Institute of Tropical Disease

Author name: Halo World


{:en}Visiting Professor Dr. Shinzo Izumi presented a Guest Lecture on Leprosy patients human right and its implication on policy making in Japan.{:}{:id}Kunjungan Prof. Dr. Shinzo Izumi mempresentasikan Kuliah Tamu tentang pasien Kusta hak asasi manusia dan implikasinya terhadap pembuatan kebijakan di Jepang{:}

{:en}As a part of the Universitas Airlangga World Class University (WCU) program, visiting professor and senior leprosy researcher Dr. Shinzo Izumi presented a Guest Lecture in front of more than 80 participants. This lecture was hosted by ITD on Wednesday, 25 October 2017 and was targetted at postgraduate students (medical, public health, and social sciences), social workers, medical practicioners and leprosy control officers from Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi dan Kota/Kabupaten. Although Dr. Izumi has a lot of experience in leprosy research along with his extended knowledge on the immunology and latest development on leprosy transmission, he chose to cover the human right aspect to raise awareness on the other needs of leprosy patients that are often unmet. Talking retrospectively from the pre-scientific era, how the Norwegians first encountered the disease outbreak and how it was handled until the major change comes as the science progress. Dr. Izumi also shared how the disesase first entered Japan and what impacts it had brought socially and culturally to his home country. Dr.Izumi’s lecture was put into context by Dr.Phil. Toetik Koesbardiati from the Social and Political Science Faculty (FISIP) of Universitas Airlangga on the second segment of the lecture. As an anthropologist, Dr. Koesbardiati had been taking interest in the historical and sociocultural aspect of leprosy in Indonesia. She had long researched the origin of the disease in Indonesia as well as the different socio-cultural impacts of living with leprosy patients in different ethnic groups in Indonesia. Prof. Indropo Agusni, dr., Sp.KK(K), acting as the moderator of the lecture, concluded from the two speakers that a better understanding of leprosy disease, not only in medical context but also from the sociocultural point of view, needs to be continually updated and will result in a better acceptance of leprosy patients in the society.{:}{:id}Sebagai bagian dari program Universitas Airlangga World Class University (WCU), profesor tamu dan peneliti kusta senior Dr. Shinzo Izumi mempresentasikan Kuliah Tamu di depan lebih dari 80 peserta. Kuliah ini diselenggarakan oleh ITD pada hari Rabu, 25 Oktober 2017 dan ditargetkan pada mahasiswa pascasarjana (medis, kesehatan masyarakat, dan ilmu sosial), pekerja sosial, praktisi medis dan petugas kontrol kusta dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi dan Kota / Kabupaten. Meskipun Dr. Izumi memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam penelitian kusta bersamaan dengan pengetahuannya yang luas tentang imunologi dan perkembangan terakhir pada transmisi kusta, dia memilih untuk mencakup aspek hak asasi manusia untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan kebutuhan pasien kusta lainnya yang seringkali tidak terpenuhi. Berbicara secara retrospektif dari era pra-ilmiah, bagaimana orang Norwegia pertama kali menemukan wabah penyakit dan bagaimana penanganannya sampai perubahan besar terjadi saat kemajuan sains. Dr. Izumi juga menceritakan bagaimana orang yang baru pertama kali memasuki Jepang dan dampak apa yang telah dibawa secara sosial dan budaya ke negara asalnya. Dari kiri ke kanan: Prof. Indropo A., dr., SpKK (K) (Kepala Laboratorium Kusta di ITD), dr. Cita Rosita SP, Sp.KK (Sekretaris Badan Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Universitas Airlangga), Dr. Shinzo Izumi (Visiting Professor UNAIR 2017), Dr. Phil. Toetiek Koesbardiati (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Airlangga) Kuliah Dr.Izumi dimasukkan ke dalam konteks oleh Dr.Phil. Toetik Koesbardiati dari Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Airlangga di segmen kedua ceramah. Sebagai antropolog, Dr. Koesbardiati telah memperhatikan aspek historis dan sosiokultural kusta di Indonesia. Dia telah lama meneliti asal penyakit ini di Indonesia serta berbagai dampak sosial budaya hidup dengan pasien kusta di berbagai kelompok etnis di Indonesia. Prof. Indropo Agusni, dr., Sp.KK (K), bertindak sebagai moderator ceramah, menyimpulkan dari kedua pembicara bahwa pemahaman penyakit kusta lebih baik, tidak hanya dalam konteks medis tapi juga dari sudut pandang sosiokultural, perlu terus diperbarui dan akan menghasilkan penerimaan yang lebih baik terhadap pasien kusta di masyarakat.{:}


{:en}ITD placed 3rd and 4th on the Airlangga sport competition celebrating Dies Natalis UNAIR 2017{:}{:id}ITD menempati juara 3 dan 4 dalam lomba senam Universitas Airlangga{:}

{:en}“Mens Sana In Corpore Sano” – In a healthy body there’s a healthy mind. On Sunday (22/10), Universitas Airlangga hosted the annual event celebrating Dies Natalis UNAIR 2017 – the founding day of the university.  The two teams representing the Institute of Tropical Diseases (ITD) competed in the sport competition known as Senam Bugar Airlangga, securing themselves the 3rd and 4th place. Prita Prametya Kirana, the research staff of leprosy laboratory in ITD who is also the coach of the ITD contingents, said that “despite the ongoing research and events happening in the office, we have to maintain our health through sport and avoid sedentary lifestyle”. She added that, “what is also important is that every competitions teach us a good sportsmanship in addition to boost our confidence and expand our networks within the university. This is a good attribute to have as a researcher.” The 3rd place was won by Heni Puspitasari, drh. (Member of Toxoplasma Study Group), Wahyu Setyarini, S.Si (Member of the Bacterial Diarrhea Study Group), Radita Yuniar A., S.Si (Member of the Bacterial Diarrhea Study Group), Agnes Dwi SP, S.Si (Member of the Tuberculosis group), and Zakaria Pamoengkas, S.Si (Member of the IJTID journal division) The 4th place was won by One Asmarani, S.Si, M.Farm (Member of Proteomics Study Group), Virginia A. Ferandra, A.Md (Member of Tropical Disease Diagnostic Center), Yani Rachmawati, SKM. (Member of Tropical Disease Diagnostic Center), Nungki Putri Wibowo (Member of Tropical Disease Diagnostic Center), and Teguh Hari Sucipto, S.Si (Member of Dengue Study Group).{:}{:id}”Mens Sana In Corpore Sano” – Dalam tubuh yang sehat ada pikiran yang sehat. Pada hari Minggu (22/10), Universitas Airlangga menyelenggarakan acara tahunan yang merayakan Dies Natalis UNAIR 2017 – hari pendiri universitas tersebut. Kedua tim yang mewakili Institut Penyakit Tropis (ITD) berkompetisi dalam kompetisi olahraga yang dikenal dengan nama Senam Bugar Airlangga, yang mengamankan posisi ke-3 dan ke-4. Prita Prametya Kirana, staf penelitian laboratorium kusta di ITD yang juga merupakan pelatih kontingen ITD, mengatakan bahwa “walaupun ada penelitian dan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung di kantor, kami harus menjaga kesehatan melalui olahraga dan menghindari gaya hidup”. Dia menambahkan bahwa, “yang juga penting adalah bahwa setiap kompetisi mengajarkan kepada kita sebuah sportivitas yang baik, selain untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan memperluas jaringan kita di dalam universitas. Ini adalah atribut yang bagus untuk dimiliki sebagai peneliti. ” Juara ketiga dimenangkan oleh Heni Puspitasari, drh. (Anggota Kelompok Studi Toxoplasma), Wahyu Setyarini, S.Si (Anggota Kelompok Studi Diare Bakteri), Radita Yuniar A., ​​S.Si (Anggota dari Kelompok Studi Diare Bakteri), Agnes Dwi SP, S.Si (Anggota kelompok Tuberkulosis), dan Zakaria Pamoengkas, S.Si (Anggota dari divisi jurnal IJTID){:}


{:en}MCLS Seminar in Collaboration with Osaka University{:}{:id}MCLS Berkolaborasi dengan Universitas Osaka{:}

{:en}International IPR Seminar “The 2nd Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (MCLS 2017): Structural biology, modeling and molecular dynamics with application in biotechnology and medicine” 2017/06/16 Place Wyndham Hotel, Surabaya, Indonesia Date July 17 (Mon) -18 (Tue), 2017 Website : Poster-MCLS-201713.pdf MCLS-2017-program.pdf Committee: Atsushi Nakagawa(IPR, Osaka University) Genji Kurisu(IPR, Osaka University) Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih(Universitas Airlangga) Toshiharu Hase(European Center for Academic Initiatives, Osaka University) 【Contact】 Atsushi Nakagawa Institute for Protein Research (IPR) E-mail: atsushi[at]{:}{:id}Kolaborasi dan diseminasi hasil riset ke tingkat internasional merupakan salah satu langkah Universitas Airlangga untuk menembus peringkat 500 besar perguruan tinggi top dunia. Salah satunya, adalah seminar yang tengah diselenggarakan oleh para peneliti UNAIR. Simposium bertajuk Molecular and Cellullar Life Sciences 2017 (MCLS) adalah kegiatan diseminasi hasil riset yang merupakan kolaborasi peneliti Osaka University, Groningen University dan Intitute of Tropical Diseases (ITD) UNAIR. Pembukaan acara dilaksanakan di Wyndam Hotel pada 17 – 18 Juli 2017. “Tujuan seminar internasional ini adalah untuk bertukar informasi ilmiah hasil penelitian tentang bioteknologi dan kedokteran,” ujar Dr. Ali Rohman, selaku Ketua Panitia MCLS dalam sambutannya, (8/8). Sejumlah makalah yang dipresentasikan dalamMCLS tahun 2017 antara lain “Fusion of Carbohydrate Binding Module (CBM) of GbtXyl43B to the Laccase (lcc2) of Pleurotus salmoneostramineus for Increasing Catalytic efficiency of Lignocellullose” oleh Prof. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih dari Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia; “ “Calredoxin represents a novel type of calcium-dependent sensor-responder connected to redox regulation in the chloroplast” Dr. Hideaki Tanaka dari IPR Osaka University (*) {:}


World Class Professor Program started

World Class Professor Program is a project represented by Intitute of Tropical Disease (ITD), Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia ( (ITD profile youtube link : and funded by The Indonesian Directorate General of Resources Science and Technology and Higher Education, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education. As one of the most primary implementation of the project; ITD, Oita University and Tokyo University collaborate to establish the Global Satellite Laboratory/Research Center in order to provide opportunity to interact with World-Class Institutes and professors, also improves academic performance such as research productivity. The first Project (2017) is Molecular Epidemiology and Identification of Indonesian Natural Products againts Gastrointestinal Infection, with research publications as the main goal. All the program consist of: Knowledge enrichment of ITD researchers Inviting World-Class Professors of Oita University and Tokyo University to ITD which involved in:   Manuscripts production Joint publication Laboratory development Workshop materials   Signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) extension between Faculty of Medicine, Oita University, Oita, Japan and Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indoneisa as well as information to the Deanabout the begining of World Class Professor Program between Institute Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia and Departement Enviromental and Preventive Medicine, Oita University, Oita, Japan.    


Rhode Island University Partnering with Institute of Tropical Disease

Five delegates from the University of Rhode Island (URI) visited the University of Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya on Thursday to partner in  tropical diseases and nursing faculty. The five URI delegates are Dr. John Kirby (Dean of the College of Environment and Life Science), Dr. Paul Larrat and Dr. Dave Rowley (URI College of Pharmacy researcher), Nancy Stricklin (staff of the international partnership office), and Brook Ross (URI representative for Indonesia). Accompanied by the US Consul General in Surabaya, Joaquin F. Monseratte, they were welcomed by Vice Rector III Unair Prof. Soetjipto, Head of Institute of  Tropical Disease Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Dean of Nursing Faculty (FKp) . During the meeting, Monseratte promised to promote exchange programs between Indonesian students and the US. “We can complement each other between universities in the US and Indonesia, I hope that this cooperation can survive until later,” he said. Meanwhile, the Dean of FST Unair Prof. Win Darmanto said that the cooperation that will be followed up soon is the ease for FST Unair students or alumni, especially from Chemistry study program, and Environmental Science Science, to get Letter of Acceptance (LoA) from URI. “This LoA is a requirement for alumni to continue their master or doctoral studies, especially for those who will apply for scholarship through LPDP,” he said. Initial assessment conducted by Dean FKp Purwaningsih who last year was offered to cooperate in the field of nursing with URI by officials at the Embassy for the US. At that time, the Dean of FKp immediately agreed because one of its targets is working with universities in the US. “Moreover, the direction of the nursing school is the United States of America, and finally URI will cooperate after seeing our company profile (FKp Unair) .We make the MoU One of the results is we have held an international conference on nursing URI also sent some delegates Presentation here, “he said. In the future, both parties want to exchange students and staff to each college. “January 2016, we are planning to send students to URI. We hope that with the mobility program, Unair Nursing students can learn from URI, so there is an exchange of information and experience,” he said. In addition to the above two areas, URI delegates and the Consulate General of the United States are also invited to visit the Tropical Disease Institute. Both sides make MoU for collaborating research in the field of tropical diseases.

Prof. Maria Inge Lusida of the University of Ayranga University Tropical Disease Research Institute visited (December 12, 2016)

Zika Virus Officially Enter Indonesia, ITD UNAIR Offer Help

The University of Airlangga Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) ready to help diagnose patients who are likely to be infected by the Zika virus. Head of ITD Unair, Professor Maria Inge Lusida revealed, the laboratory owned by his institution was able to detect the virus transmitted through Aedes Aegypti mosquito. “To confirm whether there is a virus or not Zika, laboratory examination should be done. We can do that, ” she said. Although she revealed, until now it has not been requested cooperation by the Ministry of Health But Inge sure, ITD Unair will not refuse if the community ask independently. “If there is someone who sends a sample personally, yes we are ready” she said. In Indonesia, Eijkman Institute of Molecular Biology has discovered this virus in Indonesia in 2015. Of the 200 samples whose symptoms are similar to dengue fever, there is one positive virus with Zika in Jambi. According to Deputy Director Eijkman Herawati Sudoyo, the virus was found on a blood sample of a 27-year-old male patient who had never traveled abroad. Inge added, Zika virus was also found in 1977-1978. Seven blood samples with the virus were found in patients treated at Tegalyoso Hospital, Klaten, Central Java. Inge requested that people do not need to panic about the news circulating about the virus Zika. Because, handling same as Dengue Fever. The key is to be vigilant. “What’s clear is that if you start having a fever early and not know what causes it, immediately check your blood.” To date, more than 20 countries, including Brazil, have reported the occurrence of Zika virus infection cases. Most infections are mild, even without symptoms, despite reports of a paralysis disorder called Guillain-Barre syndrome. The biggest threat is believed to occur in the mother’s pregnancy up to the unborn fetus. There are about 4,000 cases of microcephaly-babies born with small brains-in Brazil since last October. World health organization, WHO even declared the international emergency status due to the spread of this Zika virus. Author : Farid A Zakaria

UNAIR herbal medicine expert Dr. Aty Widyawaruyanti, dra., Apt., M.Si. (Photo: UNAIR NEWS)

Developing Anti Malaria Herbal Medicine

Medicine made of traditional herbs has a good development prospect in terms of science and research, particularly in Indonesia. Let alone in international scale, Indonesia is famous for having plentiful traditional herbs. This is a big chance for pharmacists to keep developing researches. It is a research on traditional medicine which Dr. Aty Widyawaruyanti, dra., Apt., M.Si. is developing. Besides teaching at the Department of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry, every day Aty spends her time at the Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) UNAIR to examine medicine from natural sources. As a matter of course, part of the Three Principles of Education is aim to support pharmacy science and produce medicine experts (pharmacists, red). Aty has been active doing the research since she became a staff at the Department of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry. In general, the research that she and her team are developing aims to get active ingredients for the research, especially herbs and traditional ingredients for medicine. The active ingredients can be in the form of extract, fraction, or compound which is successfully isolated from the herbs. Aty focuses herself in inventing natural ingredients for anti-malaria medicine. Started in 1990 until now, she has been developing a research on medicine ingredients for malaria, including isolating their active compound. In the laboratory which is now called Center for Natural roduct Medicine Research and Development, a research to get herbal products is being developed. “The products are produced in the form of pharmacy preparations, whether capsules or tablets. For malaria treatment, several products have been tested for their activity on animals or even pre-clinic,” she said. However at ITD, not only doing a research on anti-malaria medicine, Aty and her team are also exploring medicine ingredients from other herbs. Along with the team, she explores a few national parks and jungles to get some herbs as sample. The sample is in fact to be extracted and tested. There are two candidates for anti-malaria medicine from the extract that she has been developing. What she has been developing is not in the form of compound, but extract or fraction. The two candidates are made of chempedak bark and paniculata herbs. Herbal medicine for natural product researches is potential to be developed; since most of research titles which are accepted now are the ones with topic about natural medicine. “Nowadays the ‘back to nature’ jargon is well known in the community. This is also supported by Indonesia richness which is famous for its traditional herbs and medicine,” she added. Herbal medicine ingredients will be sustainable to be researched and developed. Moreover with the development of phytopharmaceutical technology, as time goes by the development of traditional medicine availability will also be better and more modern. (*) Author: Binti Q. Masruroh Editor: Nuri Hermawan

International seminar in FK UNAIR Hall, Monday, 8 August 2016 . (Photo: UNAIR NEWS)

Discussing Strategy to Combat Infectious Diseases, ITD and FK UNAIR Hold Symposium

Collaboration and dissemination of research result at international level is one effort of UNAIR to reach Top 500 World Class University. One way of doing it is by holding a symposium as being held currently by UNAIR researchers. The symposium titled Global Strategy to Combat Energizing Infectious Disease in Borderless Era 2016 (GSEID) is a dissemination activity on researches’ results which is held by collaboration of FK and Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) UNAIR. The opening ceremony was held in FK Hall, on August 8, 2016. “The objectives of this seminar are to shared information on research results on treatment and prevention of infectious disease,” said Dr. Soedarsono, dr., Sp.P (K), as the head of the committee of GSEID in his address. The seminar was attended by the Director of Organization Development of Higher Education Dr. Totok Prasetyo, B.Eng., M.T, Vice Rector I UNAIR Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., Sp.PD., K-GH., FINASIM and 162 seminar participants, from academicians, researchers, practitioners and also regional governments from Japan, America, Europe and also Indonesia. “UNAIR is big and well known, it is time to be in Top 500 World Class University. Kemenristekdikti will support UNAIR to achieve it, one effort is through this international seminar,” said Totok. “The seminar will bring acknowledgement of the world towards Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR),” he added. BACA JUGA:  Innovation of Malaria Diagnostic Microscope by Prof. Indah S. Tantular Totok also expressed his praise to ITD UNAIR as an excellent health centre. He added that the excellence should be proved by reputable journals and the organization of this international seminar. In the seminar, dr. Asik Surya, MPPM, as the Policy advisor on Public Health of Indonesian Health Ministry, was also present as the keynote speaker with a theme Strategy to Combat Emerging and Spreading Infectious Diseases in Indonesia. Various activities in the seminar are, scientific discussion, symposium, poster acompetition and oral presentation of seminar participants. Some papers presented in GSEID 2016 are “The Case for Family Medicine and Primary Care” by Prof. Mark A. Graber of Iowa University, the USA; “Current Situation of Hepatitis B in Indonesia” by Prof. Maria Inge Lusida of UNAIR; and “Invasive Fungal Diseases: a Growing Public Health Challenge” by Anna Rozaliani, Ph.D of Universitas Indonesia. (*) Author: Dilan Salsabila Editor: Defrina Sukma S.

Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., Sp.MK(K)., Ph.D

Prof. Maria Lucia Inge, Balances Roles of Researcher and Mother

Women in this era have to perform difficult task, their roles are not merely to look after and take care of their family, but also to work and build their career. Not a few women have essential position in the institution they lead. Her office room was well-organized and simple, Prof. Maria Lucia Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., Ph.D had spared some time in her busy schedule. She shared some stories about her career as a researcher as well as the Head of Ketua Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. Since she started learning at Faculty of Medicine UNAIR in 1984, she has never imagined herself to be a researcher as well as a professor like she is now. She felt like the common medical students, going to classes regularly and discussing things with friends. But, after she finished bachelor program, she did not have the chance to serve in the community. “I had to wait for my turn. At that time, my husband had come back from service, it was known as Inpres. If I had gone, I would have been far from my husband. So, I became a lecturer and taught,” said Inge reminiscing. Inge was named as the professor on Clinical Microbiology FK UNAIR on July, 24 2010. She was conferred as UNAIR 388th professor or 96th since UNAIR had become a State University Acting as Legal Entity (PTN-BH). Inge, which was the secretary of ITD UNAIR when she was conferred as a professor, presented her scientific speech entitled “Peran Pemeriksaan Berbasis Biologi Molekuler dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Hepatitis B di Indonesia (Roles of Medical Test Based on Molecular Biology in the Effort to Eradicate Hepatitis B in Indonesia)”. The lecturer who has started her career in 1986 has conducted many researches on Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. There are at least 26 titles of her researches on Hepatitis which had been published. “I was interested in molecular biology because there were still many diseases in Indonesia which were caused by fungi infection, virus and bacteria so I wanted to develop the researches on molecular biology,” said the doctor graduated from Kobe, Japan. Some of her researches published in 2015 were “Hepatitis B virus infection in Indonesia 21(38): 10714 – 10720 World J Gastroenterol”, and “A Deep-sequencing Method Detects Drug-Resistant Mutations in the Hepatitis B Virus in Indonesians 57:384-92 Intervirology”. As an active researcher in campus, Inge hoped that the government fully support the researches for the development of Education. Furthermore, the target to be a world class university is difficult without the government’s support. “As a lecturer, the research activity must be active. With the ongoing research, education will develop too,” said the professor on Clinical Microbiology FK UNAIR. Her concern to research field made her commit to make ITD UNAIR as the University Science and Technology Excellence Center (PUI-PT). She also had a big hope for other institute in UNAIR to catch up ITD’s success as PUI-PT. “At this moment, ITD UNAIR was the only institution in UNAIR as PUI-PT, I hoped that in the future there will be more institutes from UNAIR to be PUI-PT,” she said.   Balance Even though Inge is at the peak of her career, she needs supports from families especially at the current position she is in. She has to manages the institute which was named as Science and Technology Excellence Center on medical field from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in December 2015. Besides research, she also teaches and carries out her job as a doctor. Being women is not an easy task. They were given responsibilities to look after their children. In addition, they also build their career at work. Inge emphasized that education is the main key for women. She is against the opinion which says only men can study as high as possible. For her, gender equality should also apply in Education. “At that time, Kartini struggled for women’s education. It still has its relevance now. Education for women and men should not be different. Women are mothers. They will nurture the next generation,” she said. Inge stated that it was not an easy task to do things simultaneously, especially in the beginning of career. But, she just follows the rhythm at campus and family life. For her, the key is to balance career and family. “If a woman has a career, both roles should successfully carried out. Family should be managed and career should run professionally. It is not easy indeed especially in the beginning, but both should work at best as time will never turn us back,” said Inge. (*) Author: Defrina Sukma S Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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