{:en}Handover of the position of head of service Tropical Diease Diagnostic Center (TDDC){:}{:id}Serah terima jabatan ketua pelayanan Tropical Diease Diagnostic Center (TDDC){:}
{:en} Monday, March 8, 2021, the Institute of Tropical Disease held a handover of the position of head of the Tropical Diease Diagnostic Center service. This event was attended by several leaders of the Institute of Tropical Disease Like Prof. MARIA LUCIA INGE LUSIDA dr., M.Kes., Ph.D., SpMK , Prof. Dr. FEDIK ABDUL RANTAM drh. and representatives of the Tropical Diease Diagnostic Center (TDDC). The handover was carried out by dr. Naritha Vermasari., Sp.MK., to dr. Alicia Margareta Widya., MkedKlin, Sp. Mk. {:}{:id}senin, 8 maret 2021, Lembaga penyakit Tropis mengadakan serah terima jabatan ketua pelayanan Tropical Diease Diagnostic Center. Acara ini dihadiri oleh beberapa pimpinan Lembaga Penyakit Tropis seperti Prof. MARIA LUCIA INGE LUSIDA dr., M.Kes., Ph.D., SpMK , Prof. Dr. FEDIK ABDUL RANTAM drh. dan perwakilan Tropical Diease Diagnostic Center (TDDC). Penyerahan dilakukan oleh dr. Naritha Vermasari., Sp.MK., kepada dr. Alicia Margareta Widya., MkedKlin, Sp. Mk.{:}