{:en}Dengue Vector Detection Using Knockdown-resistance Mutations{:}{:id}Deteksi Vektor Dengue Menggunakan Knockdown-resistance Mutations{:}
{:en} Mosquitoes can spread and carry disease, making them one of the deadliest animals. Many mosquito-borne diseases are still on the rise, including dengue, Zika, chikungunya, West-Nile Virus, malaria, and yellow fever virus. Half of the world’s population lives in areas where mosquitoes occur. The four genera that are commonly found as transmission of mosquito vectors are Aedes, Culex, Mansonia, and Anopheles. The Aedescan genus transmits chikungunya virus, Zika virus, dengue virus, lymphatic filariasis, and yellow fever virus (World Health Organization 2020b). Two species of Aedes, namely Aedes (Stegomyia) aegyptian and Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus, are important vectors of arboviral diseases. Dengue infection is a disease that is transmitted by both and is a public health challenge. Data from WHO in 2020 shows that around 390 million people have been estimated to be infected by dengue infection and spread in 128 countries (World Health Organization 2020a) and from Indonesia is also endemic for dengue infection, increasing the annual prevalence rate from 0.05/100,000 in 2015. 1968 to 78.8/100,000 in 2016. However, the case fatality rate decreased from 41% in 1968 to 1.21% in 2004 (WHO 2006). Currently, there is no effective vaccine that can be used as prophylaxis for all age groups. Dengvaxia (CYD-TDV) is the first licensed live recombinant dengue tetravalent vaccine by Sanofi-Pasteur and can be used for individuals 9 to 45 years of age in endemic areas. The efficacy of these vaccines varied, with the highest efficacy against dengue serotypes 3 and 4 (71.6% and 76.9%) followed by dengue serotypes 1 and 2 (54.7% and 43%) (World Health Organization 2020c). Furthermore, the main method to prevent transmission of dengue infection is through vector control. A meta-analysis study showed that a variety of dengue control variations significantly reduces the risk of dengue fever, such as home screening, water container covers, and community-based environmental management. Interestingly, indoor residual spraying (IRS) did not significantly reduce the risk of dengue fever, whereas the use of insecticide aerosols and mosquito coils was associated with an increased risk of dengue fever. Correspondingly, skin repellent, insecticide-treated mosquito nets also have no effect. Thus, the effectiveness of vector control remains questionable and may vary in different geographic areas. The main method of controlling dengue infection in Indonesia is a combination of environmental management (eradication of mosquito larvae, closing water containers, draining bathtubs regularly) and thermal fogging. In Indonesia, Organophosphates have been used for decades to control adult mosquitoes. Malathion, as an organophosphate derivative, is used to control adult mosquitoes, while temephos is used as a larvicide. Malathion was first introduced in Indonesia in 1969, while temephos was introduced in 1980 for the control of dengue fever. Intensive and massive use of insecticides can cause a decrease in the sensitivity of mosquito populations to commonly used insecticides. This phenomenon can be referred to as an insecticide resistance mechanism (World Health Organization 2012). City parks have the potential to be a source of vector-borne disease transmission because they are natural and artificial mosquito breeding habitats combined with continuous human presence. Subekti et al revealed that from their research they wanted to know the occurrence of knockdown-resistance (kdr) mutant alleles (V1016G and F1534C) in a mosquito population collected from a city park in Surabaya, Indonesia. The results showed that the frequency of the resistant allele (G1016 and C1534) was zero, and the frequency of the susceptible allele was 1 (V1016 and F1534). Insecticide bioassays could not be carried out due to the limited number of adult mosquitoes, so the status of insecticide resistance could not be determined. However, this research can be used as initial monitoring for vector control programs. Source : news.unair.ac.id Source of Picture : JEO Kompas {:}{:id}Nyamuk dapat menyebarkan dan membawa penyakit sehingga dapat menjadikannya sebagai salah satu hewan paling mematikan. Banyak penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk yang masih menunjukkan peningkatan, termasuk demam berdarah, Zika, chikungunya, Virus West-Nile, malaria, dan yellow fever virus. Setengah dari populasi di seluruh dunia bertempat tinggal di daerah di mana nyamuk muncul. Empat genus yang banyak ditemukan sebagai penularan dari vektor penyakit nyamuk, antara lain Aedes, Culex, Mansonia, dan Anopheles. Genus Aedescan menularkan virus chikungunya, virus Zika, virus dengue, filariasis limfatik, dan virus demam kuning (World Health Organization 2020b). Dua spesies Aedes, yaitu Aedes (Stegomyia) aegyptian dan Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus, merupakan vektor penting penyakit arboviral. Infeksi dengue merupakan penyakit yang ditularkan oleh keduanya dan menjadi tantangan kesehatan masyarakat. Data dari WHO pada tahun 2020 menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 390 juta orang telah diperkirakan terinfeksi oleh infeksi dengue dan tersebar di 128 negara (World Health Organization 2020a) dan dari Indonesia juga merupakan endemis infeksi dengue, meningkatkatnya angka prevalensi tahunan dari 0,05/100.000 pada tahun 1968 menjadi 78,8 /100.000 pada tahun 2016. Namun, angka kematian kasus menurun dari 41% pada tahun 1968 menjadi 1,21% pada tahun 2004 (WHO 2006). Saat ini, tidak ada vaksin yang efektif yang dapat menjadi profilaksis untuk semua kelompok umur. Dengvaxia (CYD-TDV) adalah vaksin dengue tetravalent rekombinan hidup oleh Sanofi-Pasteur yang pertama kali berlisensi dan dapat digunakan untuk individu berusia 9 hingga 45 tahun di daerah endemik. Keampuhan vaksin ini bervariasi, dengan efikasi tertinggi terhadap dengue serotipe 3 dan 4 (71,6% dan 76,9%) diikuti oleh dengue serotipe 1 dan 2 (54,7% dan 43%) (World Health Organization 2020c). Selanjutnya, metode utama untuk mencegah penularan infeksi dengue adalah melalui pengendalian vektor. Sebuah studi meta-analisis menunjukkan bahwa varietas variasi pengendalian demam berdarah secara signifikan mengurangi risiko demam berdarah, seperti skrining rumah, penutup wadah air, dan pengelolaan lingkungan berbasis masyarakat. Menariknya, penyemprotan indoor residual spraying (IRS) tidak secara signifikan mengurangi risiko demam berdarah, sedangkan penggunaan aerosol insektisida dan obat nyamuk bakar dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko demam berdarah. Sejalan dengan itu, pengusir kulit, kelambu berinsektisida juga tidak berpengaruh. Dengan demikian, efektifitas pengendalian vektor tetap dipertanyakan dan mungkin dapat bervariasi di wilayah geografis yang berbeda. Metode utama pengendalian infeksi dengue di Indonesia adalah kombinasi pengelolaan lingkungan (pemberantasan jentik nyamuk, menutup wadah air, menguras bak mandi secara teratur) dan fogging termal. Di Indonesia, Organofosfat telah digunakan selama beberapa dekade untuk mengendalikan nyamuk dewasa. Malathion, sebagai turunan Organofosfat, digunakan untuk mengendalikan nyamuk