Institute of Tropical Disease



Effect of environmental transmission on leprosy incidence in children

{:en}Leprosy is a disease included in the neglected disease category which still needs attention because it causes problems. The problems caused by leprosy mainly occur when it was detected too late, resulting in permanent disability, the emergence of this disability often creates social stigma and economic losses. The stigma can reduce the productivity of individuals. Leprosy can also threaten children living in these areas because the immunity system in children is still not perfect and the transmission in leprosy endemic areas is still quite high. Based on the 2016-2020 Global Leprosy Strategy, leprosy eradication is focused on early detection of cases before disabilities appear. A special focus is given to children as a way to reduce disability and transmission. The global target is zero disability among new pediatric leprosy patients by 2020. East Java is still the province with the highest leprosy sufferers, spread over 37 regencies / cities. Leprosy endemic areas in East Java are still clustered mostly on the north coast of East Java, while on the south coast the prevalence is low (3). Indonesia still reports the incidence of leprosy with 84.5% of cases of the Multi-Bacillary (MB) type. From the new cases every year, 8.9% are in children and of these cases, it is known that 6.7% of cases lead to disability. Leprosy endemic areas in Indonesia are spread unevenly. East Java is called a leprosy pocket area because it is clustered around the north coast and the island of Madura. From the area with a prevalence rate and cannot be free from leprosy, it is suspected that environmental factors play an important role in the transmission pattern of leprosy. The environment can be a reservoir of leprosy transmission because it is related to the nature of the leprosy germ, which is an obligate intracellular bacteria, or it cannot live freely until it finds a new host. Epidemiological studies of leprosy in children can provide an overview of important aspects of the environment, especially the pattern of leprosy transmission in endemic areas, because children have lower mobility than adults. In this regard, research was carried out on school children in one of the endemic and non-endemic areas of leprosy in East Java. According to the results of research conducted by Adriaty et al. (2020), through the ELISA serologic test and PCR test, children in endemic areas obtained an immune response to the Phenolic glycolipid-I antigen ( PGL-1), a specific antigen of the Mycobacterium leprae bacteria, higher than in non-endemic areas, 48 , 3% and also obtained higher PCR results, 21.4% when compared to the children in non-endemic areas. The presence of Mycobacterium leprae DNA on nasal swabs and the immune response of anti-PGL-1 IgM antibody seropositive in elementary school children can illustrate exposure to Mycobacterium leprae in that area. Based on the results of the study, children who are in endemic areas are at least 5 times more likely to contract Mycobacterium leprae than in non-endemic areas. Environmental factors can be a source of leprosy transmission in endemic areas. Based on several research reports previously carried out in leprosy endemic areas in Indonesia, it is shown that positive DNA of Mycobacterium leprae was obtained in water consumed daily and obtained same genotype variations of M. leprae DNA detected from water, leprosy sufferers and household contacts and healthy residents in the region. It can be concluded that environmental factors, agents and hosts in leprosy endemic areas are closely related. Subclinical leprosy in children must be considered because it can also play a role as a source of transmission, both in endemic areas and imported cases in non-endemic areas of leprosy, although it has not been clinically manifested as leprosy, but monitoring must then be carried out. Healthy individuals who are in contact with sufferers should be evaluated annually for a minimum of five years and given prompt counseling and attention if there are skin or neurological changes that are suspected symptoms of leprosy. Therefore, public education about leprosy accompanied by monitoring and surveys on household contacts and school children which is implemented nationally will be able to help reduce the incidence as well as prevent new cases of leprosy in Indonesia. Author: Dinar Adriaty, S.Si, M.Kes Illustration Picture by News Source : Details of this research can be viewed at: (LEPROSY TRANSMISSION IN  ENDEMIC AND NON ENDEMIC AREAS BASED ON THE PROFILE OF ANTIBODY RESPONSE OF  PGL-1 AND PCR DETECTION OF Mycobacterium leprae DNA FROM NASAL SWAB AMONG HEALTHY CHILDREN OF  EAST  JAVA  INDONESIA. Infectious Disease Reports 2020; vol 12 (s1):8748){:}{:id}Kusta merupakan salah satu penyakit yang termasuk dalam penyakit terabaikan (Neglected Disease) yang masih harus mendapatkan perhatian karena masih menimbulkan masalah. Masalah yang ditimbulkan oleh  kusta terutama terjadi apabila terlambat terdeteksi sehingga mengakibatkan kecacatan permanen, timbulnya kecacatan ini seringkali menjadikan stigma sosial dan kerugian ekonomi. Hal tersebut dapat mengurangi produktivitas sumber daya manusia karena stigma masyarakat yang tinggi. Kustapun bisa mengancam anak-anak yang tinggal di daerah tersebut dikarenakan sistem imunitas pada anak-anak yang masih belum sempurna dan transmisi penularan di daerah endemis kusta yang masih cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan Global Leprosy Strategy 2016-2020, pemberantasan kusta difokuskan pada deteksi dini kasus sebelum kecacatan tampak terjadi. Fokus khusus diberikan pada anak-anak sebagai cara untuk mengurangi kecacatan dan penularan. Target global adalah nol kecacatan di antara pasien baru kusta anak pada tahun 2020. Jawa Timur masih menjadi provinsi dengan penderita kusta tertinggi, tersebar di 37 kabupaten/kota. Daerah endemis kusta di Jawa Timur masih mengelompok sebagian besar di pantai utara Jawa Timur, sedangkan di pantai selatan prevalensinya rendah (3). Indonesia masih melaporkan adanya penyakit kusta baru dengan 84,5% kasusnya berjenis Multi Basiler (MB). Kasus baru setiap tahun 8,9% adalah anak-anak dan dari kasus anak ini diketahui 6,7% kasus mengarah pada kecacatan. Daerah endemik kusta di Indonesia tersebar tidak merata. Wilayah Jawa Timur, daerah ini dinamakan daerah kantong (pocket) kusta karena berkelompok di sekitar pantai utara dan pulau Madura. Dari posisi daerah kantong yang memiliki angka prevalensi yang tak kunjung bebas dari kusta ini, diduga faktor lingkungan berperanan penting terhadap pola transmisi persebaran kusta.  Lingkungan bisa menjadi salah satu reservoir penularan penyakit kusta karena terkait dengan sifat kuman kusta yang merupakan bakteri obligat intrasel, atau tidak dapat hidup bebas hingga menemukan inang baru. Kajian epidemiologi penyakit kusta pada


{:en}The Effect of Modification of Precipitants on the Purity of Dengue Virus RNA{:}{:id}Pengaruh Modifikasi Presipitan Terhadap Kemurnian RNA Virus Dengue{:}

{:en}Quoted from WHO, Indonesia is one of the tropical countries affected by the Dengue Virus (DENV). The emerging dengue vectors have four antigenically distinct serotypes. The four dengue virus serotypes were DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. Dengue virus is transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. Dengue virus is transmitted through the bite of a female Aedes mosquito that occurs when a mosquito sucks the blood of a person infected with the dengue virus and the mosquito bites another person. Clinical symptoms include Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS). There are approximately 100 million cases of Dengue Fever (DF), 500,000 cases of DHF and 25,000 deaths reported annually worldwide. Therefore, further research is needed on this dengue virus. Dengue virus is an RNA virus that can be identified using the Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) methods. The success of RT-PCR and PCR is determined by the RNA extraction process; with the right precipitation solvent to obtain high purity RNA. The solvents used were Isopropanol, DMSO, 96% Ethanol, Methanol, Acetone-Methanol (1:1), DMF, and distilled water. In this study, TRIzol was used as a method of RNA extraction in dengue virus DENV 1 Surabaya Genbank: AB915377. RNA extraction using the TRIzol method used the TRIZol reagent consisting of phenol monophase solution and guanidium isocyanate (Rio et al., 2010). DENV-1 sample was dissolved with TRIZol reagent then chloroform was added to cause phase separation. The organic phase contains protein; DNA is at the interface and the clear phase contains RNA. The clear phase was transferred to a new tube and then added the precipitation solution, namely: isopropanol, DMSO, 96% ethanol, methanol, methanol acetone (1: 1), DMF, and distilled water. In solution, guanidium (NH2) 2C = NH2 + from the TRIzol reagent neutralizes the negative charge on the PO43- group of nucleic acids and makes the nucleic acids hydrophobic and less soluble in water so that they experience precipitation. Precipitation solvents which have a low dielectric constant have the ability to support the interaction between guanidium and phosphate ions so that the nucleic acids become less hydrophilic and precipitate. RNA purity was determined by measuring the absorbance at a ratio of 260/280 nm with a nano drop spectrophotometer. In this study, the absorbance of RNA with isopropanol precipitation solvent was 1.78, DMSO was 1.36, 96% ethanol was 1.54, methanol was 1.01, acetone-methanol (1: 1) was 1.81, DMF was 1.70, and distilled water is 1.40. Pure RNA has an absorbance value of 1.8 – 2.1 (Farrel., 2005). Pure RNA was obtained in the isolation process with acetone-methanol (1: 1) precipitation solvent with an absorbance value of 1.81. The RNA isolate that has been obtained is then reversed transcription with RT-PCR to obtain c-DNA (complementary DNA) and then amplified. The amplified c-DNA was then electrophoresed with agarose gel and visualized using a UV Trans-illuminator. The dengue virus is carried by female mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus species. This viral RNA can be identified by using the Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) methods. The modification of the RNA isolation method from DENV-1 with the TRIzol method is expected to produce high quality RNA. The effect of precipitation solvents which have a low dielectric constant makes nucleic acids less hydrophilic and precipitates. The good quality of RNA can be seen with the high intensity of the DNA band produced and the low stain intensity. From the research, pure RNA was obtained in the isolation process with acetone-methanol (1: 1) precipitation solvent with an absorbance value of 1.81. So, from this study it was reported that the acetone-methanol (1: 1) precipitation solvent was the best solvent for precipitation. (*) Author : Teguh Hari Sucipto translator : Ausie Source :{:}{:id}Dikutip dari WHO, Indonesia adalah salah satu negara tropis yang terkena dampak Virus Dengue (DENV). vektor-vektor dengue yang muncul memiliki empat serotipe yang berbeda secara antigenik. Empat serotipe virus dengue meliputi  DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 dan DENV-4. Virus dengue ditularkan oleh nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus. Penularan virus dengue melalui gigitan  nyamuk betina Aedes yang terjadi ketika nyamuk menghisap darah orang yang terinfeksi virus dengue dan nyamuk tersebut menggigit orang lain. Gejala klinis meliputi Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) dan Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS). Hal ini menyebabkan sekitar 100 juta kasus Demam Berdarah (DF), 500.000 kasus DHF serta 25.000 kematian dilaporkan setiap tahun di seluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan  penelitian lebih lanjut tentang virus dengue. Virus dengue merupakan virus RNA yang bisa diidentifiksi dengan metode Reverse Transcriptase  Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) dan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). keberhasilan  RT-PCR dan PCR  ditentukan oleh proses ekstraksi  RNA dengan pelarut presipitasi yang tepat, untuk mendapatkan RNA dengan kemurnian tinggi. Pelarut yang digunakan adalah Isopropanol, DMSO, Etanol 96%, Metanol, Asetone-Metanol (1:1), DMF, air destilasi.  Pada penelitian ini, digunakan TRIzol sebagai  metode ekstraksi RNA pada virus dengue DENV 1 Surabaya Genbank: AB915377. Esktraksi RNA dengan metode TRIzol menggunakan reagen TRIZol yang terdiri dari larutan monofase fenol dan guanidium isosianat (Rio et al., 2010). Sampel DENV-1 dilarutkan dengan reagen TRIZol kemudian ditambahkan kloroform sehingga terjadi pemisahan fase. Fase organik mengandung protein, DNA berada di interface dan fase jernih mengandung RNA. Fasa jernih dipindahkan ke tube baru dan kemudian ditambahkan larutan presipitasi yaitu: isopropanol, DMSO, etanol 96%, metanol, aseton metanol (1:1), DMF, dan air destilasi. Dalam larutan, guanidium (NH2)2C=NH2+ dari reagen TRIzol menetralkan muatan negatif pada gugus PO43- dari asam nukleat dan menjadikan asam nukleat bersifat hidrofob dan kurang larut dalam air sehingga mengalami presipitasi. Pelarut presispitasi yang memiliki konstanta dielektrik rendah memiliki kemampuan untuk mendukung interaksi antara ion guanidium dan fosfat sehingga asam nukleat menjadi kurang hidrofil dan mengendap.  Kemurnian RNA ditentukan dengan mengukur absorbansi pada rasio 260/280 nm dengan spektrofotometer nanodrop. Pada penelitian ini absorbansi RNA dengan pelarut presipitasi isopropanol adalah 1,78, DMSO adalah 1,36, etanol 96% adalah 1,54, metanol adalah 1,01, aseton-metanol (1:1) adalah 1,81, DMF adalah 1,70, dan air destilasi adalah 1,40. RNA murni memiliki nilai absorbansi sebesar 1.8 – 2.1 (Farrel., 2005). RNA murni didapatkan pada proses isolasi dengan pelarut presipitasi aseton-metanol (1:1) dengan nilai absorbansi sebesar 1,81. Isolat RNA yang telah didapat


Technical webinar on laboratory testing for COVID-19

The captioned technical webinar on laboratory testing for COVID-19 was convened on 28 September 2020, aimed to assist laboratory scientist in analytical work for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19 outbreak. In the national surveillance for COVID-19 in Indonesia, it started testing by 12 laboratories in March 2020, now extended to approximately 270 laboratories from public and private entities. Fifteen (15) laboratories of the Badan POM has also joined the national surveillance, to fullfill the gaps of testing capacity in provinces which have lack of adequate PCR testing numbers. Amidst the increase of infected persons over months, the laboratory scientists have made efforts to reach the benchmark of testing numbers in the entire country, as recommended by WHO. In their work, it is indispensable to ensure accuracy of testing results by proper analytical practices in view of their qualities and liabilities. It is also highly necessary to follow safe handling of testing samples, for the purpose of protecting laboratory scientists and preventing unintended spread of infectious materials to surrounding environments. Thus, to this webinar, JICA invited speakers from three institutes in Japan and Indonesia. One is the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), which is a central responsible organization for COVID-19 surveillance in Japan. The others are Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Surabaya, and Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) University. These Universities have been involved in the national surveillance since the beginning, and two are members of the COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force. In opening the webinar, Mr Shunsuke Takatoi, Deputy Representative of JICA Indonesia Office, in his remark, recalled its long history of bilateral cooperation between Japan and Indonesia for public health sectors, and emphasized the importance of this technical webinar as part of their solidarities to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak. Dr Kiyoshi Tanabayashi, DVM. PhD, former Director for the Division of Biosafety Control and Research, NIID provided overall biosafety principles and management practices required to laboratories in dealing with infectious materials including SARSCoV-2. He emphasized that proper handling and management, in addition to equipment and laboratory structure, were incredibly important because numbers of laboratory failures were derived from human errors. Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes.,Ph.D.,Sp.MK(K), Institute of Tropical Disease – UNAIR, explained critical points in laboratory analytical practices and stated that key factors, which might influence test performance, could be arising from sample collection, sample treatment, including condition of infected patients. She highlighted that false positives/negative results in SAR-CoV-2 testing are attributed to conceivable factors caused by PCR testing kits, equipment, and human skill. Dr drh. Joko Pamungkas, MSc, from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and Dr Uus Saepuloh, SSi, MBiomed, from Pusat Studi Satwa Primata, LPPM–IPB University, focused on diverse factors that might be influencing quality of testing results and referred to different characteristics of gene sequences targeted by various PCR testing kits currently available on market. He also implied potential analytical faults caused by gene mutation of SARS-CoV-2 over the outbreak of COVID-19 in different regions and countries. As RTqPCR testing requires high technical literacy and skills, it was suggested well – trained scientists should be involved in analytical work. Approximately 250 scientists attended the webinar. 1) The publicity release note will appear on facebook. 2) The text in Newsletter format as attached will be posted at


{:en}Observing the TB program at the Puskesmas{:}{:id}Menilik Program TBC di Puskesmas{:}

{:en}TB is one of the top 10 causes of death in the world. In 2017, 10 million people were infected with TB and 1.6 million died from it. And Indonesia is one of the biggest contributors to this TB case. For this reason, in 1995 the Indonesian government implemented the DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course) strategy which was carried out in Puskesmas gradually and in 2000 the DOTS strategy was implemented more broadly in all health facilities, especially in Puskesmas. Puskesmas is the spearhead of health services which has a working area and is directly related to the community. This makes Puskesmas have a big responsibility for health problems in the community. However, in reality, many problems occur in the field, including the implementation of the TBC program at the Puskesmas. Then, how is this TBC program actually run? The first step in treating TB is case finding. TB case finding in Puskesmas can be done passively and actively. Passive case finding is done when a patient experiencing TB symptoms comes to the Puskesmas for a check-up. Active case finding is carried out by screening by health workers and cadres. Health cadres will carry out case tracing (contact tracing) on ​​family, neighbors, and people who have frequent contact with TB patients. After the case finding, diagnosis plays an important role so that TB positive patients can be treated immediately. Diagnosis of tuberculosis was carried out by examining sputum twice, namely the first time he came to the Puskesmas and the next morning. Currently, the diagnosis of TB can be made quickly using molecular rapid tests. The speed of this diagnosis is so that patients can be treated immediately if they are positive for TB. Patients who have been diagnosed with TB are given counseling about the treatment they must undergo because TB treatment lasts a long time, namely for 6 months. Patients must take medication according to the regulations and the type of tuberculosis they have. Drug taking depends on the agreement between the patient and the TB officer. At some Puskesmas, patients have to take the medicine once a week on the day that has been determined. On that day the patient will be given a supply of medicine for the next week. However, there are also Puskesmas that free up patient arrival times so that patients can come every 2 weeks or more as long as there is a notification to the TB officers at the Puskesmas. Because of the length of treatment and a large number of TB patients, the availability of drugs is very important in dealing with TB. Generally, the Puskesmas Pharmacy Unit will immediately make a drug request report before it runs out. However, there are also Puskesmas that borrow medicine stocks from other Puskesmas when they run out of drugs. Therefore, the recording and reporting system related to TB will be carried out internally every month and reported to the Health Office every three months. This aims to monitor how the TB program is implemented in the field. Author :  Ni Njoman Juliasih Illustration TBC virus. (Source: Media Indonesia) source:{:}{:id}TBC merupakan satu dari 10 penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia. Pada tahun 2017, 10 juta orang terinfeksi TBC dan 1,6 juta meninggal karenanya. Dan Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara penyumbang terbesar kasus TBC ini. Untuk itu, pada tahun 1995 pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan strategi DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course) yang dijalankan di Puskesmas secara bertahap dan pada tahun 2000 strategi DOTS diterapkan lebih luas pada semua fasilitas kesehatan terutama di Puskesmas. Puskesmas merupakan ujung tombak pelayanan kesehatan yang memiliki wilayah kerja dan berhubungan langsung dengan masyarakat. Hal ini menjadikan Puskesmas memiliki tanggung jawab yang besar terhadap masalah kesehatan di masyarakat. Namun pada kenyataannya banyak masalah yang terjadi di lapangan termasuk dalam pelaksanaan program TBC di Puskesmas. Lalu, bagaimanakah program TBC ini sebenarnya dijalankan? Langkah pertama penanganan TBC adalah dengan penemuan kasus. Penemuan kasus TBC di Puskesmas dapat dilakukan secara pasif dan aktif. Penemuan kasus secara pasif dilakukan ketika pasien yang mengalami gejala-gejala TBC datang ke Puskesmas untuk memeriksakan diri. Penemuan kasus secara aktif dilakukan dengan skrining oleh petugas kesehatan dan kader. Kader kesehatan akan melakukan pelacakan kasus (contact tracing) pada keluarga, tetangga, dan orang yang sering kontak dengan pasien TBC. Setelah penemuan kasus, maka diagnosis berperan penting agar pasien yang positif TBC dapat segera diatasi. Diagnosis TBC dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan dahak sebanyak dua kali yaitu saat pertama datang ke Puskesmas dan keesokan paginya. Saat ini diagnosis TBC dapat dilakukan dengan cepat menggunakan tes cepat molekuler. Cepatnya dignosis ini bertujuan agar pasien dapat segera diobati jika ternyata positif menderita TBC. Pasien yang telah terdiagnosis TBC diberikan konseling tentang pengobatan yang harus dijalaninya karena pengobatan TBC ini berlangsung lama yaitu selama 6 bulan. Pasien harus melakukan pengobatan sesuai peraturan dan jenis TBC yang dideritanya. Pengambilan obat tergantung pada perjanjian antara pasien dan petugas TBC. Pada beberapa Puskesmas, pasien harus mengambil obat seminggu sekali pada hari yang telah ditentukan. Pada hari tersebut pasien akan diberi persediaan obat selama seminggu kedepan. Namun ada juga Puskesmas yang membebaskan waktu kedatangan pasien sehingga pasien bisa datang setiap 2 minggu atau lebih selama ada pemberitahuan pada petugas TBC di Puskesmas. Oleh karena lamanya pengobatan dan banyaknya pasien TBC, maka ketersediaan obat menjadi hal yang sangat penting dalam menangani TBC. Umumnya Unit Farmasi Puskesmas akan segera membuat laporan permintaan obat sebelum kehabisan. Namun ada juga Puskesmas yang meminjam stok obat dari Puskesmas lain saat mengalami kehabisan obat. Oleh karena itu, sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan terkait TBC akan dilakukan secara internal setiap bulan serta dilaporkan ke Dinas Kesehatan setiap tiga bulan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memonitor bagaimana pelaksanaan program TBC di lapangan. Penulis: Ni Njoman Juliasih Artikel lengkapnya dapat diakses melalui link berikut ini: {:}


{:en}International Workshop COVID-19: Implementation of Laboratory Biorisk Management Practice (Biosafety and Bioscurity){:}{:id}Lokakarya Internasional COVID-19: Penerapan Praktik Manajemen Bioriskal Laboratorium (Biosafety dan Bioscurity){:}

{:en}Technological and industrial developments grow along the increasing number of companies and laboratories that handle both chemical and biological substances. This has a positive effect on the development of science and technology that can improve human welfare. However, on the other hand, it also led to an increase in the number of people working and even created, pathogens and toxins that were more dangerous than we were previously familiar with that cause an inevitable increase in risk. Laboratory-acquired infections (LAI) have been reported since 1879 (Lamont and Blacksell, 2018)1 and still occurring. This shows the importance of implementing biorisk management system, especially in the laboratory Biorisk management system appears as one of the efforts made to reduce the risk of accidental infection and deliberate misuse of pathogens or toxins. The biorisk management system emphasizes the roles and responsibilities of everyone in the institution, and ensures that the highest level of management has primary responsibility for the system. The risk management system places priority on rational and evidence-based decision making. In addition to evaluating risks proactively, the performance of the biorisk management system is continuously assessed to help anticipate what went wrong and how to improve the correction strategies. To reduce the possibility of LAI and increase the credibility of the institution, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlanga in collaboration with Airlangga Disease Prevention and Research Center – One Health Collaborating Center (ADPRC-OHCC), will hold a Workshop ” COVID-19: Implementation of Laboratory Biorisk Management Practice (Biosafety and Bioscurity)”. Objectives The objectives of this workshop is to provide information on biorisk management and formulate the strategic measures that can be taken to ensure laboratory biosafety and biosecurity especially in COVID 19. Date and Place Date          : 2020, 16 September Time          : 8.30-11.50 Place          : Online via Zoom Organizers This webinar organized by Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga (ITD UNAIR) in collaboration with Airlangga Disease Prevention and Research Center – One Health Collaborating Center (ADPRC-OHCC) which is a part of Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN){:}{:id} Perkembangan teknologi dan industri tumbuh seiring dengan semakin banyaknya perusahaan dan laboratorium yang menangani baik bahan kimia maupun biologi. Hal tersebut berdampak positif bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan manusia. Namun, di sisi lain, hal itu juga menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah orang yang bekerja dan bahkan menciptakan, patogen dan racun yang lebih berbahaya daripada yang kita kenal sebelumnya yang menyebabkan peningkatan risiko yang tak terhindarkan. Infeksi yang didapat di laboratorium (LAI) telah dilaporkan sejak 1879 (Lamont dan Blacksell, 2018) 1 dan masih terjadi. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya penerapan sistem manajemen biorisiko, khususnya di laboratorium Sistem manajemen Biorisk muncul sebagai salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko infeksi yang tidak disengaja dan penyalahgunaan patogen atau racun yang disengaja. Sistem manajemen biorisiko menekankan peran dan tanggung jawab setiap orang di lembaga, dan memastikan bahwa manajemen tingkat tertinggi memiliki tanggung jawab utama untuk sistem tersebut. Sistem manajemen risiko memprioritaskan pengambilan keputusan yang rasional dan berbasis bukti. Selain mengevaluasi risiko secara proaktif, kinerja sistem manajemen biorisiko terus dinilai untuk membantu mengantisipasi apa yang salah dan bagaimana memperbaiki strategi koreksi. Untuk mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya LAI dan meningkatkan kredibilitas institusi, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlanga bekerjasama dengan Airlangga Disease Prevention and Research Center – One Health Collaborating Center (ADPRC-OHCC), akan mengadakan Workshop “COVID-19: Implementasi Praktik Pengelolaan Bioriskal Laboratorium (Biosafety dan Bioscurity) “. Tujuan Workshop ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang pengelolaan biorisiko dan merumuskan langkah-langkah strategis yang dapat diambil untuk memastikan biosafety dan biosecurity laboratorium khususnya pada COVID 19. Tanggal dan tempat Tanggal: 2020, 16 September Waktu: 8.30-11.50 Tempat: Online melalui Zoom Penyelenggara Webinar ini diselenggarakan oleh Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga (ITD UNAIR) bekerjasama dengan Airlangga Disease Prevention and Research Center – One Health Collaborating Center (ADPRC-OHCC) yang merupakan bagian dari Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN). {:}



{:en} (ITD-UNAIR) On September 5, 2020, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga (ITD UNAIR) held a Series-1 Laboratory Management Online Seminar: Preparation & Implementation of ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 as an Effort to Maintain Quality in Institute of Tropical Disease. This workshop was organized by the ITD-UNAIR Quality Assurance Task Force, namely, Dr. E. Bimo Aksono, drh., M.Kes. The purpose of this seminar is to improve the competence of laboratory managers through the introduction and understanding of the ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 laboratory quality management system. Participants who participated in this online seminar were 332 people, including from the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology (PUI-PT), the Center for Biotechnology and Conservation of the Wallacea Area of ​​Sam Ratulangi University, the Research Center for Biological Molecular Engineering, Airlangga University, and the center of fintech and banking, sebelas Maret University, as well as the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Health Office, Health Facilities, Universities in Indonesia, and several Testing Laboratories. The event was opened by Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., PhD., Sp.MK (K). as Chairman of ITD UNAIR. At this seminar, Ir. Untari Pudjiastuti gave a presentation on Introduction to ISO / IEC 17025: 2017, Dr. Juniastuti, dr., M.Kes. regarding the Introduction to Techniques in the ITD Laboratory related to the scope of Virology and Bacteriology, while Dr. Sukmawati Basuki, dr., M.Sc. provide related Technical Introduction to the scope of Parasitology. The three presenters were moderated by Dr. E. Bimo Aksono, drh., M.Kes. The response from the participants regarding this online seminar was very good, such as the need to hold a further seminar related to the preparation of ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 documents and on verification and validation tests in the laboratory. (Sucipto TH, 2020) {:}{:id}(ITD-UNAIR) Pada tanggal 5 September 2020, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga (ITD UNAIR) menggelar acara Seminar Daring Manajemen Laboratorium Series-1: Penyiapan & Implementasi ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Sebagai Upaya Menjaga Mutu di Lembaga Penyakit Tropis. Workshop ini diselenggarakan oleh Satgas Penjaminan Mutu ITD-UNAIR yaitu, Dr. E. Bimo Aksono, drh., M.Kes. Tujuan seminar ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pengelola laboratorium melalui pengenalan dan pemahaman sistem manajemen mutu laboratorium ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Peserta yang  berpartisipasi dalam seminar daring ini sebanyak 332 orang, antara lain berasal dari Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Perguruan Tinggi (PUI-PT) Pusat Studi Bioteknologi dan Konservasi Kawasan Wallacea Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Pusat Riset Rekayasa Molekul Hayati Universitas Airlangga, dan Center of Fintech and Banking Universitas Sebelas Maret, serta Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, Dinas Kesehatan, Fasilitas Kesehatan, Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia, dan beberapa Laboratoium Pengujian. Acara dibuka oleh Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, dr., M.Kes., PhD., Sp.MK(K). selaku Ketua ITD UNAIR.  Pada seminar ini, Ir. Untari Pudjiastuti memberikan pemaparan tentang Pengenalan ISO/IEC 17025:2017, Dr. Juniastuti, dr., M.Kes. tentang Pengenalan Teknik di Laboratorium ITD terkait lingkup Virologi dan Bakteriologi, sedangkan  Dr. Sukmawati Basuki, dr., M.Sc. menyampiakan terkait Pengenalan Teknis pada lingkup Parasitologi. Ketiga pemateri tersebut dimoderatori oleh Dr. E. Bimo Aksono, drh., M.Kes. Respon dari peserta tekait seminar daring ini sangat baik, seperti perlu diadakan kembali seminar lanjutan terkait persiapan dokumen ISO/IEC 17025:2017 dan tentang uji verifikasi dan validasi di laboratorium. (Sucipto TH, 2020){:}


{:en}LAMP, simple, fast, and accurate alternative method of TB diagnosis{:}{:id}LAMP, Metode Alternatif Diagnosis TBC yang Sederhana, Cepat, dan Akurat{:}

{:en}Tuberculosis (TBC) is still a serious global health problem. It is estimated that 10 million people are infected with TB every year worldwide. More than 95% of deaths from tuberculosis occur in developing countries. Indonesia is one of the countries with the most TB problems (high burden country)) and was ranked third after India and China. It is estimated that there were 845,000 TB cases in Indonesia in 2018 and 24,000 of them were drug resistant TB cases. The main causes of the high TB cases are poverty, less optimal TB treatment programs and demographic changes due to an increasing population. Besides its treatment, diagnosis of TB has an important role in overcoming this problem. In a simple method, the diagnosis of TB can be done by looking at the sputum smear using a microscope. However, this method has many obstacles in its implementation such as the lack of trained personnel and the subjectivity of the final result which is very much determined by the accuracy and expertise of the laboratory staff. Therefore, another method which is easier to work with and is faster, more sensitive is needed so TB cases can be reduced. The loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is one method that can be used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis. LAMP uses the isothermal principle, at a temperature of 64 o C, to carry out the DNA copying reaction without the need for a thermal cycler machine such as the polymerization method (PCR), LAMP only requires a water bath or heat block that is simpler so that it can be used as a standard diagnosis as it is easy to work with in health service units including Puskesmas (community healthcare center). Although bacterial culture is the standard recommended by WHO for diagnosis of TB, this method is slow and expensive, making it difficult to become a widespread diagnostic tool. Meanwhile, LAMP is fast diagnostic method with the advantages of accuracy on par with bacterial culture method. Which one is better between the LAMP method or the microscope use in the diagnosis of TB? The results of this study indicate that the LAMP method has better sensitivity than the microscopic method. It is also supported by the results of previous studies. The LAMP method only requires a temperature of 64 oC for one hour to carry out the DNA copying reaction effectively and efficiently. Visualization of results can also be done with the naked eye because the color change can be directly compared between positive and negative results. Determination of results using microscopic methods requires special skills in observing the number of bacteria in the prepared slides, the smear that is made also determines the result of the diagnosis, not all bacteria contained in the sputum sample can be caught in the 2 cm x 3 cm slides commonly used in microscopic method, so the final result tends to be subjective. A precise, fast, and accurate diagnosis is the first door to success in the treatment of diseases caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis species, which are still claiming many victims. LAMP can be a new alternative in the TB diagnosis process to support end TB programs launched by WHO, especially in developing countries with technological limitations. LAMP method is simple without the need of a special machine used as a reference in confirming the TB diagnosis results with the same quality as the PCR method. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, the LAMP method also allows it to be used in emergencies in the field as long as it maintains occupational safety and security standards. Author: Ni Njoman Juliasih (ITD UNAIR) Picture Source : Full article availabel at:{:}{:id}Tuberkulosis (TBC) masih menjadi masalah kesehatan global. Diperkirakan 10 juta orang terinfeksi TBC setiap tahunnya di seluruh dunia. Lebih dari 95% kematian akibat TBC terjadi di negara berkembang. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan masalah TBC terbanyak (high burden country) dan menduduki peringkat ketiga setelah India dan China. Diperkirakan terdapat 845.000 kasus TBC di Indonesia pada tahun 2018 dan 24.000 diantaranya merupakan kasus TB resisten obat. Penyebab utama tingginya kasus TBC adalah kemiskinan, kurang optimalnya program pengobatan TBC serta perubahan demografi akibat peningkatan jumlah penduduk. Di samping pengobatan, diagnosis TBC memiliki peran penting dalam mengatasi permasalahan ini. Secara sederhana, diagnosis TBC dapat dilakukan dengan melihat apusan dahak dengan menggunakan mikroskop. Namun metode ini memiliki banyak kendala dalam pelaksanaannya seperti kurangnya petugas terlatih dan subjektifitas hasil akhir yang sangat ditentukan oleh ketelitian dan keahlian si petugas laboratorium. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan metode lain yang lebih mudah pengerjaannya serta lebih cepat, sensitif, dan spesifik dalam diagnosis sehingga dapat menurunkan penularan dan kasus TBC. The loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk diagnosis TBC. LAMP menggunakan prinsip isotermal, pada suhu 64oC saja, untuk menjalankan reaksi pengkopian DNA tanpa memerlukan mesin thermal cycler seperti metode polimerisasi (PCR), LAMP hanya membutuhkan water bath atau heat block yang lebih sederhana sehingga dapat dipakai untuk standar diagnosis yang mudah dikerjakan di unit pelayanan kesehatan termasuk Puskesmas. Meskipun kultur bakteri merupakan  standar baku untuk diagnosis TBC yang direkomendasikan WHO, namun metode ini lambat dan mahal sehingga sulit untuk dijadikan alat diagnosis secara luas. Sedangkan LAMP memiliki kecepatan diagnosis layaknya mikroskop dengan kelebihan ketepatan diagnosis layaknya metode kultur bakteri. Manakah yang lebih baik antara metode LAMP atau mikroskop dalam diagnosis TBC? Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode LAMP memiliki sensitivitas yang lebih baik daripada metode mikroskopis, hal tersebut juga didukung dengan hasil penelitian sebelumnya. Metode LAMP hanya membutuhkan suhu 64oC selama satu jam untuk menjalankan reaksi pengkopian DNA secara efektif dan efisien. Visualisasi hasil pun dapat dilakukan dengan mata telanjang karena perubahan warna dapat langsung dibandingkan antara hasil positif dan negatif. Penentuan hasil dengan metode mikroskopis memerlukan keterampilan khusus dalam mengamati jumlah bakteri  yang berhasil ditangkap dalam preparat, preparat apusan yang dibuat juga sangat menentukan hasil diagnosis, tidak semua bakteri yang terdapat dalam sampel dahak dapat tertangkap dalam preparat ukuran 2 cm x 3 cm yang biasa digunakan dalam metode mikroskopis, sehingga hasil akhir yang didapatkan cenderung subjektif. Diagnosis yang tepat, cepat, dan


{:en}Inhibition of dengue virus serotype 2 in Vero cells with [Cu(2,4,5-triphenyl-1H-imidazole)2(H2O)2].Cl2{:}{:id}Pengehambatan Virus Dengue Serotipe 2 pada Sel Ginjal Moyet Hijau Afrika{:}

{:en}Abstract: Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, with an observed 30-fold increase in global incidence the last 50 years. Despite the tremendous efforts invested anti-dengue virus research, no clinically approved vaccine or antiviral chemotherapeutics are available for humans, and disease treatment is limited to supportive care. Over the years there has been a continuous interest in the chemistry of metal complexes with biological activity, including platinum complexes with antitumor activity and silver complexes with antimicrobial action. Aim of the project was to investigate [Cu(2,4,5-triphenyl-1H– imidazole)2 (H2O)2].Cl2 as antiviral compound that was further tested for inhibitory effect on the replication of dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2) in Vero cell. DENV-2 were infected in Vero cells and replication of virus was measured by Viral ToxGlo with selectivity index value (SI) and determined as the ratio of cytotoxic concentration 50 (CC50) to inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) for com- pound. The standard curve between concentration of compound (μg/mL) and %viability of cells was analyzed by logarithmic cor- relation regression with regression equation. For infection rates, t-test was used to exam- ine the statistical significances among the concentrations of compound. P<0.05 was considered to be significant. The maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) of [Cu(2,4,5- triphenyl-1H-imidazole)2 (H2O)2].Cl2 against DENV-2 was 98.62 μg/mL. The cytotoxic concentration (CC50) of compound against Vero cells was 300.36μg/mL. The SI values for [Cu(2,4,5-triphenyl-1H-imidazole)2 (H2O)2].Cl2 1.86. Based on selectivity index values, [Cu(2,4,5-triphenyl-1H-imidazole)2 (H2O)2].Cl2 can inhibit the growth of DENV- 2 and has low toxicity values for Vero cells. sourece image : harapan rakyat{:}{:id}Virus dengue (DENV) adalah virus yang disebarkan oleh nyamuk Aedes sp. di daerah Tropis dan Sub-tropis. Vaksin dan antivirus untuk melawan virus ini belum efektif digunakan untuk pengobatan. Tembaga(II) adalah kofaktor aktif dalam enzim superosida dismutase yang digunakan pada aktivitas antioksidan di dalam tubuh. Pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dilaporkan bahawa senyawa kompleks berbasis logam seperti Seng(II) dan Koblat(II) memiliki aktivitas penghambatan terhadap virus dengue serotipe 2 (DENV-2) masing-masing adalah 2.00 µg/ml dan 3.08 µg/ml. Hasil tersebut efektif karena dengan konsentrasi kecil sudah dapat menghambat pertumbuhan DENV-2. Untuk itu, pada penelitian ini senyawa kompleks berbasis tembaga(II) diuji aktivitas penghambatan terhadap DENV-2 yang diinfeksikan pada Sel Ginjal Moyet Hijau Afrika. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh aktivitas penghambatan senyawa kompleks berbasis tembaga terdapat DENV-2 sebesar 98.62 µg/ml dengan P<0.05. Pada konsentrasi 200 µg/ml virus yang mati sebanyak 72,3% dan sedangkan pada konsentrasi 1.57 µg/ml virus 100% tidak mati. Dalam hal ini dapat dikatakan bahawa pada konsentrasi tinggi senyawa ini bersifat beracun dan dapat membunuh atau menghambat pertumbuhan virus. Di sisi lain pada penelitian ini, efek sitotosisitas senyawa kompleks terhadap Sel Ginjal Monyet Hijau Afrika sebesar 300.36 µg/ml dengan P<0.05. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahawa senyawa kompleks ini bersifat toksik rendah atau masih dapat diterima oleh sel. Sel Ginjal Monyet Hijau Afrika yang terpapar oleh senyawa komplek Tembaga(II) menunjukkan pora karakteristik kematian sel, yaitu dengan semakin tingginya konsentrasi maka sel menunjukkan banyak yang mati, misalkan pada konsentrasi 200 µg/ml sebanyak 47% sel yang mati dan pada konsentrasi 12.5 µg/ml  sebanyak 6.9%. Pengujian ini adalah metode modifikasi dari MTT oleh Mosmann, uji ini didasarkan pada konversi enzimatik pada mitokondria yang terdapat di dalam sel. Meskipun kompleksitas mekanisme terlibat, mitokondria tampak melepaskan faktor-faktor yang menginduksi apoptosis yang mungkin memicu fragmentasi DNA dalam inti sel. Mitokondria adalah integrator umum dan transduser dari berbagai sinyal proapoptosis dan permeabilisasi membran mitokondria adalah manifestasi pembatasan tingkat kematian sel mitokondria. Apoptosis (kematian sel) adalah bentuk utama kematian sel yang terlibat dalam beragam proses mulai dari pengembangan sel hingga respon stres dan morfologis yang pasti perubahan. Dalam banyak kasus, apoptosis terjadi dalam menanggapi rangsangan fisiologis seperti modifikasi osmotik dan efek dari senyawa.  Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa senyawa kompleks berbasis Tembaga(II) ini menunjukkan sifat yang tidak telalu toksik untuk melawan DENV dibandingkan dengan penelitian sebelumnya yaitu senyawa kompleks yang berbasis Seng(II) dan Koblat(II). Namun senyawa ini memiliki toksisitas rendah terhadap Sel Ginjal Monyet Hijau Afrika yang merupakan inang virus pada penelitian ini. Penulis: Teguh Hari Sucipto, S.Si., M.Si. Judul Artikel: Inhibition of dengue virus serotype 2 in Vero cells with [Cu(2,4,5-triphenyl-1H-imidazole)2(H2O)2].Cl2 sumber : , sumber gambar  : harapan rakyat Informasi detail tentang artikel ilmiah ini dapat dilihat di:{:}


{:en}Ministry of Health’s Representatives Visit to ITD{:}{:id}Kunjungan Perwakilan Kementrian Kesehatan Ke LPT{:}

{:en} Thursday, June 11, 2020 The representatives from Ministry of Health visited ITD UNAIR and were welcomed by Prof. Maria Inge as Director, Prof. Soetjipto and Krisnoadi Rahardjo (Influenza Researcher). The purpose of their visit was to evaluate and talk about the COVID 19 situation and condition. Hopefully, ITD can contribute continually in COVID 19 detection especially in Surabaya. {:}{:id}Kamis, 11 Juni 2020. Pewakilan staf dari Kementrian Kesehatan RI mengunjungi KE lembaga Penyakit Tropis Universitas Airlangga. Perwakilan tersebut disambut hangat oleh Prof. Maria Inge selaku pimpinan ITD, Prof. Soetjipto dan Peneliti Influenza Krisnoadi Rahardjo. Mereka mengunjungi untuk melihat kondisi perkembangan yang ada di Lembaga Penyakit Tropis dan berbincang terkait kondisi dan pekembangan Covid-19. Harapan kedepannya, Lembaga Penyakit Tropis terus berkontribusi dalam penanganan Covid-19 Di Indonesia terutama wilayah lokal Surabaya Raya ini.{:}


{:en}East Java’s Vice Governor Check for COVID-19 in ITD{:}{:id}Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur kunjungan ke ITD UNAIR dan melakukan tes deteksi virus Covid-19.{:}

{:en}The next day after East Java’s Governor visits to ITD, the vice governor, Emil Elestianto Dardak, had a visit to ITD to see the facilities for COVID-19 treatment and management. He also check for COVID-19 because few days earlier, he just met Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management from Netherland, Cora Van Nieuwenhuize and Minister of Transportation from Indonesia, Budi Karya Sumadi, whose tested positive for COVID-19 on March 14, 2020. Hopefully, with all the supporting facilities, it can help people to check if there’s any symptoms or visits other countries. Other than that, human resources of Universitas Airlangga Hospital and ITD should work harder to serve the COVID-19 patients, especially in this condition when the service hour should be added. Head Picture’s Source :{:}{:id}Setelah Gubernur Jawa Timur berkunjung dan berkoordinasi di ITD UNAIR, kini giliran Emil Dardak sebagai Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur yang meninjau langsung untuk melihat fasilitas penanganan Virus Covid-19.Tak hanya itu, beliau juga melakukan tes dikarenakan beliau telah melakukan pertemuan dengan Menteri Infrastruktur dan Manajemen Air Negara Belanda Mrs. Cora Van Nieuwenhuize yang sehari sebelumnya bertemu dengan Menteri Perhubungan, Budi Karya yang ternyata positif terkena virus Covid-19. Harapannya dengan metode deteksi ini bisa membantu masyarakat untuk melakukan pengecekan apabila terdapat gejala yang mengindikasikan terkena virus Covid-19 atau baru bepergian dari luar negeri serta lainnya. Tak hanya itu, Sumber daya manusia Rumah Sakit Universitas Airlangga & ITD UNAIR meningkatkan intensitas pelayanan dengan menambah jam kerja dalam menangani kasus Covid-19 dengan harapan fenomena ini akan segera berakhir.   Sumber Gambar Inti :{:}

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