{:en}Copper-based complex compound to fight breast and cervical cancer cells{:}{:id}Senyawa Kompleks Berbasis Tembaga untuk Melawan Sel Kanker Payudara dan Kanker Servik{:}

{:en}Complex compounds are made up of a central metal ion with one or more ligands. Complex compounds continue to be developed in the field of medicine. Cis-platin, a complex compound…

Continue Reading{:en}Copper-based complex compound to fight breast and cervical cancer cells{:}{:id}Senyawa Kompleks Berbasis Tembaga untuk Melawan Sel Kanker Payudara dan Kanker Servik{:}

{:en}UNAIR Researcher Reveals Low HIV-1 Resistance Rate in Bali{:}{:id}Peneliti UNAIR Ungkap Angka Resistensi HIV-1 di Bali Masih Rendah{:}

{:en}Bali is one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia with highest number of international tourists. So, there is always a possibility that there are tourists bringing in the HIV-1 virus and…

Continue Reading{:en}UNAIR Researcher Reveals Low HIV-1 Resistance Rate in Bali{:}{:id}Peneliti UNAIR Ungkap Angka Resistensi HIV-1 di Bali Masih Rendah{:}

{:en}Increasing Biology Molecular Enthusiasts, ITD UNAIR Holds Workshop{:}{:id}Tingkatkan Peminat Molekuler Biologi, ITD UNAIR Kembali Adakan Workshop{:}

{:en}Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) continuously hold workshops for students, researchers, and practitioners. Last week, was Gastroenteritis Laboratory and Hepatitis Laboratory held a workshop, Basic and Molecular Technique on Bacteriology: Sequence…

Continue Reading{:en}Increasing Biology Molecular Enthusiasts, ITD UNAIR Holds Workshop{:}{:id}Tingkatkan Peminat Molekuler Biologi, ITD UNAIR Kembali Adakan Workshop{:}

{:en}High Problem of Infectious Disease, UNAIR Holds 5th MCC Workshop{:}{:id}Tingginya Problem Penyakit Infeksi Inisiasi UNAIR Gelar 5th MCC Workshop{:}

{:en}The Institute of Tropical Diseases (LPT) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) again held 5th Molecular Cell Culture (MCC) workshop. The event lasted for two days from Tuesday to Wednesday on September…

Continue Reading{:en}High Problem of Infectious Disease, UNAIR Holds 5th MCC Workshop{:}{:id}Tingginya Problem Penyakit Infeksi Inisiasi UNAIR Gelar 5th MCC Workshop{:}

{:en}Biothreat Management Strategies Become Reference for Indonesian Ministry of Health{:}{:id}Berita Strategi Penanganan Biothreat Jadi Acuan Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia{:}

{:en}“Indonesia’s geographical and demographic position face the potential biothreats and terrorism in chemical weapons. It can threaten the national health security affecting both the economy and environmental aspects, “said TNI…

Continue Reading{:en}Biothreat Management Strategies Become Reference for Indonesian Ministry of Health{:}{:id}Berita Strategi Penanganan Biothreat Jadi Acuan Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia{:}

{:en}INSBIOMM, Improving World Health Safety Through Collaborative Research between Researchers{:}{:id}INSBIOMM, Tingkatkan Keamanan Kesehatan Dunia Melalui Riset Kolaboratif Antar Peneliti{:}

{:en}The threat of infectious diseases has the potential to kill thousands and even millions of people every year. The threat appears as an outbreak that can damage public health, national…

Continue Reading{:en}INSBIOMM, Improving World Health Safety Through Collaborative Research between Researchers{:}{:id}INSBIOMM, Tingkatkan Keamanan Kesehatan Dunia Melalui Riset Kolaboratif Antar Peneliti{:}

{:en}Leprosy Drug Resistance Laboratory Workshop for 10 branches of BBTKL-PP Indonesia (Balai Besar Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Pengendalian Penyakit / Indonesian Environmental Health and Disease Control Bureau){:}{:id}Workshop Resistensi Bakteri terhadap Obat Kusta untuk 10 cabang BBTKL-PP se-Indonesia dalam rangka Memenuhi Target Indonesia Bebas Kusta 2019.{:}

{:en}Indonesia aims to reach the global leprosy elimination status by 2019. Currently not only new leprosy cases prevent this to happen, but also the emergence of relapse cases suspected to…

Continue Reading{:en}Leprosy Drug Resistance Laboratory Workshop for 10 branches of BBTKL-PP Indonesia (Balai Besar Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Pengendalian Penyakit / Indonesian Environmental Health and Disease Control Bureau){:}{:id}Workshop Resistensi Bakteri terhadap Obat Kusta untuk 10 cabang BBTKL-PP se-Indonesia dalam rangka Memenuhi Target Indonesia Bebas Kusta 2019.{:}

{:en}Workshop Molecular Technique Bacteria (Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus){:}{:id}Pelatihan Teknik Molekuler Dasar Pada Bakteri (Salmonella thypi dan Staphilococus Aurellius){:}

{:en}Improved industrial and DNA-based research requires the acquisition of basic techniques of Molecular Biology. Tropical Diseases Institute and Kobe University, Japan cooperate in organizing Basic Molecular Biology Technique Training to…

Continue Reading{:en}Workshop Molecular Technique Bacteria (Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus){:}{:id}Pelatihan Teknik Molekuler Dasar Pada Bakteri (Salmonella thypi dan Staphilococus Aurellius){:}

{:en}Training Controlling and Identification on Dengue Fever on Sawahan District{:}{:id}Training Manajemen dan Identifikasi DBD di Daerah Sawahan{:}

{:en}Public health issues are an important issue that has always been a concern in Indonesia. Various cases of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue are often the headlines in…

Continue Reading{:en}Training Controlling and Identification on Dengue Fever on Sawahan District{:}{:id}Training Manajemen dan Identifikasi DBD di Daerah Sawahan{:}

{:en}UNAIR ITD Trusted to Hold WCP with Top 100 World Universities{:}{:id}LPT UNAIR Dipercaya Laksanakan WCP Bersama Universitas 100 Besar Dunia{:}

{:en}UNAIR NEWS –Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga was appointed to hold World Class Professor (WCP) program by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.  UNAIR is trusted to hold the program…

Continue Reading{:en}UNAIR ITD Trusted to Hold WCP with Top 100 World Universities{:}{:id}LPT UNAIR Dipercaya Laksanakan WCP Bersama Universitas 100 Besar Dunia{:}