Institute of Tropical Disease

Author name: Halo World


{:en}Copper-based complex compound to fight breast and cervical cancer cells{:}{:id}Senyawa Kompleks Berbasis Tembaga untuk Melawan Sel Kanker Payudara dan Kanker Servik{:}

{:en}Complex compounds are made up of a central metal ion with one or more ligands. Complex compounds continue to be developed in the field of medicine. Cis-platin, a complex compound used as the first anticancer drug, experienced rapid development in the 1960s. However, platinum-based complexes cause side effects at certain doses and provide drug resistance during the therapeutic process. It triggered the development and discovery of new non-platinum based complex compounds. One of the transition metals used in the synthesis of anticancer complex compounds is Cu (II). Cu(II) is an essential element and plays an important role in the human body as a constituent of redox enzymes and hemocyanin. Therefore, Cu(II) metal is expected to have good anticancer activity capabilities. Previous research has shown the effectiveness of imidazole-based complex compounds and their derivatives in countering and showing cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. Nitrogen atoms, as donor electron pairs, can form complex compounds with metals. The effectiveness of these compounds in fighting cancer is related to their interaction with DNA. Other nitrogen atoms contained in complex compounds can interact non-covalently. The positive charge of metals can be involved in electrostatic interactions with the negative charge of the sugar-phosphate group on DNA. For this reason, complex compounds of Cu (II) metal ions made with 2,4,5-triphenyl-1H-imidazole ligands in this study were tested for anticancer activity by MTT method in vitro against breast cancer cells (T74D cells) and cervix cancer cells (HeLa cells). In this research, the complex compound which has been obtained is in the form of a solid needle and contains 72.127% of complex Cu (II) -2.4,5-triphenyl-1 H- imidazole. The maximum wavelengths of the 2,4,5-triphenyl-1 H -imidazole ligand and the complex Cu (II) -2,4,5-triphenyl-1 H -imidazole are 243 nm and 529 nm, respectively. The increase in maximum wavelength changes is caused by the electron transition d-d which results in the transfer of charge from the metal to the ligand. These data support previous research which showed that the maximum wavelength of the complex Cu (II) -arylazoimidazole shifted toward a larger wave compared to the 2,4,5-triphenyl-1 H -imidazole ligand. The new peak in FTIR spectroscopy appears at wave number 422.38 cm -1 . In accordance with previous studies which showed the peak bond of metal and ligand (Cu-N) appeared at wave 453 cm -1 , whereas in H 2 O ligand appeared at 534.25 cm-1 indicating the presence of Cu-O vibrations. Thermogravimetric analysis of Cu (II) -2,4,5-triphenyl-1 H -imidazole was carried out at 25-600 ° C with a complex sample weight of 6.3670 mg. At TGA there was a decomposition stage. Weight reduction of 86.8791% occurred at 255.33-355.83 ° C indicating complex decomposition consisting of 2 2,4,4-triphenyl-1 H -imidazole ligand molecules, 2 H 2 O molecules and 1 Cl 2 molecules. This is consistent with the theory in which the 86.8791% weight reduction is a decomposition (C 21 H 16 N 2 ) 2 (H 2 O) 2 Cl 2 ). A residual of 13,1209% is predicted as Cu, as mentioned in a study which showed that CuO is the final residue of the complex [Cu (6-hydroxyphicholine) 2 (3-picolinate) 2 ] . The cytotoxicity test was carried out by the MTT method (3- (4,5-dimethyltiazole-2-yl) 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) using T74D breast cancer cells and HeLa cervical cancer cells and based on the MTT complex Cu (II) -2 test curve , 4,5-triphenyl-1 H- imidazole. The CC 50 value of Cu (II) complex -2,4,5-triphenyl-1 H -imidazole was 8.78 µg / ml for T74D breast cancer cells and 14.46 µg / ml for HeLa cervical cancer cells, with P> 0 .5. The compound added to Vero cells showed a cytotoxic effect at CC 50 = 44.74 μg / ml. One percent DMSO (negative control) showed no cytotoxic effects on Vero cells. At high concentrations of complex Cu (II) -2,4,5-triphenyl-1 H -imidazole, more T74D breast cancer cells and HeLa cervical cancer cells die. In high concentrations this compound is poisonous, can kill or inhibit cell growth. Strong oxidizing agents can cause cell death in more than one way: passivity, such as necrosis due to osmotic balance disorders, and apoptosis such as active cell death due to caspation. The copper charge can cause direct cell inactivation between metal-protein interactions. Caspate enzymatic activity is regulated by oxidative modification of cysteine residues and is inhibited by disulfiram thus forming a direct link between sulfur protein and drugs. The conclusion of this study showed that the complex compound Cu (II) -2,4,5-triphenyl-1 H-imidazole showed significant properties against cancer cells. The application of complex compounds is more reactive in T74D breast cancer cells compared to HeLa cervical cancer cells. The mechanism how complex compounds emit anticancer effects is still unknown. Author: Teguh Hari Sucipto, S.Si., M.Si.  , Resource Information :  , IIllustration Image by bizkompas com Article: Synthesis and anti-cancer activity of copper (II) complex with 2,4,5-triphenyl-1 H -imidazole ligand Detailed information about this scientific article can be accessed at:{:}{:id}Senyawa kompleks terdiri dari ion logam pusat dengan satu atau lebih ligan. Senyawa kompleks terus dikembangkan untuk pengobatan. Senyawa kompleks cis-platin digunakan sebagai obat antikanker pertama dan berkembang pesat pada tahun 1960-an. Namun, kompleks berbasis platinum menimbulkan efek samping pada dosis tertentu dan menyebabkan resistensi obat selama proses terapi. Hal tersebut memicu pengembangan dan penemuan senyawa kompleks baru berbasis non-platinum. Salah satu logam transisi yang digunakan dalam pembuatan senyawa kompleks antikanker adalah Cu(II). Logam Cu(II) merupakan elemen esensial dan berperan penting dalam tubuh manusia sebagai konstituen enzim redoks dan hemosianin. Karena itu, logam Cu diharapkan memiliki kemampuan aktivitas antikanker yang baik. Penelitian sebelumnya telah membuktikan efektivitas senyawa kompleks berbasis imidazol dan turunannya dalam melawan dan menunjukkan efek sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker. Atom nitrogen, sebagai donor pasangan elektron, dapat membentuk senyawa kompleks dengan logam. Efektivitas senyawa tersebut dalam melawan kanker terkait interaksinya dengan DNA. Atom nitrogen lain yang terkandung dalam senyawa kompleks dapat berinteraksi secara non-kovalen. Muatan positif logam dapat terlibat dalam interaksi elektrostatik dengan muatan negatif dari gugus gula-fosfat pada DNA. Untuk itu, senyawa kompleks dari ion logam Cu(II) yang dibuat dengan ligan 2,4,5-trifenil-1H-imidazol


{:en}UNAIR Researcher Reveals Low HIV-1 Resistance Rate in Bali{:}{:id}Peneliti UNAIR Ungkap Angka Resistensi HIV-1 di Bali Masih Rendah{:}

{:en}Bali is one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia with highest number of international tourists. So, there is always a possibility that there are tourists bringing in the HIV-1 virus and transmitting it to the local community. Based on data from the Ministry of Health, Bali is the fourth highest area of ​​HIV-1 in Indonesia. However, there is no data related to the sub-type of HIV-1 virus and the level of virus resistance until the HIV-1 / AIDS UNAIR Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) research team decided to study it. Siti Qamariyah Khairunisa, S.Si., M.Si, a member of the HIV-1 / AIDS research team explained that the result of the study showed major resistance rates in HIV-1 sufferers in Bali was less than 5%. So, it can be concluded that the therapy given by the medical team to sufferers is still effective. “Research in Bali showed almost no resistance,” said the woman known as Ria. Meanwhile, interesting result of research was found related to the HIV-1 virus subtype in Bali. Although it is visited by many tourists from various countries, the results of the study showed almost no diversity in the types of HIV-1 virus subtypes in the region. The HIV-1 virus subtype in Bali was dominated by CRF01_AE at 94.5% and then the CRF01_AE combination with subtype B was 5.5%. “The CRF01_AE subtype itself is also a subtype mostly found in Indonesia and ASEAN,” she continued. Previously, research samples were taken in two regions in Bali, Gianyar and Denpasar, Bali. In the future, more samples in other regions in Bali is expected to be collected and further research is expected to reconfirm whether there is diversity in the HIV-1 virus subtypes in Bali as Bali is a tourist destination visited by many tourists from various countries in the world. Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia   Source : Reference: Khairunisa, SQ et al., 2018. Genotypic characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolated in Bali, Indonesia in 2016. HIV & AIDS Review, 17 (2), pp. 65-74. Link :{:}{:id}Bali merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata dengan jumlah turis asing terbanyak di Indonesia. Sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa terdapat pelancong yang membawa masuk virus HIV-1 dan menularkannya pada masyarakat lokal. Berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Kesehatan, Bali merupakan daerah dengan kasus HIV-1 tertinggi ke empat di Indonesia. Namun, belum ada data terkait sub tipe virus HIV-1 dan angka resistensi virus yang ada disana sampai akhirnya tim peneliti HIV-1/AIDS, Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) UNAIR memutuskan untuk melakukan penelitian terkait hal tersebut. Siti Qamariyah Khairunisa, S.Si., M.Si, salah satu anggota tim peneliti HIV-1/AIDS menjelaskan bahwa hasil dari penelitian terkait angka resistensi mayor pada penderita HIV-1 di daerah Bali kurang dari 5%. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terapi yang diberikan oleh tim medis kepada penderita saat ini masih efektif. “Penelitian di Bali menunjukkan bahwa daerah tersebut hampir tidak ada resistensi,” ucap wanita yang akrab disapa Ria tersebut. Sementara itu, informasi yang menarik terdapat pada hasil penelitian terkait subtype virus HIV-1 di Bali. Meskipun  banyak dikunjungi oleh turis asing dari berbagai negara, hasil penelitian menunjukkan hampir tidak ditemukan keragaman dalam jenis subtype virus HIV-1 di daerah tersebut. Subtype virus HIV-1 di Bali didominasi oleh CRF01_AE yaitu sebanyak 94.5%. Baru kemudian kombinasi CRF01_AE dengan subtype B sebanyak 5.5%. “Subtype CRF01_AE itu sendiri juga merupakan subtype yang mendominasi Indonesia dan ASEAN,” lanjutnya. Sebelumnya, pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan pada dua daerah di Bali. Yaitu Gianyar dan Denpasar, Bali. Kedepannya, diharapkan dapat dilakukan pengambilan sampel pada banyak derah di Bali. Sehingga diharapkan hasil penelitian selanjutnya dapat mengkonfirmasi ulang apakah ada keberagaman subtype virus HIV-1 di Bali atau tidak. Mengingat Bali merupakan daerah pariwisata yang banyak didatangi turis dari berbagai negara di dunia. Penulis : Galuh Mega Kurnia    Sumber :   Referensi :  Khairunisa, S. Q. et al., 2018. Genotypic characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolated in Bali, Indonesia in 2016. HIV & AIDS Review, 17(2), pp. 65-74. Link :{:}


{:en}Increasing Biology Molecular Enthusiasts, ITD UNAIR Holds Workshop{:}{:id}Tingkatkan Peminat Molekuler Biologi, ITD UNAIR Kembali Adakan Workshop{:}

{:en}Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) continuously hold workshops for students, researchers, and practitioners. Last week, was Gastroenteritis Laboratory and Hepatitis Laboratory held a workshop, Basic and Molecular Technique on Bacteriology: Sequence Analysis of Carbapenemase Genes in Bacteria. The activity was held on Wednesday, October 16 to Friday, October 18. Interviewed during the event, the workshop chairman, Dr. Dadik Raharjo, drh., M. Kes., explained that the activity was focused on learning basic molecular biology techniques to observe the presence of specific genes in bacteria. The aim is to detect the danger of these bacteria associated with pathogenicity and their resistance to antibiotics. Some ITD researchers were also invited to support the workshops. “We invited some of the researchers to provide material such as Prof. Retno Handayani, dr., MS., Ph.D and myself. While practical activities in the laboratory are carried out by supervision and other researchers from the Gastroenteritis Laboratory and the Hepatitis Laboratory. On that occasion, we would like to share experiences in identifying bacteria with carbapenemase gene, “said the lecturer in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Carbapenemase is a type of β-lactamase enzyme with the ability to hydrolyze the antibiotics of penicillin, cephalosporin, monobactam, and carbapenem classes. Bacteria that produce β-lactamase can cause infections that are difficult to treat because they make many antibiotics with active β-lactam ingredients ineffective. “This workshop was held in collaboration with the Gastroenteritis Laboratory working in bacterial culture, resistance testing, and gene detection in bacteria by PCR technique while the Hepatitis Laboratory led by Prof. Soetjipto, dr. MS., Ph.D, has extensive experience in molecular biology with one of its technologies which is sequencing. This is done so that participants can get a complete insight, “explained Dr. Dadik. About seven workshop participants were guided from the most basic techniques to the sequencing stage along with the analysis of sequencing results. The workshop is expected to improve the ability of participants to apply the PCR method and sequencing as part of technology in molecular biology. Besides, Dr. Dadik hoped that there will be more academic interested in this field. “Because, molecular biology is related in every basic life and has broad functions, including infectious diseases, vaccine development, antibiotic production, food products, bioenergy production, protein production, cloning technology, CRISPR-based chromosome editing technology, and halal products,” stated Dr. Dadik (*) Author: Nabila Amelia      Source :{:}{:id}Lembaga Penyakit Tropis (ITD) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) kian gencar untuk mengadakan workshop bagi mahasiswa, peneliti, dan praktisi. Pekan lalu, giliran Laboratorium Gastroenteritis bersama Laboratorium Hepatitis menggelar workshop bertajuk Basic and Molecular Technique on Bacteriology: Sequence Analysis of Carbapenemase Genes in Bacteria. Kegiatan itu berlangsung sejak hari Rabu (16/10) sampai dengan Jumat (18/10). Ditemui di sela kegiatan, ketua workshop, Dr. Dadik Raharjo, drh., M.Kes., menjelaskan bahwa kegiatan itu difokuskan untuk mempelajari teknik dasar molekuler biologi guna mengamati keberadaan gen spesifik pada bakteri. Tujuannya adalah mendeteksi bahaya dari bakteri tersebut terkait dengan pathogenitas maupun resistensinya terhadap antibiotik. Sejumlah peneliti ITD pun dihadirkan guna mendukung kelancaran workshop. “Beberapa peneliti yang kami undang untuk memberikan materi adalah Prof. Retno Handayani, dr., MS., Ph.D juga saya sendiri. Sementara kegiatan praktek di laboratorium dilaksanakan oleh supervisi serta peneliti lainnya dari Laboratorium Gastroenteritis dan Laboratorium Hepatitis. Pada kesempatan itu, kami ingin berbagi pengalaman dalam mengidentifikasi bakteri yang memiliki gen carbapenemase,” tutur dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan itu. Carbapenemase adalah jenis enzim β-laktamase dengan kemampuan menghidrolisis antibiotik golongan penisilin, sefalosporin, monobaktam, dan karbapenem. Bakteri yang memproduksi β-laktamase dapat mengakibatkan infeksi yang sukar diobati karena membuat banyak antibiotik yang mempunyai bahan aktif β-laktam menjadi tidak efektif. “Workshop ini diadakan atas kerjasama dari Laboratorium Gastroenteritis yang berkecimpung di kultur bakteri, uji resistensi, dan deteksi gen pada bakteri dengan teknik PCR. Sedangkan Laboratorium Hepatitis yang dipimpin Prof. Soetjipto, dr. MS., Ph.D, telah memiliki pengalaman luas dalam molekuler biologi dengan salah satu teknologinya yakni sequencing. Hal ini dilakukan supaya para peserta bisa memperoleh wawasan yang lengkap,” urai Dr. Dadik. Sebanyak tujuh orang peserta workshop dibimbing mulai dari teknik yang paling dasar sampai tahap sequencing beserta analisis hasil sequencing. Melalui workshop tersebut, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan peserta dalam mengaplikasikan metode PCR dan sequencing sebagai bagian dari teknologi dalam molekuler biologi semakin meningkat. Di samping itu, Dr. Dadik berharap agar peminat bidang ini kian bertambah. “Sebab, molekuler biologi itu hampir ada di setiap basic kehidupan dan memiliki fungsi yang luas. Di antaranya dalam hal penyakit infeksi, perkembangan vaksin, produksi antibiotik, produk pangan, produksi bioenergi, produksi protein, teknologi kloning, teknologi editing kromosom berbasis CRISPR, dan produk halal,” pungkas Dr. Dadik. (*) Penulis : Nabila Amelia        Sumber :{:}


{:en}High Problem of Infectious Disease, UNAIR Holds 5th MCC Workshop{:}{:id}Tingginya Problem Penyakit Infeksi Inisiasi UNAIR Gelar 5th MCC Workshop{:}

{:en}The Institute of Tropical Diseases (LPT) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) again held 5th Molecular Cell Culture (MCC) workshop. The event lasted for two days from Tuesday to Wednesday on September 10-11 at Institute of Tropical Disease (LPT) Campus C UNAIR. The workshop took the theme of “Molecular Biology Techniques in Biosciences and Virology.” The workshop theme was motivated by some reason, by seeing the community needs and the urgency. Moreover, infectious diseases are still the diseases with the highest prevalence in Indonesia, so new techniques or methods are needed. The modern method is known as one step, and this method is more efficient than conventional or two-step methods. “The aim for this workshop is to open up the relevant insight about the new method or technology compared to conventional methods and modern methods,” said Laura Navika Yamani S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., as chief executive of 5th MCC workshop. In the program, Laura said that the first guest speaker was Prof. Dr. Aryati, dr., MS., Sp.PK (K) Professor in Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNAIR. Then on the second day, there was Fuad Al Ahwani, S.Pd., M.Si. from PT Indolab Utama. “The material on the first day covered the topic of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method in two ways, conventional and modern. Furthermore, the intention is detecting negative positives of the virus, “he explained. “The second day is more quantitative. Thus, we count the total virus in the sample. We use a method called Real Time PCR. Therefore, the second day is more in identify the virus level or concentration, “he added Besides, Laura said the participants allowed to be involved in the activity. Thus, the participants can immediately practice the theory. The activity includes RNA extraction, One Step Multiplex, PCR, Reverse Transcription PCR, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, and Real Time PCR. The 5th MCC Workshop were attended by seventeen participants, both from Surabaya and outside Surabaya. From these activities, Laura hopes the world of molecular research, especially in Indonesia will be developed. (*) Author: Lailatul Fitriani, Source :{:}{:id}Lembaga Penyakit Tropik (LPT) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) kembali menggelar workshop Molecular Cell Culture (MCC) yang kelima. Acara berlangsung selama dua hari dari Selasa sampai Rabu (10-11/9/2019) bertempat di Lembaga Penyakit Tropik (LPT) Kampus C UNAIR. Kali ini workshop itu mengangkat tema “Molecular Biology Techniques in Biosciences and Virology”. Pemilihan tema workshop tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa alasan. Yakni, melihat kebutuhan dan urgensinya. Saat ini penyakit infeksi masih menjadi penyakit dengan prevalensi tertinggi di Indonesia sehingga dibutuhkan teknik-teknik atau metode baru yang lebih modern. Munculnya metode baru yang lebih modern itu dikenal dengan istilah one step. Metode tersebut lebih efisien daripada metode konvensional atau two step. “Jadi, untuk membuka wawasan terkait bahwa metode atau teknologi itu terus berkembang dan membandingkan metode konvensional dengan modern itu sepeti  apa,” ungkap Laura Navika Yamani S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., selaku ketua pelaksana the 5th MCC workshop. Dalam acara itu, Laura mengatakan bahwa sebagai narasumber pertama hadir Prof. Dr. Aryati, dr., MS., Sp.PK(K). Ia merupakan Guru Besar Fakultas Kedokteran (FK) UNAIR. Selanjutnya pada hari kedua, ada Fuad Al Ahwani, S.Pd., M.Si. dari PT Indolab Utama. “Materi di hari pertama mencakup topik metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) itu dengan dua cara, konvensional dan modern. Kemudian, itu untuk mengukur secara kualitatif. Jadi, maksudnya untuk melihat keberadaan virus, untuk mendeteksi positif negatif dari virus itu,” terangnya. “Hari kedua, lebih ke kuantitatif. Jadi, seberapa banyak virusnya ini dalam sampel. Kita menggunakan metode yang namanya Real Time PCR. Jadi, yang hari kedua ini lebih melihat kadar atau konsentrasi virusnya itu sampe seberapa banyak,” tambahnya Selain itu, imbuh Laura, peserta bisa melakukan secara hands on. Sehingga peserta bisa langsung mempraktikkan teori yang didapat. Hands on tersebut meliputiekstraksi RNA, One Step Multiplex, PCR, Reverse Transcription PCR, Agarose Gel Elektroforesis, dan Real Time PCR. The 5th MCC Workshop itu diikuti sebanyak tujuh belas peserta, baik dari Surabaya maupun luar Surabaya. Dari kegiatan tersebut, Laura berharap dunia riset molecular, khususnya di Indonesia, dapat lebih berkembang. (*) Penulis: Lailatul Fitriani ,Sumber :{:}


{:en}Biothreat Management Strategies Become Reference for Indonesian Ministry of Health{:}{:id}Berita Strategi Penanganan Biothreat Jadi Acuan Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia{:}

{:en}“Indonesia’s geographical and demographic position face the potential biothreats and terrorism in chemical weapons. It can threaten the national health security affecting both the economy and environmental aspects, “said TNI Major General Dr. dr. Tugas Ratmono, Sp.S (Head of Army Health Center). In the INSBIOMM international conference held by UNAIR on August 28, Dr. Tugas said that there is a need for health coordination, collaboration, and integration from the government, community, business sector and military support. Such collaborative strategies will make it easier for countries to solve the problem of disease transmission to millions of people around the world. “As part of the national health system, the Indonesian military’s health center has a role in managing biothreat and embracing various elements of health institutions in Indonesia,” he said. Dr. Tugas also said that several strategies must be done by various parties including improving the ability of human resources in handling the case. Second, developing a biothreat organization in the field health unit. Third, developing bio-vaccines and BSL-3 and finally fulfilling health support facilities. “These four things are strategies in preparing Indonesia and world’s health security. Of course, it will also support the minister of health in managing biothreat, ” he concluded. The international conference was officially closed on August 28. The activity received many positive responses from military figures and academics from various countries. The meeting is expected to be the beginning of a plan developed by the UNAIR Institute for Tropical Diseases (ITD) in the future. Source :, Author : Khefti Al Mawalia (PIH Unair){:}{:id}“Posisi geografis dan demografis Indonesia memiliki potensi ancaman biothreats dan terorisme senjata kimia. Hal itu dapat mengancam keamanan kesehatan nasional yang berdampak pada ekonomi, dan aspek lingkungan,” papar MayGen. TNI Dr. dr. Tugas Ratmono, Sp.S (Kepala Pusat Kesehatan Angkatan Darat). Dalam konferensi internasional INSBIOMM yang digelar oleh UNAIR (28/08) Dr. Tugas mengatakan dibutuhkan adanya kapasitas kesehatan dalam segi koordinasi, kolaborasi dan integrasi dari pemerintah, komunitas, sektor bisnis serta dukungan militer.  Strategi kolaborasi semacam itu akan mempermudah negara dalam memecahkan persoalan penyebaran penyakit pada jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. “Sebagai bagian dari sistem kesehatan nasional, pusat kesehatan TNI Indonesia memiliki peran dalam memanagement biothreat dan merangkul berbagai elemen institusi kesehatan di Indonesia,” tuturnya. Lanjut Dr. tugas, Ada beberapa strategi yang harus dikukan oleh berbagai pihak diantaranya yaitu meningkatkan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dalam menangani kasus tersebut. Kedua,  mengembangkan organisasi biothreat pada unit kesehatan lapangan. Ketiga, mengembangkan bio-vaksin dan BSL-3 dan terakhir yaitu memenuhi fasilitas pendukung kebutuhan kesehatan. “Empat hal tersebut merupakan strategi dalam mempersiapkan tingkat keamanan kesehatan indonesia hingga dunia. Dan tentu juga akan mendukung menteri kesehatan dalam melakukan managemen biothreat,” tutupnya. Perlu diketahui, gelaran acara konferensi internasional itu resmi ditutup. Kegiatan tersebut menuai banyak tanggapan positif mulai dari tokoh militer dan akademisi dari berbagai negara. Pertemuan itu diharapkan menjadi awal dari rencana yang dikembangkan oleh Lembaga Penyakit Tropis (LPT) UNAIR di masa mendatang. Sumber :, Penulis : Khefti Al Mawalia (PIH Unair){:}


{:en}INSBIOMM, Improving World Health Safety Through Collaborative Research between Researchers{:}{:id}INSBIOMM, Tingkatkan Keamanan Kesehatan Dunia Melalui Riset Kolaboratif Antar Peneliti{:}

{:en}The threat of infectious diseases has the potential to kill thousands and even millions of people every year. The threat appears as an outbreak that can damage public health, national security, and integrity. The disease consists of influenza, tuberculosis, malaria, infections that are resistant to antibiotics, HIV/AIDS. Responding to this problem, Institute of Tropical Desease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in collaboration with Indonesian National Army Health Center (PUSKES TNI) held an international conference titled Infectious Disease, Biothreats and Military Medicine (INSBIOMM) on Tuesday, August 27. The conference was designed to facilitate and disseminate research by scientists and professionals in dealing with infectious diseases in Indonesia, particularly those relating to military health. Selected papers are planned to be published in Scopus indexed journals. It was attended by Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak. CMA, Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.d., K-GH., FINASIM, Vice Rector I, Col (MC) Iwan Tri Hapsoro, MD., M.Derm., M.AvMed., FINSDV., FAADV, Emiley S Kelley, Mark D.Lim, Ph.D., PMP, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., PhD., Sp.MK(K), Prof. drh. Wiku Adi Sasmito, M.Sc., Ph.D, MajGen (Ret). Ben Yura Rimba, dr., MARS and lecturers, Health Agency of Indonesian Navy, Army and Air Force. The event which was held in Garuda Mukti Hall, 5th Floor, Campus C, was opened by Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak. In his remarks, Prof. Nasih said that with an international conference and research collaboration between researchers, it was hoped that it could produce innovations in preventing and resolving health problems related to infectious diseases in Indonesia based on their geographical location. Given that many diseases appear in various parts of the world and transmitted through animals. Thus, we must prepare in preventing and bring innovation in dealing with these problems. “Disease can also potentially be misused in bioterrorism,” he said. Prof. Nasih said that in handling and preventing diseases, collaboration in a multi-sector is needed. The collaborative concept in detecting animal, human and environmental health is the main alternative in improving health data and preventing transmission from around the world. There will be suggestions from various researchers, academics, and professionals to detect diseases early in responding to national health safety. “All these actions are aimed at strengthening national health security,” he said. Meanwhile, Prof. dr. Soetjipto, M.S., PhD revealed that in developing strategies to diagnose, prevent, and treat several infectious diseases that tend to increase every year, preparation in terms of facilities and capacity of strong human resources in various sectors is needed. For this reason, in providing a better understanding, there is a need for contribution, collaboration, and communication between researchers in implementing global health safety. Based on research topics such as biochemistry, bioactive natural products, immunology, and several other infectious diseases discussed at this conference is expected to prepare the country’s health sector. “It is very important to prepare the country’s capacity in responding to the threat of infectious disease. This research collaboration is expected to increase and can be implemented daily for world health safety, ” he added. Source :, author : Khefti Al Mawalia (PIH UNAIR){:}{:id}Ancaman penyakit menular berpotensi membunuh ribuan bahkan jutaan orang setiap tahunnya. Ancaman itu muncul sebagai wabah yang dapat merusak kesehatan masyarakat, keamanan dan integritas nasional. Penyakit itu terdiri dari influenza, TBC, malaria, infeksi yang kebal akan antibiotik, HIV/AIDS. Menyikapi persoalan tersebut, Institut Tropical desease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) bekerjasama dengan Pusat Kesehatan Tentara Nasional Indonesia (PUSKES TNI) menggelar konferensi internasional bertajuk Infectious Disease, Biothreats and Military Medicine (INSBIOMM) pada Selasa (27/8/2019). Konferensi itu dirancang untuk menfasilitasi dan menyebarluaskan penelitian para ilmuwan dan profesional dalam menangani penyakit menular yang ada di Indonesia, utamanya tentang berkaitan dengan kesehatan militer. Makalah terpilih rencananya akan diterbitkan dalam jurnal terindeks scopus. Hadir dalam acara tersebut Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak (Rektor UNAIR), Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.d., K-GH., FINASIM (Wakil Rektor I), Col (MC) Iwan Tri Hapsoro, MD., M.Derm., M.AvMed., FINSDV., FAADV, Emiley S Kelley, Mark D.Lim, Ph.D., PMP, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., PhD., Sp.MK(K), Prof. drh. Wiku Adi Sasmito, M.Sc., Ph.D, MajGen (Ret). Ben Yura Rimba, dr., MARS beserta dosen, Dinas Kesehatan Angkatan Laut, Dinas Kesehatan Angkatan Darat dan Dinas Kesehatan Angkatan Udara. Acara yang dilangsungkan di Aula Garuda Mukti Lantai 5, Kampus C itu dibuka langsung oleh Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak. Dalam sambutannya Prof Nasih mengatakan dengan adanya konferensi internasional dan kolaborasi riset antar peneliti diharapkan dapat menghasilkan inovasi dalam mencegah dan menuntaskan masalah kesehatan yang berkenaan dengan penyakit menular yang ada di Indonesia berdasarkan letak geografisnya. Mengingat banyaknya penyakit yang muncul di berbagai belahan dunia dan ditularkan melalui hewan. Hal itulah yang harus dipersiapkan dalam mencegah dan melahirkan inovasi dalam menangani masalah tersebut. “Penyakit juga bisa berpotensi dapat disalahgunakan dalam bioterorisme,” ungkapnya. Lanjut Prof Nasih, dalam rangka mempercepat penanganan penyakit maka kolaborasi dalam multisektor sangat dibutuhkan. Konsep kolaboratif dalam mendeteksi kesehatan hewan, manusia dan lingkungan menjadi alternatif utama dalam meningkatkan data kesehatan dan pencegahan penularan dari belahan dunia. Diharapkan adanya saran dari berbagai peneliti, akademisi, profesional untuk dapat mendeteksi penyakit lebih awal dalam menyikapi keamanan kesehatan nasional. “Semua tindakan tersebut untuk memperkuat keamanan kesehatan nasional,” ujarnya. Sementara itu Prof. dr. Soetjipto, M.S., PhD mengungkapkan, dalam mengembangkan strategi untuk mendiagnosa, mencegah, dan mengobati beberapa penyakit menular yang cenderung meningkat setiap tahunnya. Maka perlu adanya persiapan dalam segi fasilitas dan kapasita SDM yang kuat di berbagai sektor. Untuk itu, dalam memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik maka perlu adanya kontribusi, kolaborasi dan komunikasi antar peneliti dalam mengimplemntasikan keamanan kesehatan global. Berdasarkan topik penelitian seperti biokimia, produk alami bioaktif, imunologi dan beberapa penyakit menular lainnya yang akan dibahas dalam konferensi kali ini diharapkan mampu mempersiapkan kapasitas negara dalam kesehatannya. “Kali ini menjadi amat penting untuk merapikan kapasitas negara dalam menyikapi segala ancaman penyakit. Kolaborasi riset ini diharapkan dapat meningkat dan dapat diimplementasikan dalam sehari-hari untuk keamanan kesehatan dunia,” tambahnya. Sumber :, Penulis : Khefti Al Mawalia (PIH Unair){:}


{:en}Leprosy Drug Resistance Laboratory Workshop for 10 branches of BBTKL-PP Indonesia (Balai Besar Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan dan Pengendalian Penyakit / Indonesian Environmental Health and Disease Control Bureau){:}{:id}Workshop Resistensi Bakteri terhadap Obat Kusta untuk 10 cabang BBTKL-PP se-Indonesia dalam rangka Memenuhi Target Indonesia Bebas Kusta 2019.{:}

{:en}Indonesia aims to reach the global leprosy elimination status by 2019. Currently not only new leprosy cases prevent this to happen, but also the emergence of relapse cases suspected to be caused by drug-resistant leprosy pathogen M. leprae . BBTKL as the disease control and research unit of Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has appointed representatives from different parts of Indonesia, to further understand drug resistance mechanism in M. leprae through biomolecular research techniques as recommended by WHO. As a leading tropical disease research institution in Indonesia associated with many leprosy experts, the Leprosy Study Group of ITD Universitas Airlangga was chosen to host the biomolecular technique workshop on leprosy drug resistance detection for medical laboratory scientists of BBTKL-PP branches from Batam, Medan, Palembang, Jakarta, Jogjakarta, Manado, Makassar, and Ambon. Professor Maria Inge Lusida as the director of ITD Universitas Airlangga attended the official opening ceremony of the event held at the Swiss-bel Inn Hotel Manyar – Surabaya and signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in front of the government officials and participants. There she emphasized that the aim of the workshop was to provide a better insight to the participants about what leprosy is, how to collect sample from patients and store it for research purposes, how to classify the disease based on the Bacterial and Morphological Index (BI/MI), as well as introducing basic biomolecular research method involved in detecting drug-resistant Mycobacterium leprae in the sample. Prior to the hands-on laboratory workshop, participants received lectures from Professor Indropo Agusni and Dr. Cita Rosita who are both leprologists and the head of the Leprosy Laboratory in ITD Universitas Airlangga. Some part of the workshop took place at the Dr. Soetomo General Hospital for the sample collection workshop, where participants can also observe Professor Indropo Agusni directly examine leprosy patient for clinical signs and demonstrate how samples were collected for further process in ITD Laboratory. Participants were generally enthusiastic as the whole workshop experience was a first time for most of them. {:}{:id}Indonesia memiliki misi untuk mencapai status eliminasi kusta pada tahun 2019. Penghambat tercapainya tujuan ini tidak hanya jumlah temuan kasus baru, melainkan munculnya banyak kasus relaps yang ditengarai disebabkan oleh bakteri yang resistensi terhadap obat kusta. BBTKL-PP sebagai unit pelaksana teknis dari Kementerian Kesehatan , bekerjasama dengan Laboratorium Leprosy Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga mengadakan pelatihan deteksi resistensi obat pada penyakit kusta untuk perwakilan dari cabang BBTKL-PP dari seluruh Indonesia yang di tunjuk. Profesor Maria Inge Lusida selaku direktur dari ITD Universitas Airlangga, didepan seluruh peserta workshop beserta pejabat yang berwenang, menandatangani perjanjian Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) dalam acara pembukaan resmi yang di gelar di Swiss-bel Inn Hotel Manyar Surabaya. Dalam pidatonya, beliau berkesempatan untuk menekankan tujuan akhir dari penelitian ini yaitu agar dapat memanfaatkan teknologi terkini untuk mendeteksi resistensi terhadap obat kusta, sesuai dengan pedoman yang telah dianjurkan WHO. Sebelum rangkaian workshop berlangsung, peserta juga berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan materi langsung dari para ahli leprologis ternama yang juga merupakan pimpinan dari kelompok studi Leprosy di ITD Universitas Airlangga, Professor Indropo Agusni dan Dr. Cita Rosita, Sp.KK(K). Dalam workshop ini, peserta mendapatkan pelatihan mengenai cara pengambilan dan penyimpanan sampel yang benar, yang di lakukan langsung di Poli Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin RS Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Pelatihan teknik biologi molekuler dilakukan di Laboratorium Leprosy ITD Universitas Airlangga selama 3 hari penuh mulai tanggal 25-27 April 2018. Seluruh peserta tampak terkesan dan sangat antusias selama berjalannya acara, karena kegiatan ini adalah yang pertama kalinya bagi sebagian besar dari mereka. Utamanya saat mereka menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana Prof. Indropo Agusni berinteraksi dan melakukan observasi terhadap penderita kusta. {:}


{:en}Workshop Molecular Technique Bacteria (Salmonella typhi and Staphylococcus aureus){:}{:id}Pelatihan Teknik Molekuler Dasar Pada Bakteri (Salmonella thypi dan Staphilococus Aurellius){:}

{:en}Improved industrial and DNA-based research requires the acquisition of basic techniques of Molecular Biology. Tropical Diseases Institute and Kobe University, Japan cooperate in organizing Basic Molecular Biology Technique Training to answer such demands. The training includes techniques for RNA and protein risolation, DNA synthesis, RTPCR, and Western Blotting. This activity lasted for two days on 22 – 24 November 2017. In this activity the participants not only get the material presentation of molecular genetic theory only. Participants also had the opportunity to practice directly in the laboratory on cytogenetic analysis and characterization of bacterial chromosomes, analysis of genetic variations of DNA finger printing, and DNA sequence analysis and barcoding. This activity presents a number of resource persons who are experts in their fields such as Prof. Toshiro Shirakawa, Dr. Dadik. Dr. Dadik, chairman of the committee, said that this activity is part of the program to increase the relevance of biology, medical, and research graduates in the field of health and realize UNAIR as World Class University. The event was held in collaboration with the Laboratory of Gastroenteritis and Salomelasis and Tuberculosis Laboratory of Tropical Disease Institute, “Hopefully through this training can provide benefits in the development of molecular biology,” he hoped. Dadik as chairman of the workshop committee. One of the trainees, Sugeng, S.Si., M.Si, Dr. RSUD researcher. Soetomo, mentioned the participation in this training as a place to deepen the knowledge related to molecular biology. “To complete the science while doing research in the research hall later,” he explained. Meanwhile, dr. Cita, alumnus of the Medical Faculty of UNAIR, hopes that by joining this training can add insight and skills related to the field of genetics. That way, knowledge gained in the future can support when plunged in the world of work. (Public Relations ITD / Zaki){:}{:id}Peningkatan industri dan riset berbasis rekayasa DNA menuntut penguasaan teknik dasar Biologi Molekular. Lembaga Penyakit Tropis dan Universitas Kobe, Jepang bekerjasama dalam menyelenggarakan Pelatihan Teknik Dasar Biologi Molekular untuk menjawab tuntutan tersebut. Pelatihan ini mencakup teknik dasa risolasi RNA dan protein,sintesisc DNA,RTPCR, dan Western Blotting. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama dua hari tanggal 22 – 24 Nopember 2017. Dalam kegiatan ini para peserta tidak hanya mendapatkan pemaparan materi teori genetika molekuler saja. Peserta juga berkesempatan melakulan praktik secara langsung di laboratorium terkait analisis sitogenetik dan karakterisasi kromosom bakteri, analisis variasi genetik DNA finger printing, serta analisis sequence DNA dan barcoding. Kegiatan ini menghadirkan sejumlah narasumber yang ahli di bidangnya seperti Prof. Toshiro Shirakawa, Dr. Dadik, . Dr. Dadik, ketua panitia, menyampaikan bahwa kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari program peningkatan relevansi lulusan mahasiswa biologi, kedokteran, dan peneliti dibidang kesehatan dan mewujudkan UNAIR sebagai World Class University . Acara terselenggara atas kerja sama dengan Laboratorium Gastroenteritis dan Salomelasis dan Laboratorium Tuberculosis Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, “Semoga melalui pelatihan ini bisa memberikan manfaat dalam pengembangan ilmu biologi molekuler,” harap Dr. Dadik sebagai ketua panitia workshop. Salah satu peserta pelatihan, Sugeng, S.Si., M.Si, peneliti RSUD Dr. Soetomo, menyebutkan keikutsertaan dalam pelatihan ini sebagai ajang untuk memperdalam pengetahuan terkait biologi molekuler. “Untuk melengkapi ilmu saat melakukan penelitian di balai penelitian nantinya,” jelasnya. Sementara itu, dr. Cita, alumnus Fakultas Kedokteran UNAIR, berharap dengan mengikuti pelatihan ini dapat menambah wawasan dan keterampilan terkait bidang genetika. Dengan begitu, ilmu yang didapat kedepan dapat mendukung saat terjun di dunia kerja. (Humas ITD/Zaki){:}


{:en}Training Controlling and Identification on Dengue Fever on Sawahan District{:}{:id}Training Manajemen dan Identifikasi DBD di Daerah Sawahan{:}

{:en}Public health issues are an important issue that has always been a concern in Indonesia. Various cases of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue are often the headlines in various national media outlets. Often the epidemic of this disease must take a lot of lives. The spread of this disease becomes difficult to handle one of them due to the limited knowledge of health technical personnel or pest controler against the control of the vector insects that carry it. Therefore, Tropical Disease Institute (ITD) through Dengue Study Group and Entomology Study Group in cooperation with Puskesmas Sawahan organizes regular courses under the name Integrated Vector Management and Identification (Integrated Vector Management and Identification). During this district Sawahan district is a red zone Dengue Fever, after the training is expected to decrease the people who contracted dengue fever. Training topics delivered with presentation and discussion methods (75%) are also practice and simulation (25%). The topics to be covered in this training are: Biology and vector ecology (mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches), vector surveillance methods (malaria, filariasis, dengue, zika and chikungunya), vector control applications, insecticide types and formulations for vector control, Resistance and management, Policy related to vector control in Indonesia, Integrated vector management (integrated vector management).{:}{:id}Masalah kesehatan masyarakat merupakan isu penting yang selalu menjadi perhatian di Indonesia. Berbagai kasus penyakit yang ditularkan melalui vektor seperti malaria dan demam berdarah sering menjadi berita utama di berbagai media nasional. Seringkali epidemi penyakit ini harus memakan banyak nyawa. Penyebaran penyakit ini menjadi sulit untuk ditangani salah satunya karena keterbatasan pengetahuan tenaga teknis kesehatan atau pengendalian hama terhadap pengendalian serangga vektor yang mengangkutnya. Oleh karena itu, Tropical Disease Institute (ITD) melalui Kelompok Studi Dengue Study dan Kelompok Studi Entomologi bekerjasama dengan Puskesmas Sawahan menyelenggarakan kursus reguler dengan nama Manajemen dan Identifikasi Vektor Terpadu (Integrated Vector Management and Identification).   Selama ini kabupaten Sawahan adalah zona merah Demam Berdarah Dengue, setelah pelatihan diharapkan bisa menurunkan orang yang terjangkit demam berdarah. Topik pelatihan disampaikan dengan metode presentasi dan diskusi (75%) juga praktek dan simulasi (25%). Topik yang akan dibahas dalam pelatihan ini adalah: Biologi dan ekologi vektor (nyamuk, lalat dan kecoak), metode surveilans vektor (malaria, filariasis, demam berdarah, zika dan chikungunya), aplikasi pengendalian vektor, jenis insektisida dan formulasi untuk pengendalian vektor, Perlawanan dan manajemen, Kebijakan yang terkait dengan pengendalian vektor di Indonesia, Pengelolaan vektor terpadu (integrated vector management).{:}


{:en}UNAIR ITD Trusted to Hold WCP with Top 100 World Universities{:}{:id}LPT UNAIR Dipercaya Laksanakan WCP Bersama Universitas 100 Besar Dunia{:}

{:en}UNAIR NEWS –Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga was appointed to hold World Class Professor (WCP) program by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.  UNAIR is trusted to hold the program and develop partnerships with professors or experts from the Nobel winner in Top 100 World Universities. Head of UNAIR Prof. Maria Lucia Inge Lucida, dr., M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.MK(K), said that the partners of ITD UNAIR in WCP program are Tokyo University and Oita University, two universities among eleven institutions at Top 100 World University in collaboration with Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. UNAIR is one of the five universities to hold WCP program besides UI, UGM, ITB and Undip. Tokyo University established in 1877, was the first Japanese national university with Graduate School of Medicine specialized in international health (School of International Health). Oita on the other hand is Top 100 Rising Star University based on the Nature Index. ”UNAIR got WCP scheme A, institutional and receives supports from professor/expert on  research, general lecture, workshops and joint publication. Lecturers, master’s and doctoral students, researchers or even enthusiasts from outside UNAIR can participate in it,” said Prof. Inge. It is a multi-year program for three years from 2017 to 2019. For the first year, there will be research collaboration and initiation Global Satellite Laboratory Research Center, reputable international journal publication Q1/Q2-SJR Scimago, and initiation of double degree master program Tropical Health Science. “WCP is expected to increase the number of lecturers with doctoral degrees, to improve intellectual property rights and international joint publication and innovation in research and technology,” added Prof. Inge, the professor of FK UNAIR. UNAIR is holding WCP with ”Improvement of Research Capacity of Digestive System Infection Disease in Indonesia. Molecular Epidemiology and Identification of Active Compound in Plants” as a theme. The program will be focused on research in Helicobacter pylori and Entamoeba histolitica infection. To date, there have been three professors coming to ITD and sharing their knowledge in ITD UNAIR, Prof. Tomoyoshi Nozaki, Ph.D from Tokyo University. He established Global Satellite Research of Entamoeba. He shared his knowledge on new methods of sample preparation, provided easier and more accurate method of cell culture, provided a guidance on data analysis and processing bioassay anti amoeba and anti malaria. Prof. Nozaki was accompanied by Entamoeba and Malaria research group coordinated by Dr. Aty Widyawaruyanti and Myrna Adianti, Ph.D. Some of the participants in WCP workshop in ITD Universitas Airlangga. (Photo: By Courtesy) From School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University, there was Daniel Ken Inaoka, Ph.D. He studies molecular infectious disease and he provided knowledge on Plasmodium falciparum, enzyme production and malaria bioassay technique. WCP UNAIR also presented Takashi Matsumoto, Ph.D., from Department of Environment and Preventive Medicine, Oita University of Medicine. He excels in molecular epidemiology and his research is on Helicobacter pylori. His visit to  ITD UNAIR  was for a workshop on Cultivation technique of Helicobacter pylori and Metagenomic Analysis in collaboration with dengan Muhammad Miftahussurur, MD., Ph.D, expert of  Halicobacter pylori ITD UNAIR.{:}{:id}Lembaga Penyakit Tropis (LPT/Institute of Tropical Disease) Universitas Airlangga meraih program World Class Professor (WCP) dari Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi. Dengan demikian UNAIR dipercaya sebagai penyelenggara program yang menghadirkan kerjasama dengan professor/ahli dari lembaga peraih Nobel di universitas ranking 100 besar dunia. Dijelaskan oleh Ketua LPT UNAIR Prof. Maria Lucia Inge Lucida, dr., M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.MK(K), mitra LPT UNAIR dalam program WCP ini adalah Tokyo University dan Oita University, dua universitas diantara sebelas lembaga berperingklat 100 besar dunia yang bekerjasama dengan Kemeristekdikti RI. UNAIR merupakan satu dari lima universitas di Indonesia yang dipercaya melaksanakan program WCP. Yang lain diantaranya UI, UGM, ITB dan Undip. Tokyo University yang berdiri 1877 ini merupakan universitas nasional pertama di Jepang, dimana Graduate School of Medicine-nya merupakan pascasarjana pertama yang memiliki spesialisasi kesehatan internasional (School of International Health). Sedang Oita merupakan Top 100 Rising Star University berdasarkan Nature Index. ”UNAIR memperoleh program WCP skema A, institusional, dan memperoleh bantuan professor/ahli dengan kegiatan penelitian, kuliah umum, seminar, workshop dan publikasi bersama. Kegiatan ini bisa diikuti oleh dosen, mahasiswa S2 dan S3, peneliti, bahkan peminat dari luar UNAIR,” kata Prof. Inge, panggilan akrabnya. Dirancang program ini multy years selama tiga tahun mulai 2017 hingga 2019. Tahun pertama ini kegiatannya berupa kerjasama riset dan inisiasi Global Satellite Laboratory Research Center, publikasi jurnal internasional bereputasi Q1/Q2-SJR Scimago, dan inisiasi program studi double degree Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Tropis. “Dengan program WCP ini diharapkan akan memacu percepatan jumlah dosen dengan kualifikasi S3, meningkatkan jumlah HAKI dan publikasi internasional bersama dan inovasi di bidang riset dan teknologi,” tambah Prof. Inge, Guru Besar FK UNAIR ini. Dengan semangat mencapai kemajuan itu, UNAIR melaksanakan WCP dengan mengangkat tema ”Peningkatan Kapasitas Riset Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Cerna di Indonesia. Epidemiologi Molekuler dan Identifikasi bahan Aktif dari Tanaman”. Pada program ini akan difokuskan pada riset di bdiang infeksi Helicobacter pylori dan Entamoeba histolitica. Hingga saat ini sudah tiga Guru Besar ahli yang datang “berbagi” di LPT UNAIR. Yang pertama Prof. Tomoyoshi Nozaki, Ph.D dari Tokyo University. Ia memantapkan Global Satellite Research of Entamoeba. Selain itu juga menambah pengetahuan tentang metode baru dalam persiapan sampel, memberikan tambahan informasi cara-cara mudah dan akurat metode cell culture, dan membimbing proses analisa dan pengolahan data bioassay anti amoeba dan anti malaria. Prof. Nozaki didampingi Studi Group Entamoeba dan Malaria yang dikoordinir Dr. Aty Widyawaruyanti dan Myrna Adianti, Ph.D. SEBAGIAN peserta workshop dalam WCP di LPT Universitas Airlangga. (Foto: Ist) Kemudian dari School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University, datang Daniel Ken Inaoka, Ph.D. Professor yang aktif meneliti penyakit infeksi secara molekuler ini memberikan ide baru dalam penelitian Infectious Disease. Ia juga memberikan tambahan informasi cara-cara baru, mudah dan akurat metode cell culture, khususnya pada Plasmodium falciparum, pembuatan enzim dari rekombinan dan teknik bioassay malaria. WCP UNAIR juga menghadirkan Takashi Matsumoto, Ph.D., dari Department of Environment and Preventive Medicine, Oita University of Medicine, center yang maju dalam penelitian epidemiologi molekuler, yang salah satu penelitian unggulannya tentang Helicobacter pylori. Kunjungan Prof. Takashi di LPT UNAIR ini juga diisi dengan workshop Teknik Kultivasi Helicobacter pylori dan Metagenomic Analysis berkolaborasi dengan Muhammad Miftahussurur, MD., Ph.D, pakar Halicobacter pylori LPT UNAIR.{:}

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