Accident risk factors associated with educational activities, training and research at institutions will be possible and need to get serious attention from all parties. Risks such as fire and explosion due to faulty procedures of operation of tools and materials that occur in the work environment either the administration or laboratory space becomes a serious threat to be addressed. Not to mention Indonesia is a country prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, and tsunamis that come unpredictable. In addition to natural disasters, the threat of terror bombs is also a serious threat considering the rise of news about it. A variety of important assets, property and even human resources (HR) could be threatened. Institutions that are concerned about the safety aspect certainly have a unit that focuses on Health and Safety (K3), but has the unit been specially trained to be alert to face the situation, especially when the crucial incident occurred? To anticipate this, on November 8, 2016, the University of Airlangga Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD UA) held a K3 Training event on “Emergency Response Plan (ERP) / Emergency Disaster Response” topic. The training integrates several work units in educational and research institutions including secretariat, security, laboratories, including the OSH Unit itself to address the occurrence of accidents / disasters that could occur in the ITD UA environment in particular. The training was held in the Level 2 Floor Room and in the courtyard of the ITD UA building. The event was opened by the Chairman of ITD, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., Sp.MK (K)., PhD. Participants come from administrative staff, security staff, laboratory staff, representatives from units / institutions and faculty within Airlangga University. Materials delivered by competent resource persons in their fields such as “Application of K3 in Educational Institutions” are submitted by Mulyono, SKM., M. Kes, and “Potential of Disaster and Fire in Educational Institutions” delivered by DR. M. Nurtam, M.Si. After the debriefing of materials continued with a simulated ERP of disaster response and fire in the ITD UA building environment. ERP management system is always needed and applied in emergency conditions, it is advisable in every educational institution such as ITD UA as soon as possible to learn ERP management system early on. One way to learn it is through training and debriefing activities such as ERP, followed by regular and periodic exercise. It is expected that after participating in this training, participants will be briefed about facing an accident / workplace disaster and performing appropriate emergency response techniques. The growing awareness of institutions (ITD) about the possibility of unexpected accidents / disaster, will increase the awareness of accidents / disasters that can occur at any time and appropriate ways of coping (Kris-ITD).