ITD researchers visited IMERI of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia
Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, visited the Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Indonesia, on Monday (31/10/2022). Representatives from ITD Unair consisted of Arviadi Tri Harso Putro, SKM, as head of infrastructure; Laura Navika Yamani, Ph.D. as Head of HR; and research representative Mochamad Amin, S.Si., M.Si; drh. Krisnoadi Rahardjo, S.KH., M.Si; Heni Puspitasari, drh., M.Si; and Adita Ayu Permanasri, S.Si. Prof. dr. Badriul Hegar Syarif, Ph.D., Sp. A(K), as the Director of IMERI FK UI and Dra. Beti Ernawati Dewi, Ph.D. as Head of the Research Center of the Infectious Disease and Immunology cluster, welcomed the arrival of ITD Unair researcher representatives. This visit aims to conduct a comparative study related to biorisk management and share information related to infection research developed by the two institutions. Some of the things also discussed in the discussion were the research focus of the two institutions, which were not much different, namely those related to basic molecular research, vaccines, diagnostics, and pathogenesis of infectious diseases. This research focus opens up opportunities for collaboration to conduct joint research. The visit also discussed procedures for B3 waste management, placement of safety equipment, laboratory security management, and safety standards for research activities. Hopefully, this meeting can contribute directly to improving the quality of research and the safety of research implementation at ITD Airlangga University and IMERI, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.