Institute of Tropical Disease

Author name: Halo World


ISO Laboratory ITD Accreditation from the National Accreditation Committee Assessment Team for SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017

The Institute of Tropical Disease received visits and assessments from the Assessment Team of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). This is done to check and verify the standard rules that are applied, namely SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Several of our laboratories have been surveillance before (Dengue, Hepatitis, TB, Malaria, Leprosy) and there are additional proposed laboratory scopes, namely NPMRD and Entomology. The assessment was carried out for two days and the scope ranging from managerial to technical levels according to the applicable ISO standards. With this in mind, our laboratory can obtain accreditation certification that is recognized nationally by extending the period or submitting a new application so that various parties can legally recognize its integrity and performance based on the ISO. Not only that, this can be used as a benchmark for improving quality to be better than before.


Farewell Ceremony for Prof Kazufumi Shimizu from ITD UNAIR

The Institute of Tropical Disease held a farewell ceremony for Prof. Kazufumi Shimizu, he is a researcher from Japan who represents the Japanese collaboration program with ITD UNAIR. Welcoming from the Head of the Institute Prof. Maria Inge Lucida. Ph.D. along with the Institutional Secretary Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam. DVM along with representatives of other Laboratory researchers. They are all very grateful for the dedication that has given by him so far and even stayed there during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is hoped that his knowledge and research can continue to develop and contribute both nationally and internationally


The activity of Joint Research between ITD Unair and Kobe University, Japan (J-GRID Progress Report)

Institute of Tropical Disease conducted a progress report by Kobe University, Japan, represented by Prof. Mori. This activity was warmly welcomed by the chairman, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, Ph.D. and the secretary of the institution, Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, DVM. this event was first opened with remarks from the chairman Prof. Maria Inge, followed by remarks from Prof. Mori and stories of experiences while in Indonesia. Furthermore, there are presentations from laboratory representatives who are members of J-GRID, such as Dengue, New Pathogen, AMR Group, and Viral Diarrhea. This presentation explains the progress of research development that has been carried out and also research that has been planned in the future. The hope is that with this, the Tropical Disease Institute can maintain the cooperation that has been well established in terms of integrity, communication, and research results.


Collaboration between the Institute of Tropical Disease, The Hospital, and Cambodja Dermatology Society

The Institute of Tropical Disease received an overseas visit from the Cambodja Dermatology Society with PPDS UNAIR and representatives from the hospital and also served as Head of KSM/Department of Dermatology and Venereology DR. dr. M. Yulianto Listiawan, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV, the visit was welcomed by the head of the institution, Prof. Maria Inge Lucida. Ph. D. This event was started with greetings from each agency representative which was then followed by discussions regarding the objectives of the collaboration to be carried out. They all signed the agreement that had been made which could later become the basis for cooperation. After that, they visited the leprosy laboratory, where they discussed activities and all the research developments that had been carried out. It is hoped that this collaboration can provide contributions both domestically and abroad and can become a beacon in research in the health sector. Those attending are:


Performance Award & Appreciation of BADAN POM in Development of Merah Putih Vaccines during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Research Center for Vaccine Technology & Development, Institute of Tropical Disease (RCVTD-ITD) Airlangga University has succeeded in developing a COVID-19 vaccine in an inactive platform, where the seed vaccine (Seed Vaccine) is the result of isolates from Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam., DVM . RCVTD-ITD Universitas Airlangga which is a collaboration between UNAIR & RSUD Dr. Soetomo and now it has been successfully applied to the community under the name INAVAC. After going through clinical trials that required thousands of subjects as volunteers starting from Phase I to Phase III involving hospitals as well as RSUD Dr. Soetomo/ Teaching Hostpital, RS UNAIR, RSSA Malang, RSUD Paru Jember, RSUD Soebandi Jember. This success is the realization of the Triple Helix concept between academia, government & industry, namely the Ministry of Health, BADAN POM-RI, PT. Biotis Pharmaceutical Indonesia. The award as a vaccine developer from the BADAN POM-RI was given to UNAIR Chancellor, head of COVID-19 vaccine developer, clinical trial coordinator, & clinical trial researcher on 15 February 2023 at Ciputra Artpreneur Theater Jakarta Picture’s Source:


Rights of Researchers when Conducting Research at ITD

The Institute of Tropical Diseases is a research unit owned by Universitas Airlangga which focuses on the health sector, especially on tropical diseases. This institution was founded because Indonesia is located in a tropical region. At the same time, the diseases that develop are also different from Europe, America, Australia, and all areas that are not traversed by the equator. Therefore, the formation of this institution is expected to be able to catch things that are happening and provide solutions, be it healing, prevention or even knowing the developments that have occurred. The Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) is always trying to develop research, both internally and externally. Internal research is research carried out by research staff from ITD itself while external research is research either carried out by users or outside researchers who wish to conduct research at ITD because of the facilities or research materials. If outside researchers want to do research, they need to register first. The registration can carry out consultations regarding what will be researched, be it methods, viruses, or bacteria and matters regarding the research, if it has been accepted, it can make an abstract proposal and a letter addressed to ITD. If you have registered according to the applicable requirements, outside researchers can carry out their research. The Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) is always trying to develop research, both internally and externally. Internal research is research carried out by research staff from ITD itself while external research is research either carried out by users or outside researchers who wish to conduct research at ITD because of the facilities or research materials. If outside researchers want to do research, they need to register first. The registration can carry out consultations regarding what will be researched, be it methods, viruses, or bacteria and matters regarding the research, if it has been accepted, it can make an abstract proposal and a letter addressed to ITD. If you have registered according to the applicable requirements, outside researchers can carry out their research. Here outside researchers or users can get rights that can be obtained by doing research at ITD. What are those rights? : 1. Researchers are allowed to use facilities and tools honestly and responsibly. In this case, the outside researcher can use all available laboratory equipment according to the agreement on the research method used. 2. Obtain a workplace for research The workplace presented is a supporting public facility in carrying out research carried out while at ITD in accordance with predetermined requirements and requirements. 3. Obtain an accompanying analysis Accompanying this analysis can be obtained according to the conditions needed 4. Obtain consultant guidance in accordance with applicable regulations if necessary This guidance is given if there are researchers who need guidance in the research process carried out by these researchers in accordance with applicable requirements. Regarding foreign researchers, there will be separate treatments. From this, researchers can understand the work process before conducting research in order to get the best results so that the services provided can also increase later.



Dengue is an endemic disease in tropical and sub-tropical areas caused by a viral infection. Cases of dengue virus infection are reported more than 250,000-500,000 in the world each year. This disease is transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, the transmission of this virus is caused by interactions between humans, mosquitoes as vectors, and environmental factors. Dengue virus has 4 serotypes namely DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. The four serotypes are further classified into several genotypes based on the base sequence of the envelope region. Disease caused by this virus infection in Indonesia was first discovered in Jakarta and Surabaya in 1968. In the following year dengue virus infection began to spread in all provinces in Indonesia. In 2013 in Semarang it was reported that the dominance of type 1 dengue virus infection (DENV-1) with genotype I and genotype II, this genotype II was found again after 3 decades. In the same year, in Sukabumi, it was reported that infection with dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) with the Cosmopolitan genotype was more dominant in prevalence, followed by DENV-1 and DENV-4. Paniai District in Papua Province has been reported to have DENV infection, even though Papua is a non-endemic area for the spread of this virus. Based on research using the Immunofluorescence Assay method in Paniai Regency, it was confirmed that there was DENV activity, from 158 serum samples from healthy people, 116 serum samples were positive for having antibodies against DENV. Research on DENV serotypes in Surabaya began in 2007, based on this study it was reported that DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4 circulate in Surabaya, and have different serotype and genotype dominance each year. The difference in dominance is due to the presence of circulating DENV in the population. The dominance of DENV-2 in June-October 2008 and July-September 2013, DENV-1 was dominant in November 2008 to June 2013, and DENV-4 in July 2008 and February-March 2009. Domination by DENV-2 in Surabaya can be seen in July 2013 to December 2014. This occurred when the dominance of the DENV serotype changed from DENV-1 to DENV-2. In January-February 2013 DENV-3 was reported, from 2008 to 2013 DENV-3 cases were not reported. Based on research from the Dengue Laboratory of the Institute of Tropical Diseases, Airlangga University, it is predicted that in the following year, 2015, there will be a serotype change to DENV-3 and endemic in Surabaya. Data on dengue virus serotypes from 2015 to 2023 cannot be written down because they have not been published in a scientific journal. So it can be concluded that serotype dominance in Surabaya can change every year. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has created the 3M Plus program to suppress DHF cases, namely draining, closing, burying and plus cleaning the environment. However, cases are still reported in several places every year. Efforts to prevent DHF are needed, starting from oneself so that the disease does not spread more widely, namely by: 1) draining the bath once a week and adding larvae-eating fish to the bath; 2) Clean the water storage containers, such as water storage barrels, dispensers, and water reservoirs behind the refrigerator; 3) Install mosquito nets; 4) Don’t hang dirty clothes for too long, because clothes that contain sweat are liked by mosquitoes; 5) Use mosquito repellent cream; 6) Clean the environment around the house; 7) Planting plants that mosquitoes don’t like, such as citronella, geranium flowers, basil, stye flowers, lavender flowers, etc.; and 8) fogging. Author: Teguh Hari Sucipto


Visit from Anwar Medika University to ITD Unair

(ITD-UNAIR) On February 15, 2023, the Institute of Tropical Diseases, Universitas Airlangga received a visit from the D3 Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program, Anwar Medika University. The purpose of the visit to the Institute of Tropical Diseases Universitas Airlangga was to learn about molecular biology in testing specimens of the dengue virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, and Escherichia coli bacteria. Participants received demos from Dengue, Tuberculosis, and TDDC laboratory instructors such as DNA/RNA extraction processes, Reverse Transcription, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Electrophoresis, and DNA visualization with a UV transilluminator. (Sucipto TH, 2023)


Visit From Faculty of Public Health Hasanuddin University to ITD UNAIR

(ITD-UNAIR) On February 10, 2023, the Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga received a visit from Lecturers and Education Personnel from the Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University. The purpose of this visit is to benchmark to the laboratories located at ITD. This visit was welcomed by Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Si., PhD. as the head of human resources of ITD. After remarks and discussions related to the development of research at ITD, the visit continued to 5 laboratories in ITD, namely, the Malaria Laboratory, Entomology Laboratory, Human Genetic Laboratory, Dengue Laboratory, and Gastroenteritis Laboratory. In this visit they were welcomed by researchers in each laboratory, they explained the field they were engaged in and the development of research developed in each laboratory (Sucipto, TH. 2023)


Visit from CDC USA to ITD UNAIR

Thursday, January 26 2023, ITD Universitas Airlangga was visited by the CDC USA. at this event, started by remarks and opening remarks from the Chancellor of Airlangga University, Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, SE., MT., Ak and also the Vice Chancellor for Research, Communication, Community Development Prof. Dr. Dra. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih. M.Sc. Furthermore, a presentation was made by showing the ITD video profile and also presenting research activities and developments by the chairman of the institution, Prof. Maria Inge Lucida, Ph.D.,. In his presentation, the USA CDC attracted interest in information related to developments in ITD related to the world of research in the health sector. From this, interesting discussions emerged such as the methods used, the tools, the sources and the results of their development. In the discussion, additional information was also provided from the Vice Chancellor for International & Information Digitization Prof. dr. Muhammad Mifthahussurur. M.Kes., Sp.PD-KGEH., Ph.D., FIINASIM because he is also one of the senior researchers at ITD in the field of H. Pylori. After the discussion was carried out a joint visit to the Avian Infleunza Lab in the Whole Sample Genome test section, they were happy to discuss the use of the method and its practice during the presentation from ITD researchers. full of hope, cooperation can be increased which in the future can affect the quality of research and development of science in the field of health to foreign countries.

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