Institute of Tropical Disease



{:en}Dengue Vector Detection Using Knockdown-resistance Mutations{:}{:id}Deteksi Vektor Dengue Menggunakan Knockdown-resistance Mutations{:}

{:en} Mosquitoes can spread and carry disease, making them one of the deadliest animals. Many mosquito-borne diseases are still on the rise, including dengue, Zika, chikungunya, West-Nile Virus, malaria, and yellow fever virus. Half of the world’s population lives in areas where mosquitoes occur. The four genera that are commonly found as transmission of mosquito vectors are Aedes, Culex, Mansonia, and Anopheles. The Aedescan genus transmits chikungunya virus, Zika virus, dengue virus, lymphatic filariasis, and yellow fever virus (World Health Organization 2020b). Two species of Aedes, namely Aedes (Stegomyia) aegyptian and Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus, are important vectors of arboviral diseases. Dengue infection is a disease that is transmitted by both and is a public health challenge. Data from WHO in 2020 shows that around 390 million people have been estimated to be infected by dengue infection and spread in 128 countries (World Health Organization 2020a) and from Indonesia is also endemic for dengue infection, increasing the annual prevalence rate from 0.05/100,000 in 2015. 1968 to 78.8/100,000 in 2016. However, the case fatality rate decreased from 41% in 1968 to 1.21% in 2004 (WHO 2006). Currently, there is no effective vaccine that can be used as prophylaxis for all age groups. Dengvaxia (CYD-TDV) is the first licensed live recombinant dengue tetravalent vaccine by Sanofi-Pasteur and can be used for individuals 9 to 45 years of age in endemic areas. The efficacy of these vaccines varied, with the highest efficacy against dengue serotypes 3 and 4 (71.6% and 76.9%) followed by dengue serotypes 1 and 2 (54.7% and 43%) (World Health Organization 2020c). Furthermore, the main method to prevent transmission of dengue infection is through vector control. A meta-analysis study showed that a variety of dengue control variations significantly reduces the risk of dengue fever, such as home screening, water container covers, and community-based environmental management. Interestingly, indoor residual spraying (IRS) did not significantly reduce the risk of dengue fever, whereas the use of insecticide aerosols and mosquito coils was associated with an increased risk of dengue fever. Correspondingly, skin repellent, insecticide-treated mosquito nets also have no effect. Thus, the effectiveness of vector control remains questionable and may vary in different geographic areas. The main method of controlling dengue infection in Indonesia is a combination of environmental management (eradication of mosquito larvae, closing water containers, draining bathtubs regularly) and thermal fogging. In Indonesia, Organophosphates have been used for decades to control adult mosquitoes. Malathion, as an organophosphate derivative, is used to control adult mosquitoes, while temephos is used as a larvicide. Malathion was first introduced in Indonesia in 1969, while temephos was introduced in 1980 for the control of dengue fever. Intensive and massive use of insecticides can cause a decrease in the sensitivity of mosquito populations to commonly used insecticides. This phenomenon can be referred to as an insecticide resistance mechanism (World Health Organization 2012). City parks have the potential to be a source of vector-borne disease transmission because they are natural and artificial mosquito breeding habitats combined with continuous human presence. Subekti et al revealed that from their research they wanted to know the occurrence of knockdown-resistance (kdr) mutant alleles (V1016G and F1534C) in a mosquito population collected from a city park in Surabaya, Indonesia. The results showed that the frequency of the resistant allele (G1016 and C1534) was zero, and the frequency of the susceptible allele was 1 (V1016 and F1534). Insecticide bioassays could not be carried out due to the limited number of adult mosquitoes, so the status of insecticide resistance could not be determined. However, this research can be used as initial monitoring for vector control programs. Source : Source of Picture : JEO Kompas {:}{:id}Nyamuk dapat menyebarkan dan membawa penyakit sehingga dapat menjadikannya sebagai salah satu hewan paling mematikan. Banyak penyakit yang ditularkan oleh nyamuk yang masih menunjukkan peningkatan, termasuk demam berdarah, Zika, chikungunya, Virus West-Nile, malaria, dan yellow fever virus. Setengah dari populasi di seluruh dunia bertempat tinggal di daerah di mana nyamuk muncul. Empat genus yang banyak ditemukan sebagai penularan dari vektor penyakit nyamuk, antara lain Aedes, Culex, Mansonia, dan Anopheles. Genus Aedescan menularkan virus chikungunya, virus Zika, virus dengue, filariasis limfatik, dan virus demam kuning (World Health Organization 2020b). Dua spesies Aedes, yaitu Aedes (Stegomyia) aegyptian dan Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus, merupakan vektor penting penyakit arboviral. Infeksi dengue merupakan penyakit yang ditularkan oleh keduanya dan menjadi tantangan kesehatan masyarakat. Data dari WHO pada tahun 2020 menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 390 juta orang telah diperkirakan terinfeksi oleh infeksi dengue dan tersebar di 128 negara (World Health Organization 2020a) dan dari Indonesia juga merupakan endemis infeksi dengue, meningkatkatnya angka prevalensi tahunan dari 0,05/100.000 pada tahun 1968 menjadi 78,8 /100.000 pada tahun 2016. Namun, angka kematian kasus menurun dari 41% pada tahun 1968 menjadi 1,21% pada tahun 2004 (WHO 2006). Saat ini, tidak ada vaksin yang efektif yang dapat menjadi profilaksis untuk semua kelompok umur. Dengvaxia (CYD-TDV) adalah vaksin dengue tetravalent rekombinan hidup oleh Sanofi-Pasteur yang pertama kali berlisensi dan dapat digunakan untuk individu berusia 9 hingga 45 tahun di daerah endemik. Keampuhan vaksin ini bervariasi, dengan efikasi tertinggi terhadap dengue serotipe 3 dan 4 (71,6% dan 76,9%) diikuti oleh dengue serotipe 1 dan 2 (54,7% dan 43%) (World Health Organization 2020c). Selanjutnya, metode utama untuk mencegah penularan infeksi dengue adalah melalui pengendalian vektor. Sebuah studi meta-analisis menunjukkan bahwa varietas variasi pengendalian demam berdarah secara signifikan mengurangi risiko demam berdarah, seperti skrining rumah, penutup wadah air, dan pengelolaan lingkungan berbasis masyarakat. Menariknya, penyemprotan indoor residual spraying (IRS) tidak secara signifikan mengurangi risiko demam berdarah, sedangkan penggunaan aerosol insektisida dan obat nyamuk bakar dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko demam berdarah. Sejalan dengan itu, pengusir kulit, kelambu berinsektisida juga tidak berpengaruh. Dengan demikian, efektifitas pengendalian vektor tetap dipertanyakan dan mungkin dapat bervariasi di wilayah geografis yang berbeda. Metode utama pengendalian infeksi dengue di Indonesia adalah kombinasi pengelolaan lingkungan (pemberantasan jentik nyamuk, menutup wadah air, menguras bak mandi secara teratur) dan fogging termal. Di Indonesia, Organofosfat telah digunakan selama beberapa dekade untuk mengendalikan nyamuk dewasa. Malathion, sebagai turunan Organofosfat, digunakan untuk mengendalikan nyamuk


{:en}The 3rd Molecular Update – Basic Cell Culture and Realtime PCR in Research Application{:}{:id}Pengaplikasian dasar kultur sel dan Realtiem PCR dalam penelitian Gelombang ke 3{:}

{:en} At the end of 2021, the Tropical Diagnostic Disease Center & RC-Gerid held a Workshop entitled “The 3rd Molecular Update – Basic Cell Culture and Realtime PCR in Research Application” to be exact on December 1-2, 2021. This event was attended by 8 participants from among clinicians and researchers from several agencies inside and outside the city of Surabaya. The participants were given material about vero cell culture and realtime PCR. In addition to being given material, participants were also given the opportunity to carry out cell culture and real-time PCR work on a hands-on basis. The enthusiasm of the participants in participating in the workshop was seen because it was a new thing for them. At the event, TDDC also gave door prizes for participants with the best pre-test and post-test results. In the future, TDDC will hold regular workshops every year with a new theme which is sure to be interesting to follow. Hopefully, the workshop held by TDDC will bring benefits to the world of research in Indonesia in the future. {:}{:id}Di penghujung tahun 2021 ini, Tropical Diagnostic Disease Center dan RC Gerid  mengadakan Workshop yang bertajuk “The 3rd Molecular Update – Basic Cell Culture and Realtime PCR in Research Application” tepatnya pada tanggal 1-2 Desember 2021. Acara ini diikuti oleh 8 peserta dari kalangan klinisi dan researcher dari beberapa instansi di dalam dan luar kota Surabaya. Para peserta diberikan materi tentang kultur sel vero dan realtime PCR. Selain diberikan materi, peserta juga diberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan pengerjaan kultur sel dan realtime PCR secara hands on. Tampak antusiasme para peserta dalam mengikuti workshop tersebut karena merupakan hal yang baru bagi mereka. Pada acara tersebut juga TDDC memberikan doorprize bagi peserta dengan hasil pre test dan post test terbaik. Rencana kedepannya TDDC akan rutin mengadakan workshop setiap tahunnya dengan tema baru yang pastinya akan menarik untuk diikuti. Semoga workshop yang diadakan TDDC membawa manfaat untuk dunia riset di Indonesia kedepannya.{:}


{:en}ICITD (International Conference on Infectious and Tropical Disease){:}{:id}Seminar Internasional ICITD{:}

{:en}Institute of Tropical Disease – RC-GERID has held an international conference entitled ICITD (International Conference on Infectious and Tropical Disease) for 2 days on 29th-30th November 2021. This conference carried the theme “update on management of COVID-19 and tropical diseases”. On the first day, this event was started by singing Indonesian National Anthem and Universitas Airlangga Hymn. After that, the performance of the Indonesian dance called cunduk menur was displayed by the students from UKTK Unair. The first welcoming speech was delivered by Prof. dr. Maria Inge Lusida , M.Kes, PhD, Sp.MK(K) as the Chief of the organizing committee. The second welcoming speech was relayed by Prof. Dr. Kuntaman, dr., M.S., Sp.MK(K) as chairman of the Indonesian Association of Clinical Microbiology Specialists (PAMKI). Then, The Rector of Universitas Airlangga, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak, CMA, gave the opening remark of this international conference. After the opening, the first lecture was presented by Dr. Soedarsono, dr.,Sp.P(K) explaining the management of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The second speaker was Dr. Gatot Soegiarto, dr., SpPD, K-AI, FINASIM who spoke about the circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants and the need for booster vaccination. The next speaker was Prof. Masanori Kameoka who elucidated the developing neutralization assay for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate. The last program of the first day was oral and poster presentations by participants. The program on the second day was commenced with oral and poster presentations. Subsequently, the speech was presented by a keynote speaker from NIHRD representative, Dr. Vivi Setiawaty, dr., M. Biomed. The following lectures were delivered by the invited speakers. The first was Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, drh from Institute of Tropical Disease explaining the development of merah putih vaccine inactivated platform. Secondly, Prof. Dr. Habibah Wahab from Universitas Sains Malaysia elaborated the natural products based drug discovery efforts for the discovery of drugs for dengue and COVID-19. The following speaker was Dr. Jonathan Wong, Ph.D, The director of scientific development, Immunitor Inc, who conveyed the current and future development in the treatment of virus-induced cytokine storm. Lastly was Prof. Kazufumi Shimizu who brought up a lecture entitled COVID-19 is self-limiting epidemic: The first outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in East Java ended with the decrease of the viral loads in the patients. At the end of this event, Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D as the committee coordinator announced the winner of the best presentation and poster competition followed by the closing of ICITD.{:}{:id}Lembaga Penyakit Tropis – RC-GERID telah menggelar acara seminar internasional dengan nama  ICITD (International Conference on Infectious and Tropical Disease) selama 2 hari yaitu tanggal 29-30 November 2021. Acara ini mengangkat tema update on management of  COVID-19 and tropical diseases. Pada hari pertama , Acara ini diawali dengan nyanyian lagu Indonesia raya dan hymne Universitas Airlangga. Selanjutanya disajikan tarian asli indonesia yaitu cunduk menur yang dibawa oleh mahasiswi yang tergabung dalam uktk unair. Sambutan pertama dibawakan oleh Prof . dr . Maria Inge Lusida , M.Kes, PhD, Sp.MK(K) selaku ketua panitia. Sambutan kedua dibawakan oleh Prof. Dr. Kuntaman, dr., M.S., Sp.MK(K) selaku ketua perhimpunan dokter spesialis mikrologi klinik indonesia (PAMKI). kemudian Rektor Universitas Airlangga Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak, CMA memberikan sambutan terakhir sekaligus membuka acara seminar nasional ini. Materi pertama disampaikan oleh Dr. Soedarsono, dr.,Sp.P(K) yang menjelaskan tentang managemen covid-19 di Indonesia. Pemateri  kedua  di isi oleh Dr. Gatot Soegiarto, dr., SpPD, K-AI, FINASIM terkait varian virus covid dan kebutuhan penambahan vaksin.  Selanjutnya di isi oleh Prof. Masanori Kameoka yang menjelaskan tentang pengembangan uji netralisasi untuk kandidat vaksin. Setelah itu dilanjutkan acara presentasi oral dan poster oleh para peserta. Pada hari kedua, acara ini di awali dengan presentasi oral dan poster. Selanjutnya penyampaian materi dari keynote Speaker oleh perwakilan dari kementrian kesehatan Dr. Vivi Setiawaty, dr., M. Biomed. Materi berikutnya dibawakan oleh para invited speakers. Pemateri pertama  adalah Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, drh dari lembaga penyakit tropis terkait pengembangan vaksin merah putih. Pemateri kedua Prof. Dr. Habibah Wahab dari universitas sains malaysia menjelaskan tentang Upaya Penemuan Obat Berbasis Bahan Alami untuk Penemuan Obat Demam Berdarah dan COVID-19. Selanjutnya Dr. Jonathan Wong, Ph.D. selaku direktur pengembangan ilmiah, imunnitor, menyampaikan terkait pengembangan saat ini dan masa depan terkait menghadapi virus penyebab badai sitokin. Terakhir di isi oleh Prof. Kazufumi Shimizu dengan judul “COVID-19 adalah Epidemi yang Membatasi Diri: Wabah Pertama SARS-CoV-2 di Jawa Timur Berakhir dengan Penurunan Viral Load pada Pasien”.   Di akhir acara, Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D selaku Koordinator panitia mengumumkan pemenang kompetisi presentasi oral dan poster terbaik yang diikuti oleh penutupan acara.{:}



{:en} Universitas Airlangga through the Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing, and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) has held 3 batches of online short courses as Reviewers of a journal in collaboration with Publons Academy. Four (4) researchers from the Institute for Tropical Diseases, Universitas Airlangga have participated and were declared to have passed by the Publons Academy batch 2 and batch 3, namely, Teguh Hari Sucipto, S.Si., M.Sc. (Dengue Laboratory), Dr. Ni Luh Ayu Megasari, S.Gz., M.Ked.Trop. (New Pathogen Laboratory), Siti Qamariyah Khairunisa (HIV/AIDS Laboratory), and Dinar Adriaty, S.Si., M.Kes. (Leprosy Laboratory). Publons Academy teaches about peer review, industry knowledge, core reviewing skills, and practical experience activities with 10 teaching modules. Each participant, hereinafter referred to as a mentee, has the right to choose their respective mentor, which may be from internal or external to Universitas Airlangga. Each mentee must complete 2 reviews of article manuscripts that are under review from a national or international journal. And then the mentor will conduct an assessment and provide suggestions on the results of each mentee’s review. Publons Academy is very important for every researcher to develop themselves, establish cooperation, gain experience in the field of science, and increase reputation. {:}{:id}Universitas Airlangga melalui Lembaga Inovasi, Pengembangan Jurnal, Penerbitan, dan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (LIPJPHKI) telah menyelenggarakan 3 batch online short course sebagai Reviewer suatu jurnal bekerja sama dengan Publons Academy. Empat (4) peneliti Lembaga Penyakit Tropis Universitas Airlangga telah mengikuti dan dinyatakan lulus oleh Publons Academy bacth 2 dan bacth 3 yaitu, Teguh Hari Sucipto, S.Si., M.Si. (Laboratorium Dengue), Dr. Ni Luh Ayu Megasari, S.Gz., M.Ked.Trop. (Laboratorium New Pathogen), Siti Qamariyah Khairunisa (Laboratorium HIV/AIDS), dan Dinar Adriaty, S.Si., M.Kes. (Laboratorium Leprosi). Publons Academy mengajarkan tentang peer review, industry knowledge, core reviewing skills, dan practical experience activity dengan 10 modul pengajaran. Setiap peserta yang selanjutnya disebut mentee berhak memilih mentor masing-masing, dapat berasal dari internal atau eksternal Universitas Airlangga. Setiap mentee harus menyelesaikan 2 review naskah artikel yang berstatus under review dari sebuah jurnal nasional atau internasional. Serta selanjutnya mentor akan melakukan penilaian dan memberikan saran atas hasil review masing-masing mentee. Publons Academy ini sangat penting bagi setiap peneliti untuk mengembangkan diri, menjalin kerjasama, menambah pengalaman di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, dan menaikkan reputasi. (Sucipto TH, 2021){:}


{:en}Re-accreditation Assessment of SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (Remote Assessment){:}{:id}Asesmen Re-Akreditasi SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (Remote Assessment){:}

{:en} The Institute for Tropical Diseases is one of the Centers for Excellence in Science and Technology (PUI) by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education in the field of molecular biology research which has been equipped with the latest equipment and methods, since 2017. The laboratory at the Tropical Disease Institute has been accredited with SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), namely for testing dengue virus serotypes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, Hepatitis B virus, and Hepatitis C virus using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method, microscopic examination of malaria parasites, and detection of anti PGL-1 with Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. On Thursday-Friday, September 16-17, 2021, an SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 re-accreditation assessment has been carried out with the scope of the above tests. The event was opened with remarks from Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., PhD., Sp.MK(K). as Chairman of the Institute for Tropical Diseases. Furthermore, a technical explanation of the assessment was carried out by assessors from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). The assessors who conducted the assessment were Mardiana, S.T., M.Biomed as the Chief Assessor and Ratri Alfitasari as the assessor. And this event was also attended by Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, drh. as Secretary of the Institute for Tropical Diseases and representatives of laboratories within the scope of accredited testing. For 2 days, the assessors conducted questions and answers related to management, namely requirements 4, 5, and 8, as well as technical testing of each sample that came in from customers, namely requirements 6 and 7 in the guidelines for the requirements of SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Of course there are some findings from assessors, namely 6 findings from management and 3 findings from technical testing. Based on the findings of the assessor, the Tropical Disease Institute will verify corrective actions for 2 months, until November 16, 2021. {:}{:id}Lembaga Penyakit Tropis merupakan salah satu Pusat Unggulan Iptek (PUI) oleh Kementerian Riset dan Perguruan Tinggi dibidang riset biologi molekular yang telah dilengkapi dengan peralatan dan metode yang mutakhir, sejak tahun 2017. Laboratorium di Lembaga Penyakit Tropis telah terakreditasi SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 oleh Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN), yaitu untuk pengujian serotipe virus Dengue, Mycobacterium tuberkulosis, Mycobacterium leprae, virus Hepatitis B, dan virus Hepatitis C dengan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), pemeriksaan mikroskopis parasite Malaria, serta deteksi anti PGL-1 dengan metode Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Pada Kamis-Jumat, 16-17 September 2021 telah dilakukan asesmen re-akreditasi SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 dengan ruang lingkup pengujian di atas. Acara ini dibuka dengan sambutan dari Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., PhD., Sp.MK(K). selaku Ketua Lembaga Penyakit Tropis. Selanjutnya dilakukan penjelasan teknis asesmen dari asesor dari Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN). Asesor yang melakukan asesmen adalah Mardiana, S.T., M.Biomed selaku Asesor Kepala dan Ratri Alfitasari selaku asesor. Serta pada acara ini juga dihadiri oleh Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, drh. selaku Sekretaris Lembaga Penyakit Tropis dan perwakilan dari laboratorium dalam lingkup pengujian terakreditasi. Selama 2 hari para asesor melakukan tanya jawab terkait manajemen ysitu persyaratan 4, 5, dan 8, serta teknis pengujian setiap sampel yang masuk dari kustomer yaitu persyaratan 6 dan 7 pada pedoman persyaratan SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Tentunya ada beberapa temuan dari asesor, yaitu 6 temuan dari manajemen dan 3 temuan dari teknis pengujian. Berdasarkan temuan asesor tersebut selanjutnya Lembaga Penyakit Tropis akan melakukan verifikasi tindakan perbaikan selama 2 bulan yaitu hingga 16 November 2021.  (Sucipto TH, 2021){:}


{:en}The Potential of Pine Bark and Flowers as Dengue Antivirus Candidates{:}{:id}Potensi Kulit Batang dan Bunga Pinus sebagai Kandidat Antivirus Dengue{:}

{:en} Dengue virus (DENV) is a genus of flavivirus in the family Flaviviridae. This virus is a human pathogen causing a broad spectrum of clinical disease ranging from dengue fever (DF) to severe dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). In Indonesia, DHF first occurred as an epidemic in Jakarta and Surabaya in 1968. Until now, there is no effective antiviral or vaccine for DHF. Apart from Indonesia, other ASEAN countries that have quite large DENV outbreaks are Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Currently, there are four genotypes of dengue virus; DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. The rate of transmission and spread varies widely among the four dengue serotypes. In addition, Mustafa et al. led the discovery of a new dengue virus serotype, DENV-5. The World Health Organization states that the dengue virus is spread in metropolitan cities mainly by two species of mosquitoes, Aedes agypti and Aedes albopictus. This condition occurs mainly in the tropics and subtropics. Indonesia is declared to have the second largest biodiversity in the world, with around 40,000 endemic plant species including 6,000 medicinal plants. For this reason, natural ingredients are the main source of test materials in the development of antiviral drugs based on traditional medicines. P. merkusii or Sumatran pine is a pine native to the Southeast Asian region of Malaysia, especially in Indonesia. P. merkusii belongs to the family Pinaceae and genus Pinus. It is one of the tropical softwood tree species in Indonesia. On the island of Java, P. merkusii is a producer of pine resin. However, Indonesia is a major producer of turpentine distilled from this resin. Traditional medicinal plants have been reported to have antiviral activity and some have been used to treat viral infections in animals and humans. Apart from Pinaceae, several members of the family Acanthaceae, Amaranthaceae, Caricaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Flagellariaceae, Halymeniaceae, Labiatae, Meliaceae, Myrtaceae, Piperaceae, Phyllophoraceae, Poaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Verbeniaceae, and Zo, Songilieriaceae have been reported. as anti-dengue. Many studies have reported that the medicinal properties of P. merkusii are caused by its phytochemicals, including saponins, flavonoids, lignans, polyphenols, triterpenes, sterols, triterpenoids, glycosides, and alkaloids. P. merkusii is an important source of pycnogenol containing proanthocyanidins (procyanidins). Proanthocyanidins are powerful free radical scavengers, antibacterial, vasodilating, anticancer, hypoallergenic, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, immune system stimulating, antidiabetic, and anti-atherosclerosis. In addition, proanthocyanidins are natural compounds found in many Pine plants. Proanthocyanidins are present in flowers, bark, fruits, and seeds of various plants as a defense against biotic and abiotic stress. Chemically it is an oligomeric and polymeric product of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. Flavonoids are a class of polyphenolic compounds that have significant human health benefits and are described as less toxic than other plant compounds. In addition, several studies have shown that flavonoids exert significant antiviral activity against a number of common viruses including Aichi virus, dengue virus, canine distemper virus, and several others. There have also been reports of inhibition of the viral replication cycle by flavones, a subgroup of flavonoids that includes compounds such as baicalein. P. merkusii is a good source of traditional medicine and provides an important basis in pharmaceutical biology for the development or formulation of new drugs and for future clinical use to combat DENV infection. In addition, the formation of new anti-dengue products from bioactive compounds is needed to find anti-dengue drugs that are more effective and less toxic. Therefore, any comprehensive study of the potency of medicinal plants with isolated active compounds that have demonstrated anti-dengue activity should undergo additional in vitro and in vivo animal testing followed by toxicity and clinical trials. This may lead to the discovery of compounds that are promising to be optimized and thus considered suitable for application in the production of new anti-dengue compounds. In this study, we revealed that the stem and flower bark of P. merkusii inhibited DENV-2 in Vero cells with IC50 = 140.63 g/mL and 73.78 g/mL, CC50 = 89.65 g/mL and 249.5 g. g/mL, SI= 0.64 and 3.38, respectively. Author: Teguh Hari Sucipto Source : Picture’s Source : Indozone {:}{:id}Virus dengue (DENV) adalah genus Flavivirus dari famili Flaviviridae. Virus ini adalah patogen terhadap manusia yang menyebabkan spektrum penyakit klinis yang luas mulai dari demam berdarah (DF) hingga demam berdarah dengue (DBD) parah dan sindrom syok dengue (DSS). Di Indonesia, DBD pertama kali terjadi sebagai wabah di Jakarta dan Surabaya pada tahun 1968. Hingga saat ini, belum ada antivirus atau vaksin yang efektif untuk DBD. Selain Indonesia, negara ASEAN lainnya yang memiliki wabah DENV cukup besar adalah Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, dan Vietnam. Saat ini, ada empat genotipe virus dengue; DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, dan DENV-4. Tingkat penularan dan penyebaran sangat bervariasi di antara keempat serotipe dengue. Selain itu, Mustafa dkk. memimpin penemuan serotipe baru virus dengue, DENV-5. World Health Organization menyatakan bahwa virus dengue menyebar di kota-kota metropolitan terutama oleh dua spesies nyamuk, Aedes agypti dan Aedes albopictus. Kondisi ini terjadi terutama di daerah tropis dan subtropis. Indonesia dinyatakan memiliki keanekaragaman hayati terbesar kedua di dunia, dengan sekitar 40.000 spesies tumbuhan endemik termasuk 6.000 tumbuhan obat. Untuk itu, bahan alam menjadi sumber bahan uji utama dalam pengembangan obat antivirus berbasis obat tradisional. P. merkusii atau pinus Sumatera adalah pinus asli daerah Malasia Asia Tenggara, terutama di Indonesia. P. merkusii termasuk dalam famili Pinaceae dan genus Pinus. Ini adalah salah satu spesies pohon kayu lunak tropis di Indonesia. Di Pulau Jawa, P. merkusii merupakan penghasil getah pinus. Namun, Indonesia merupakan produsen utama terpentin yang disuling dari resin ini. Tanaman obat tradisional telah dilaporkan memiliki aktivitas antivirus dan beberapa telah digunakan untuk mengobati infeksi virus pada hewan dan manusia. Selain Pinaceae, beberapa anggota famili Acanthaceae, Amaranthaceae, Caricaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Flagellariaceae, Halymeniaceae, Labiatae, Meliaceae, Myrtaceae, Piperaceae, Phyllophoraceae, Poaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Verbeniaceae, Solieriuraceae, Zingiberaceae, dan Zosteraceae telah dilaporkan sebagai anti-dengue. Banyak penelitian melaporkan bahwa khasiat obat P. merkusii disebabkan oleh fitokimia yang dimiliki, antara lain saponin, flavonoid, lignan, polifenol, triterpen, sterol, triterpenoid, glikosida, dan alkaloid. P. merkusii merupakan sumber penting pycnogenol yang mengandung proanthocyanidins (procyanidins). Proanthocyanidins adalah penangkal radikal bebas yang kuat, antibakteri, vasodilatasi, antikanker, antialergi, anti-inflamasi, kardioprotektif, merangsang sistem kekebalan, antidiabetes, dan anti-aterosklerosis. Selain


{:en}“Dengue and COVID-19” Double Burden to Indonesia’s Health System{:}{:id}“Dengue dan COVID-19” Beban Ganda bagi Sistem Kesehatan Indonesia{:}

{:en} The World Health Organization or the World Health Organization has declared Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) as a pandemic because of its very fast spread and has infected 216 countries. Since the first time until July 2020, as many as 14,500,000 people from 216 countries have been infected and caused 606,000 deaths. Indonesia as a tropical country and an archipelagic country is also facing the transmission of COVID-19 as a public health threat. The number of islands in Indonesia as many as 17,504 islands and 34 provinces is a challenge for Indonesia to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19. The latest data in July 2020, shows the number of COVID-19 cases as many as 88,124 cases and 4,239 deaths. Indonesia also still has challenges in dealing with tropical diseases, such as dengue virus infection. The number of dengue cases experienced a rapid increase in early 2020 compared to the previous year. The Ministry of Health has recorded 68,000 cases of dengue infection and 446 deaths. The world health agency in its article entitled “WHO Global Strategy for Dengue Prevention and Control 2012-2020” shows that countries in the Southeast Asian region are dengue endemic areas. Dengue infection is often associated with seasonal changes that occur in the region. The pattern of increasing the number of dengue fever cases in Indonesia occurs from January to February, which is the peak of the rainy season. From January to June 2020, there were 68,753 dengue cases, while from mid-March 2020 where COVID-19 cases were first discovered, there were 6500 dengue cases. This allows for coinfection between COVID-19 patients and dengue fever. Recent studies have shown similarities between clinical symptoms and laboratory results between dengue and COVID-19. Clinical symptoms in dengue-infected patients are fever, petechiae, and skin rash. Differences in symptoms with COVID-19 patients are respiratory problems such as shortness of breath, cough, and diarrhea. Laboratory examinations between dengue infection and COVID-19 which show similarities are the occurrence of thrombocytopenia and thrombocytopenia. The causative agent of dengue infection and COVID-19 is a virus belonging to the RNA virus group, so that cross reactions can occur with the same ADE (Antibody dependent enhancement). This cross-reaction allows the occurrence of false positives in the rapid dengue examination. Failure to diagnose COVID-19 due to positive rapid dengue test results can have a negative impact on patients and health services. This will be a problem in Indonesia because of the limitations of diagnostic tools, especially real time RT-PCR which functions to carry out early detection and prevent transmission of COVID-19. Sources of funding for the health system in Indonesia are private funding and funding from the government/public. Public health system funding refers to a decentralized system of government with responsibility for provincial and district governments. The Ministry of Health as an extension of the central government has the responsibility to manage several tertiary and specialist hospitals. Excellent health services are very important in this pandemic era. Since the number of COVID-19 cases and dengue cases continues to increase, the number of beds in hospitals is limited. The central government has established regulations on distance restrictions in several areas, also known as PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions) in several cities in Indonesia, namely Jakarta and Surabaya. The points in the PSBB include WFH (work from home) for office workers and online schools. However, in practice, it did not show a significant decrease in cases. Based on data in 2018, the number of hospitals in Indonesia is not evenly distributed with the highest distribution in East Java Province (381 hospitals) and the lowest in North Kalimantan (10 hospitals). The number of beds in hospitals throughout Indonesia in 2018 was 281,081 cases, with a population of 270 million in Indonesia, it can be estimated that for every 1000 people, only 1 bed is available. Management of COVID-19 patients with severe symptoms requires the presence of an intensive care unit (ICU) with a ventilator. The number of ventilators in Indonesia is 8413, so the ratio of ventilators to the population is 3.11 per 100,000 population, while the number of ICU beds is 3,500 (1.29 per 100,000 population). If it is estimated that the number of COVID-19 patients who experience severe symptoms is 5%, severe dengue patients are <1% and each COVID-19 patient requires 3 weeks of treatment to recover, then this can cause chaos in the health system. Based on the analysis of this situation, it can be concluded that it is necessary to avoid the transmission of COVID-19, so that a double burden on the health system can be avoided. The more human interaction, the higher the transmission of COVID-19 that occurs. Written by: Shifa Fauziyah, Febriana Aquaresta, Teguh Hari Sucipto, Herisa Nataliana Junus Source : Picture’s Source: {:}{:id}Badan Kesehatan Dunia atau World Health Organization telah mendeklarasikan Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) sebagai pandemik dikarenakan persebarannya yang sangat cepat dan telah menginfeksi 216 negara. Sejak ditemukan pertama kali hingga bulan Juli 2020, sebanyak 14.500.000 orang dari 216 negara telah terinfeksi dan menyebabkan 606.000 kasus kematian. Indonesia sebagai Negara tropis dan Negara kepulauan juga berhadapan dengan transmisi COVID-19 sebagai ancaman kesehatan masyarakat. Jumlah pulau di Indonesia sebanyak 17.504 pulau dan 34 provinsi menjadi sebuah tantangan bagi Indonesia untuk memutus mata rantai transmisi COVID-19. Data terakhir pada bulan Juli 2020, menunjukkan jumlah kasus COVID-19 sebanyak 88.124 kasus dan 4.239 kematian. Indonesia juga masih memiliki tantangan dalam menghadapi penyakit tropis, seperti infeksi virus dengue. Jumlah kasus dengue mengalami peningkatan yang pesat pada awal tahun 2020 dibandingkan pada tahun sebelumnya. Kementerian Kesehatan telah mencatat sebanyak 68.000 kasus infeksi dengue dan 446 kematian. Badan kesehatan dunia dalam artikelnya yang berjudul “WHO Global Strategy for Dengue Prevention and Control 2012-2020” menunjukkan bahwa Negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara sebagai kawasan endemis dengue. Peningkatan infeksi dengue sering berkaitan dengan perubahan musim yang terjadi pada wilayah tersebut. Pola peningkatan jumlah kasus dengue di Indonesia terjadi pada bulan Januari hingga Februari yang merupakan puncak terjadinya musim hujan. Sejak bulan Januari hingga Juni 2020, terdapat kasus dengue sebanyak 68.753, sedangkan mulai pertengahan Maret 2020 dimana kasus COVID-19


{:en}ITD Unair Revealed The Potential Of This Plant To Be An Anti-HIV Drug, What Kind?{:}{:id}ITD Unair Ungkap Potensi Tanaman Ini Jadi Obat Anti-HIV, Jenis Apa Ya?{:}

{:en}Researchers from the HIV Institute Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga studied the potential of Zingiberaceae, an endemic plant of Central Sulawesi, as a candidate for anti-HIV medicinal plants. This research is in collaboration with researchers from the Natural Ingredients Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy, Tadulako University (UNTAD) Palu. This study is based on the fact of using drugs known as antiretrovirals (ARVs) for people who are infected with HIV or have AIDS. This drug has side effects if used for a long time. HIV-1/AIDS Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) researcher Siti Qamariyah Khairunisa said that the Tadulako University research team contributed to the extraction and characterization of compounds from Zingiberaceae. Meanwhile, the research team from the ITD UNAIR HIV laboratory is the only laboratory in Indonesia that has isolates of the HIV virus, thus contributing to in-vitro anti-HIV testing. ITD UNAIR HIV Laboratory also provides support in providing samples of HIV patients for research. Zingiberaceae is a perennial herb that grows widely in subtropical and tropical climates in Asia and the Pacific. This plant is found in the Lore Lindu National Park (LLNP) area of ​​Central Sulawesi. Topo Baria tribe has used it traditionally as medicine, food flavoring, and food wrapping. “There are three endemic species of Zingiberaceae plants in Central Sulawesi, namely Alpinia eremochlamys K. Schum, Etlingera exuosa A.D. Poulsen, and Etlingera acanthoides A.D. Poulsen,” said Qamariyah in a written statement, Thursday (10/6/2021). In Zingiberaceae plant research, it was found that the methanol extract of Alpinia galanga rhizome showed strong inhibitory activity on the replication of the HIV virus in the protease gene (PR). 19S-19Acetoxychavicol acetate isolated from Alpinia galanga was reported to be able to block transport in the Rev. (E) -Labda-8 (17), 12-diene-15,16-dial isolated from Alpinia zerumbet has the ability to inhibit HIV virus replication in the integrase gene. “Zerumbone is the main compound of Zingiber zerumbet and Zingiber aromaticum which is also reported to be able to inhibit the replication of the HIV virus,” he said. Qamariyah also revealed that anti-HIV candidates on medicinal plants Zingiberaceae, Alpinia eremochlamys, Etlingera exuosa, and Etlingera acanthoides were carried out in vitro in the HIV/AIDS laboratory at the Institute for Tropical Diseases, Airlangga University. This test uses high standard laboratory facilities, namely Biosafety Laboratory Level 3 (BSL3). “The stages include compound extraction, compound characterization, toxicity test and anti-HIV activity test using lymphocytes (T cells) and HIV virus isolated from HIV type 1 patients,” he said. Based on the results of anti-virus screening, it showed that the ethanolic extract from the rhizomes of E. Acanthoides and A. Eremochlamys had the potential to inhibit the replication of the HIV-1 virus in MT-4 cells in vitro. The rhizome of E. Acanthoides showed the best antiviral activity with the lowest IC50 value and toxicity level, and the highest selectivity index among other anti-HIV candidates. “The presence of terpenoid compounds such as zerumbone, ar-turmerone, caryophyllene, and caryophyllene oxide as well as several saturated and unsaturated fatty acids have the potential for antiviral activity,” he said Source news and picture: Source Paper:{:}{:id}Peneliti HIV Institute Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga mengkaji potensi Zingiberaceae tanaman endemik Sulawesi Tengah jadi kandidat tanaman obat anti-HIV. Penelitian ini bekerjasama dengan peneliti Farmasi Bahan Alam Jurusan Farmasi Universitas Tadulako (UNTAD) Palu. Kajian ini didasari fakta penggunaan obat yang dikenal dengan nama antiretroviral (ARV) untuk orang yang terinfeksi HIV atau mengidap AIDS. Obat ini memiliki efek samping jika digunakan dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Peneliti HIV-1/AIDS Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Siti Qamariyah Khairunisa mengatakan bahwa tim peneliti Universitas Tadulako berkontribusi dalam hal ekstraksi dan karakterisasi senyawa dari Zingiberaceae. Sedangkan tim peneliti dari laboratorium HIV ITD UNAIR merupakan satu-satunya laboratorium yang ada di Indonesia yang memiliki isolat virus HIV sehingga berkontribusi dalam melakukan uji anti-HIV nya secara in-vitro. Laboratorium HIV ITD UNAIR juga memberikan dukungan dalam memberikan sampel pasien HIV untuk dijadikan penelitian. Zingiberaceae merupakan ramuan abadi yang banyak tumbuh di daerah subtropis dan iklim tropis di Asia dan Pasifik. Tanaman ini ditemukan di daerah Taman Nasional Lore Lindu (LLNP) Sulawesi Tengah. Suku Topo Baria telah menggunakannya secara tradisional sebagai obat-obatan, penyedap rasa makanan, dan pembungkus makanan. “Ada tiga spesies endemik tumbuhan Zingiberaceae di Sulawesi Tengah, yaitu Alpinia eremochlamys K. Schum, Etlingera fl exuosa A.D. Poulsen, dan Etlingera acanthoides A.D. Poulsen,” ujar Qamariyah dalam keterangan tertulis, Kamis (10/6/2021). Pada penelitian tumbuhan Zingiberaceae ditemukan ekstrak metanol rimpang Alpinia galanga yang menunjukkan aktivitas penghambatan yang kuat pada replikasi virus HIV pada gen protease (PR). 19S-19Acetoxychavicol asetat yang diisolasi dari Alpinia galanga dilaporkan mampu memblokir transportasi pada gen Rev. (E) -Labda-8 (17), 12-diene-15,16-dial yang diisolasi dari Alpinia zerumbet memiliki kemampuan untuk menghambat replikasi virus HIV pada gen integrase. “Zerumbone merupakan senyawa utama dari Zingiber zerumbet dan Zingiber aromaticum yang juga dilaporkan mampu menghambat replikasi virus HIV,” ujarnya. Qamariyah juga mengungkapkan bahwa kandidat anti-HIV pada tanaman obat Zingiberaceae, Alpinia eremochlamys, Etlingera fl exuosa, dan Etlingera acanthoides dilakukan secara in-vitro di laboratorium HIV/AIDS di Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga. Pengujian ini menggunakan fasilitas laboratorium berstandar tinggi yaitu Biosafety laboratorium Level 3 (BSL3). “Tahapannya meliputi ektraksi senyawa, karakterisasi senyawa, uji toksisitas dan uji aktivitas anti-HIV dengan menggunakan sel limfosit (sel T) dan virus HIV yang diisolasi dari pasien HIV tipe 1,” katanya Berdasarkan hasil skrining anti virus yang dihasilkan, menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol dari rimpang E. Acanthoides dan A. Eremochlamys berpotensi menghambat replikasi virus HIV-1 pada sel MT-4 secara in-vitro. Rimpang E. Acanthoides menunjukkan aktivitas antivirus yang paling bagus dengan nilai IC50 dan tingkat toksisitas yang paling rendah, dan selektivitas indeks tertinggi diantara kandidat anti HIV lainnya. “Adanya kandungan senyawa terpenoid seperti zerumbone, ar-turmerone, caryophyllene, dan caryophyllene oxide serta beberapa asam lemak jenuh dan tak jenuh berpotensi sebagai aktivitas antivirus,” katanya.   Sumber Berita dan gambar : Sumber Jurnal :{:}



{:en} (ITD-UNAIR) On May 24, 2021, the Tropical Disease Diagnostic Center (TDDC) which is a business unit of the Tropical Disease Institute of Airlangga University (LPT UNAIR) held an online Open House. The purpose of this event is to provide information to the public in this case researchers, government institutions and private institutions related to testing services and facilities at the Institute for Tropical Diseases, Airlangga University. Participants who participated in this event, among others, came from the Airlangga University, RS. Husada Utama, RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Warmadewa University, Mulawarman University, Dr. M. Djamil, Andalas University, Tebet Hospital, Usada Main Inpatient Clinic, RS. Putra Waspada Tulungagung, Claritas Hospital Klepu, Pelita Harapan University, Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi Hospital, Nurussyifa Kudus Hospital, Siti Hajar Hospital Sidoarjo, Graha Medika Hospital Surabaya, Adi Husada Undaan Wetan Hospital Surabaya, Ludira Husada Hospital Yogyakarta, Diponegoro University, and Gresik Petrokimia Hospital . This event was opened and filled by dr. Alicia Margaretta Widya, Sp.MK. as Head of LPT UNAIR Community Service Division. He explained about the scope of testing services, laboratory facilities and how to conduct research or use the facilities at LPT UNAIR. The responses from the participants were very diverse regarding this event, including the provision of periodic workshops and webinars. (Sucipto, TH, 2021) {:}{:id}(ITD-UNAIR) Pada tanggal 24 Mei 2021, Tropical Disease Diagnostic Center (TDDC) yang merupakan unit bisnis Lembaga Penyakit Tropis Universitas Airlangga (LPT UNAIR) menyelenggarakan Open House secara daring. Tujuan dari acara ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat dalam hal ini peneliti, institusi pemerintah dan institusi swasta terkait pelayanan pengujian dan fasilitas di Lembaga Penyakit Tropis Universitas Airlangga. Peserta yang berpartisipasi dalam acara ini antara lain berasal dari lingkungan Universitas Airlangga, RS. Husada Utama, RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Universitas Warmadewa, Universitas Mulawarman, RSUP Dr. M. Djamil, Universitas Andalas, RSUD Tebet, Klinik Utama Rawat Inap Usada, RS. Putra Waspada Tulungagung, Claritas Hospital Klepu, Universitas Pelita Harapan, RSUD Ngudi Waluyo Wlingi, RSU Nurussyifa Kudus, RSI Siti Hajar Sidoarjo, RSIA Graha Medika Surabaya, RS Adi Husada Undaan Wetan Surabaya, RS Ludira Husada Yogyakarta, Universitas Diponegoro, dan RS Petrokimia Gresik. Acara ini dibuka dan diisi oleh dr. Alicia Margaretta Widya, Sp.MK. selaku Kepala Bidang Pelayanan Masyarakat LPT UNAIR. Beliau memaparkan tentang lingkup pelayanan pengujian, fasilitas laboratorium dan bagaimana cara melakukan penelitian atau menggunakan fasilitas di LPT UNAIR. Respon dari peserta sangat beragam terkait acara ini, antara lain pengadaan workshop dan webinar secara berkala. (Sucipto, TH, 2021){:}


{:en}Halal bi Halal event from Institute of Tropical Diseases{:}{:id}Acara Halal bi Halal Lembaga Penyakit tropis{:}

{:en} Wednesday, 19 May 2021 The Institute of Tropical Diseases held a Halal Bi Halal event to strengthen the relationship between leaders and staff. This event was attended by prof. Maria Inge Lusida., M.Kes., Sp.MK (K), Ph.D as the chairman, Prof. Fedik Abdul Rantam., DVM. as the secretary of the Institute, Elders of Institute of Tropical Diseases such as Prof. Soetjipto dr., M.S., Ph.D. , Prof. Dr. Achmad Fuad Hafid, MS., Apt, and so on, including Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Dra., Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih. M.Si. , Vice Rector IV, dr. Muhammad MiftahussururM.Kes., Sp.PD-KGEH. ,, Ph.D , and Chairperson and members of laboratory study groups and staff. {:}{:id}Rabu, 19 Mei 2021 Lembaga Penyakit Tropis mengadakan acara Halal Bi Halal untuk mempererat silaturahmi Baik itu antar pimpinan maupun ke staf. Acara ini dihadiri oleh Prof. Maria Inge Lusida., M.Kes., Sp.MK (K), Ph.D selaku ketua, Prof. Fedik Abdul Rantam., DVM. sebagai sekretaris Lembaga, Sesepuh dari lembaga penyakit Tropis seperti Prof. Soetjipto dr., M.S., Ph.D. , Prof. Dr. Achmad Fuad Hafid, MS., Apt , dan sebagainya termasuk Wakil Rektor I Prof. Dr. Dra., Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih. M.Si., Wakil Rektor IV dr. Muhammad MiftahussururM.Kes., Sp.PD-KGEH.,, Ph.D,, dan jajaran Ketua dan Anggota kelompok studi laboratorium serta staf. {:}

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