held the Workshop on The 4th Molecular Update PCR, SDS-PAGE, and ELISA for Research Application. This workshop was held for three days, 1-3 November 2022. This activity was opened by the chairman of ITD, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr. M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.MK(K) and chairman of the committee Alicia Margaretta Widya, dr. M.Ked. Klin., Sp. MK. Around 20 people participated in this activity. The activity on the first day of Tuesday (1/11/2022) was presenting material on molecular biological methods (PCR) by Prof. Retno Handajani, dr., MS., Ph.D., in the 2nd Floor Main Meeting Room, LPT Unair. In addition, on the first day, hands-on were also conducted on DNA extraction and PCR, as well as electrophoresis. Hands-on in the laboratory was guided by Teguh Hari Sucipto, S.Si., M, Si and Nur Syamsiatul Fajar, S.Si. The activity on the second day of Wednesday (2/11/2022), the presentation of material on ELISA by Prof. Dr. Suwarno, drh., M.Si and continued with hands-on at the Leprosy Laboratory guided by Iswahyudi, S.KM., M.Kes. On the last day of the workshop, Thursday (3/11/2022), Dr. Ali Rohman, M.Si, gave material related to SDS-PAGE. In addition, on the previous day, hands-on was also held at the TDDC Laboratory guided by Radita Yuniar A., ​​S.Si and Mamik Damayanti., S.Pd., M.Si. Hopefully, the knowledge conveyed can support the development of health sciences, including research and diagnostics, in the future.


ITD researchers visited IMERI of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia

Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, visited the Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Indonesia, on Monday (31/10/2022). Representatives from ITD Unair consisted of Arviadi Tri Harso Putro, SKM, as head of infrastructure; Laura Navika Yamani, Ph.D. as Head of HR; and research representative Mochamad Amin, S.Si., M.Si; drh. Krisnoadi Rahardjo, S.KH., M.Si; Heni Puspitasari, drh., M.Si; and Adita Ayu Permanasri, S.Si. Prof. dr. Badriul Hegar Syarif, Ph.D., Sp. A(K), as the Director of IMERI FK UI and Dra. Beti Ernawati Dewi, Ph.D. as Head of the Research Center of the Infectious Disease and Immunology cluster, welcomed the arrival of ITD Unair researcher representatives. This visit aims to conduct a comparative study related to biorisk management and share information related to infection research developed by the two institutions. Some of the things also discussed in the discussion were the research focus of the two institutions, which were not much different, namely those related to basic molecular research, vaccines, diagnostics, and pathogenesis of infectious diseases. This research focus opens up opportunities for collaboration to conduct joint research. The visit also discussed procedures for B3 waste management, placement of safety equipment, laboratory security management, and safety standards for research activities. Hopefully, this meeting can contribute directly to improving the quality of research and the safety of research implementation at ITD Airlangga University and IMERI, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.


To Improve Performance, ITD Unair Staff Visits InaRI Expo and Holds Work Meetings and Performance Evaluations

The Institute of Tropical Diseases staff, Universitas Airlangga, visited the Indonesia Research & Innovation Expo 2022 (InaRI Expo 2022) at the ICC Building, Cibinong Science Center, West Java on Saturday (29/10/2022). InaRI Expo 2022 is an event organized by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). ITD staff participated in a series of events in these activities, including seminars on the technology of halal materials in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors, as well as visiting various booths from various universities, companies, BUMN, and BUMD. ITD staff also held a Work Meeting and Job Evaluation at Hotel 101 Urban Jakarta Thamrin on Saturday (29/10/2022). This working meeting aims to improve the performance of ITD Unair staff. The discussion in this meeting is related to fulfilling ITD achievement targets that need further improvement. In addition, to prepare the Laboratory to be submitted for ISO certification in 2023 with better administrative and management arrangements. This meeting also asked the study group to increase cooperation abroad and report to ITD.


Visit from the Directorate General of Health Workers, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

The Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, received a visit from the Directorate General of Health Workers, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, on Wednesday, 19 October 2022. Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. as Head of Human Resources and Marcellino Rudyanto, Drs., Apt., Msi., Ph.D. as Head of Research Board of the Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga welcomed the visit from the Ministry of Health. This visit adds insight into the strategy for improving performance achievements and strengthening the central institutions of excellence. Ten people from the Directorate General of Health Workers attended this activity. They were introduced to the study group in ITD by Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. They also had the opportunity to visit the Malaria Laboratory at ITD Unair.

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