Institute of Tropical Disease



ITD researchers visited IMERI of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia

Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, visited the Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Indonesia, on Monday (31/10/2022). Representatives from ITD Unair consisted of Arviadi Tri Harso Putro, SKM, as head of infrastructure; Laura Navika Yamani, Ph.D. as Head of HR; and research representative Mochamad Amin, S.Si., M.Si; drh. Krisnoadi Rahardjo, S.KH., M.Si; Heni Puspitasari, drh., M.Si; and Adita Ayu Permanasri, S.Si. Prof. dr. Badriul Hegar Syarif, Ph.D., Sp. A(K), as the Director of IMERI FK UI and Dra. Beti Ernawati Dewi, Ph.D. as Head of the Research Center of the Infectious Disease and Immunology cluster, welcomed the arrival of ITD Unair researcher representatives. This visit aims to conduct a comparative study related to biorisk management and share information related to infection research developed by the two institutions. Some of the things also discussed in the discussion were the research focus of the two institutions, which were not much different, namely those related to basic molecular research, vaccines, diagnostics, and pathogenesis of infectious diseases. This research focus opens up opportunities for collaboration to conduct joint research. The visit also discussed procedures for B3 waste management, placement of safety equipment, laboratory security management, and safety standards for research activities. Hopefully, this meeting can contribute directly to improving the quality of research and the safety of research implementation at ITD Airlangga University and IMERI, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.


To Improve Performance, ITD Unair Staff Visits InaRI Expo and Holds Work Meetings and Performance Evaluations

The Institute of Tropical Diseases staff, Universitas Airlangga, visited the Indonesia Research & Innovation Expo 2022 (InaRI Expo 2022) at the ICC Building, Cibinong Science Center, West Java on Saturday (29/10/2022). InaRI Expo 2022 is an event organized by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). ITD staff participated in a series of events in these activities, including seminars on the technology of halal materials in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors, as well as visiting various booths from various universities, companies, BUMN, and BUMD. ITD staff also held a Work Meeting and Job Evaluation at Hotel 101 Urban Jakarta Thamrin on Saturday (29/10/2022). This working meeting aims to improve the performance of ITD Unair staff. The discussion in this meeting is related to fulfilling ITD achievement targets that need further improvement. In addition, to prepare the Laboratory to be submitted for ISO certification in 2023 with better administrative and management arrangements. This meeting also asked the study group to increase cooperation abroad and report to ITD.


Visit from the Directorate General of Health Workers, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia

The Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, received a visit from the Directorate General of Health Workers, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, on Wednesday, 19 October 2022. Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. as Head of Human Resources and Marcellino Rudyanto, Drs., Apt., Msi., Ph.D. as Head of Research Board of the Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga welcomed the visit from the Ministry of Health. This visit adds insight into the strategy for improving performance achievements and strengthening the central institutions of excellence. Ten people from the Directorate General of Health Workers attended this activity. They were introduced to the study group in ITD by Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. They also had the opportunity to visit the Malaria Laboratory at ITD Unair.


Policy Brief Dialogue to Support HIV/AIDS Control Program

The HIV/AIDS study group, Research Center on Global Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga successfully held a Policy Brief Dialogue with the theme “The Role of Antiretroviral Resistance Examination as an Effort to Control HIV Cases in Indonesia.” This activity was carried out in a hybrid manner at the Harris Hotel, Gubeng Surabaya, on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. It was attended by a great resource person, Prof. Dr. Nasronudin, dr. Sp.PD., KPTI-FINASIM as the director of Airlangga Hospital, and dr. Ratna Budi Hapsari M.KM as the HIV PIMS Hepatitis PISP work team of the Indonesian Ministry of Health. This activity was also attended by clinicians, researchers, non-governmental organizations, and policymakers. This activity aims to support the WHO program to end AIDS with a target of 95.95.95, which means 95% of people living with HIV know their HIV status, 95% of people who know their status on treatment, and 95% of people on treatment with suppressed viral loads. In addition, this activity is also to support the Indonesian Ministry of Health’s program named STOP (Educate, Test, Treat, and Maintain). Hopefully, this brief policy dialogue can provide recommendations to complement the achievements of handling HIV/AIDS in Indonesia.


Guest Lecture on Investigation of COVID-19

Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga successfully held a guest lecture with the topic “Investigation of COVID-19”. This activity was held in the Enlightenment Room 2nd Fl, ITD Unair, on Thursday, October 6, 2022. This activity presented a great resource person from Kobe University, Japan, Professor Yasuko Mori, MD., Ph.D. This activity was attended by ITD Unair staff and researchers. In this activity, Professor Yasuko Mori, MD., Ph.D. explained in detail the SARS-CoV-2 virus variant, vaccine doses, and comparison of neutralizing activities against VOCs 1-3 months after SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Hopefully, this guest lecture can provide more in-depth knowledge regarding the COVID-19 investigation.


Progress Report Meeting CRC-ERID In a Collaboration between ITD Unair and Kobe University – Japan

Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga held a Progress Report Meeting CRC-ERID In a collaboration between ITD Unair and Kobe University – Japan on Wednesday, October 5, 2022. This activity was carried out in Enlightenment Room 2 Fl – Institute of Tropical Disease. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, this Progress Report Meeting was usually held once in three months. However, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, this activity had stopped for almost three years. This activity was attended by Prof. Yasuko Mori, M.D., Ph.D., and Prof. Kazafumi Shimizu, Ph, D from Kobe University – Japan. The presentation of the progress report was carried out by representatives of the Dengue study group, Viral Diarrhea study group, Bacterial Gastroenteritis & Antimicrobial Resistance study groups, and the New Pathogens study group. The Progress Report Meeting is one form of a series of collaborations between the Institute of Tropical Disease Unair and Kobe University – Japan, which has entered the 3rd term, with a period of 5 years per term. As a result, CRC-ERID has produced many achievements, such as reputable international journals, research grants from internal and external Ph.D. students, and supporting laboratory activities with adequate equipment.


Visit of PUI-PT Center for Fintech and Banking at Sebelas Maret University to ITD Unair

The Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University, received a visit from the PUI-PT Center for Fintech and Banking, Sebelas Maret University on Friday, September 16, 2022. This visit was about exchanging best practices for managing the Center for Excellence in Science and Technology and strengthening relations between the Centers for Excellence in Science and Technology. This visit received a good response from the Institute of Tropical Disease Chairman, Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, Ph.D., and Secretary of ITD, Prof. Dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam, DVM. In addition, there were 15 participants from the PUI-PT Center for Fintech and Banking at Sebelas Maret University. Dr. Taufiq Arifin, Ph.D., describes the profiles, innovations, collaborations, and publications carried out by the PUI-PT Center for Fintech and Banking, Sebelas Maret University.


Collaboration between University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan and ITD Unair

Institute of Tropical disease Universitas Airlangga, on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, received a visit from Prof. Takuya Fukushima of the Laboratory of Hematoimmunology, Graduate School of Health Sciences, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. This activity discusses the cooperation and collaboration between the HIV Laboratory of ITD Unair and the University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. This collaboration received a good response from Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, Ph.D. This collaboration discusses the molecular epidemiological surveillance of the Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus (HTLV-1). We hope that this collaboration can be successful.


OHSC Batch 3 Visit to ITD Unair

Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga received a visit from “One Health Student Club Batch 3” on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. This activity was carried out in a hybrid. This activity is a means of education and introduction to OHSC Batch 3 members about the facilities owned by ITD and the role of ITD in research. This visit received a good response from Prof. Maria Inge Lusida, Ph.D., the head of ITD Unair. This activity was also attended by the coordinator of ADPRC-OHCC, Prof. Dr. dr. Fedik Abdul Rantam. The activity was an introduction to ITD, which the head delivered of Human Resources of ITD Unair Laura Navika Yamani, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. During this visit, OHSC Batch 3 members also conducted laboratory visits to the Malaria Laboratory, Dengue Laboratory, and TB Laboratory.


Field Training to Learn about ITD

Students of the Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga visited the Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, to learn the Block System of Hematology and Immunology. This activity is carried out online. Students are introduced to the Institute of Tropical Disease as a place for biomolecular research. This visit was carried out for two days: Friday, September 2, 2022, and Tuesday, September 6, 2022. This visit introduced various activities carried out by each laboratory, workshops, research, etc. Hopefully, this activity can add information and insight about hematology and immunology.

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