Institute of Tropical Disease



A visit from the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) to The Institute of Tropical Diseases, Universitas Airlangga

{:en} Tuesday, May 31, 2022, Institute for Tropical Diseases (ITD) Universitas Airlangga received a visit from representatives from the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia/National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS). This visit was welcomed and attended by ITD leaders, namely Prof. MARIA LUCIA INGE LUSIDA dr., M.Kes., Ph.D., SpMK , Secretary of ITD, Prof. Dr. FEDIK ABDUL RANTAM drh., as well as representatives of the ITD laboratory. This meeting discussed the development of the health industry, research developments and other issues to advance the world of health. After the discussion, they visited several laboratories owned by ITD. We hope that this visit will lead to better cooperation and better relations {:}{:id}Selasa, 31 Mei 2022, Lembaga Penyakit Tropis (ITD) Universitas Airlangga mendapatkan kunjungan perwakilan dari Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Republik Indonesia/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), Kunjungan ini disambut baik dan dihadiri oleh para pimpinan ITD yaitu Ketua Prof. MARIA LUCIA INGE LUSIDA dr., M.Kes., Ph.D., SpMK , Sekretaris ITD, Prof. Dr. FEDIK ABDUL RANTAM drh., serta perwakilan laboratorium ITD. Pertemuan ini membahas perkembangan industri kesehatan, perkembangan penelitian dan perihal untuk memajukan dunia kesehatan lainnya. Setelah diskusi, mereka melakukan kunjungan ke beberapa laboratorium yang dimiliki ITD. Penuh harap kunjungan ini bisa melahirkan kerja sama dan juga hubungan yang lebih baik{:}


Hypertension Screening at the Mulyorejo Public Health Center in 2019

Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that still requires attention because it poses a significant health risk. Hypertension or high blood pressure is defined as a condition where the systolic value is more than 140 mmHg and the diastolic is more than 90 mmHg on two measurements within about five minutes in a relaxed condition. The blood pressure mentioned above is permanent, disrupting the intake of nutrients and oxygen that should not be blocked and distributed generally to the body’s necessary tissues. Data from the Health Profiles of East Java Province in 2018 shows that the prevalence of hypertension in Surabaya is 31.13%, lower than the previous year, which was recorded at 45.32%. However, promotive and preventive efforts are still needed because the prevalence is higher than the national prevalence. The global target is to reduce the prevalence of hypertension by 25% by 2025. Common symptoms in patients are dizziness, nosebleeds, frequent headaches, and shortness of breath. Two types of hypertension were identified, namely secondary hypertension, which means an increase in systemic blood pressure whose cause has not yet been detected. In contrast, essential or primary hypertension can cause an increased risk of kidney, heart, and brain events. Hypertension can cause severe damage to many organs, especially the heart. The increase in pressure causes the arteries to harden, causing a sudden reduction in blood flow and oxygen flow to the core—including chest pain, also known as angina, heart attack, heart failure, and an irregular heartbeat. In rare cases, this can lead to sudden death due to rupture or blockage of an artery that supplies blood and oxygen to the brain. Hypertension can act as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke, coronary artery disease, and heart failure, affecting 26% of the adult population. WHO estimates that 1.13 billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension, two-thirds of whom live in low- and middle-income countries. One in four men and one in five women tend to suffer from hypertension. Many determinants are known risk factors for hypertension—including sodium intake, alcohol, obesity, genetics, age, lifestyle, and working conditions. Although the treatment of hypertension using antihypertensive drugs is available, the effectiveness and side effects of these drugs are still questionable. The CDC report shows that 75 million people worldwide suffer from hypertension. In other words, only 54% of people worldwide have normal blood pressure. The prevalence of hypertension in East Java based on the Basic Health Research conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Health showed 8.01% for hypertension based on a doctor’s diagnosis. This value indicates an increase compared to the 2013 Basic Health Research results, with a rise of 9.9%. The clinical manifestations of hypertension are headaches, nosebleeds, heavy neck, ringing in the ears, difficulty sleeping, frequent dizziness, and blurred vision. In addition, several determinants of hypertension in Indonesia have been identified, including age, male gender, low education level, smoking, regular caffeine consumption of more than one serving per day, alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity, and obesity. Preventive efforts have an important role in preventing cardiovascular disease, which can be done by early detection, namely screening, to minimize complications. Health screening in the era of health coverage is classified into two, namely screening for primary prevention/historical health screening and screening for secondary prevention (limited to people with chronic disease and cancer detection). Health screening has been used for decades as an easy-to-use and inexpensive instrument to prevent premature death. Valid screening instruments must be developed to be easy to use and identify risk factors. Validity can reveal the suitability of an instrument to find cases. This study aims to conduct early detection of hypertension cases in adults and the elderly at the Mulyorejo Public Health Center, Surabaya, Indonesia. The survey was conducted from 12 to 15 November 2019, targeting adult and elderly patients who visited the public health center. A structured questionnaire was used as a research instrument, while an examination using a digital sphygmomanometer was used as the gold standard. Family history, smoking habits, physical activity, vegetable consumption, and fruit consumption were independent variables. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test. Sampling was carried out by accident, and 100 people participated in this study. 10% of them were classified and checked as group hypertension based on examination with a sphygmomanometer, while based on a questionnaire, as many as 16%. The results of the calculation of validity showed a sensitivity value of 70%, specificity of 87.8%, a positive predictive value of 38.8%, and a negative predictive value of 96.34%. There was no significant relationship between the independent variables and hypertension, family history (p=0.48 ; OR=1.64 ; 95% CI= 0.42<OR<6.29), smoking habits (p=0.21; OR=2.96; 95% CI= 0.52< OR<16.7), physical activity (p=0.46 ; OR=1.71 ; 95% CI= 0.4<OR<7.29), vegetable consumption (p=0.94 ; OR=0.95 ; 95% CI= 0.25<OR<3.62), consumption fruit (p=0.89 ; OR= 1.09 ; 95% CI= 0.29<OR<4.03), salt consumption (p=0.66; OR=1.33; 95% CI= 0.25<OR<6.98). No independent variables are associated with the incidence of hypertension in this study. In this case, the efforts of health workers to conduct massive health checks are needed so that there are no undetected cases of hypertension. Authors: Dr. Budi Utomo, dr., M.Kes; Shifa Fauziyah, S.Si., M.Ked.Trop; Teguh Hari Sucipto, S.Si., M.Si Detailed information about this scientific article can be found at: Source: Picture Source: Alodokter


{:en}Bioactive compounds from Mangosteen as an antiviral SARSCoV-2{:}{:id}Senyawa Bioaktif dari Manggis sebagai antivirus SARSCoV-2{:}

{:en}Coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2) is a virus that causes COVID-19 and infects the respiratory organs in humans. The virus was first identified in China in 2019 and later spread to other countries around the world. This study aims to identify the bioactive compound of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) as an antiviral agent through a dual inhibitory mechanism against SARS-CoV-2 protease through an in silico approach. In this study, the three-dimensional structure of various mangosteen bioactive compounds from the database was examined. Furthermore, all bioactive compounds were analyzed as drugs, prediction of antiviral activity, virtual screening, molecular interactions, and visualization of three-dimensional structures. This aims to determine the potential for bioactive compounds from mangosteen that can function as antiviral agents against SARS-CoV-2. The results indicate that the bioactive compounds from mangosteen have a prospective to provide antiviral agents through multiple inhibitory mechanisms. In summary, the binding of various bioactive compounds from mangosteen results in low binding energy and has the ability to induce protein target binding activity. Bioactive compounds from mangosteen, such as: -mangostin, -mangostin, and -mangostin have low binding energy to the targeted proteins, namely Mpro and PLpro. This is expected to have the ability to induce the activity of these proteins. Furthermore, the bioactive compound has shown the ability to be developed as an antiviral drug described by Lipinski’s rule which consists of a molecular mass <500 Daltons, LogP <5, hydrogen binding donor <5, hydrogen binding donor <10, and a molar bias between 40-130. and prediction of antiviral activity. Therefore, it allows the various bioactive compounds of mangosteen to act as a dual inhibitory mechanism for COVID-19 infection. Authors: Teguh Hari Sucipto, Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori, Rahadian Zainul et al. Article Title: Bioactive Compounds from Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) as an Antiviral Agent via Dual Inhibitor Mechanism against SARSCoV-2: An In Silico Approach Detailed information about this scientific article can be found at: Source : Picture Source:{:}{:id}Coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2) adalah virus yang menyebabkan COVID-19 dan menginfeksi organ pernapasan pada manusia. Virus ini pertama kali diidentifikasi di China pada 2019 dan kemudian menyebar ke negara-negara lain di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi senyawa bioaktif dari manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) sebagai agen antivirus melalui mekanisme inhibitor ganda terhadap SARS-CoV-2 protease melalui pendekatan in silico. Pada penelitian ini struktur tiga dimensi berbagai bioaktif senyawa manggis dari database diperiksa. Selanjutnya, semua senyawa bioaktif dianalisis sebagai obat, prediksi aktivitas antivirus, skrining virtual, interaksi molekuler, dan visualisasi struktur tiga dimensi. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi senyawa bioaktif dari manggis yang dapat berfungsi sebagai agen antivirus untuk melawan SARS-CoV-2. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa senyawa bioaktif dari manggis memiliki prospektif untuk menyediakan agen antivirus melalui mekanisme penghambatan ganda. Singkatnya, pengikatan berbagai senyawa bioaktif dari manggis menghasilkan energi ikat yang rendah dan memiliki kemampuan untuk menginduksi aktivitas pengikatan target protein. Senyawa bioaktif dari manggis, seperti: α-mangostin, β-mangostin, dan γ-mangostin memiliki energi ikat yang rendah terhadap protein yang ditargetkan yaitu Mpro dan PLpro. Hal ini diharapkan memiliki kemampuan untuk menginduksi aktivitas protein tersebut. Selanjutnya, senyawa bioaktif tersebut telah menunjukkan kemampuan untuk dikembangkan sebagai obat antivirus yang digambarkan oleh aturan Lipinski’s yaitu terdiri dari molekul massa <500 Dalton, LogP <5, donor pengikat hidrogen <5, hidrogen mengikat donor <10, dan bias molar antara 40-130 dan prediksi aktivitas antivirus. Oleh karena itu, memungkinkan berbagai senyawa bioaktif dari manggis untuk bertindak sebagai mekanisme penghambatan ganda untuk infeksi COVID-19. Penulis: Teguh Hari Sucipto, Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori, Rahadian Zainul dkk. Judul Artikel: Bioactive Compounds from Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) as an Antiviral Agent via Dual Inhibitor Mechanism against SARSCoV-2: An In Silico Approach Informasi detail tentang artikel ilmiah ini dapat dilihat di: Sumber : Sumber Gambar:{:}


{:en}Performance Evaluation of The Institute of Tropical Disease in Yogyakarta{:}{:id}Evaluasi Kinerja Lembaga Penyakit Tropis di Yogyakarta{:}

{:en} Friday, February 4-6 2022, the Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga conducted a performance evaluation in Yogyakarta. This is done to seek performance improvements in order to achieve the same goals, including bonding all staff, both administration and researchers as well as leaders, so that good cooperation is formed. While there, the activities were the presentation of performance progress, achievements, evaluations and so on, then outbound training was carried out to improve good cooperation. {:}{:id}Jumat, 4-6 Februari 2022, Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga melakukan evaluasi kinerja di jogjakarta. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengupayakan adanya perbaikan kinerja agar bisa mencapai dengan tujuan yang sama termasuk perekatan seluruh staff baik administrasi dan peneliti serta pimpinan agar terbentuk kerja sama yang baik. Selama disana kegiatannya adalah pemaparan progres kinerja, capaian, evaluasi dan sebagainya selanjutnya dilakukan pelatihan outbound untuk meningkatkan kerja sama yang baik.{:}


{:en}A Visit from The TNI Commander Andika Perkasa and The Team to ITD UNAIR{:}{:id}Kunjungan Panglima TNI Andika Perkasa beserta tim ke ITD UNAIR{:}

{:en} Friday, February 4, 2022, the Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga received a visit from the TNI Commander Andika Perkasa and his team. They visited to find out what the ITD Team was doing, after that they saw several existing laboratories, then discussed the scope of what the ITD team was doing. {:}{:id}Jumat, 4 Februari 2022, Lembaga Penyakit Tropis Universitas Airlangga menerima kunjungan Panglima TNI Andika Perkasa beserta timnya. Mereka berkunjung untuk mengetahui apa yang dilakukan oleh Tim ITD, setelah itu melihat beberapa laboratorium yang ada, kemudian mendiskusikan ruang lingkup yang dilakukan oleh tim ITD.{:}


{:en}Visit from the French Embassy to ITD{:}{:id}Kunjungan dari Kedutaan Besar Prancis ke ITD{:}

{:en} Wednesday, January 26, 2022, the Institute Of Tropical disease received a visit from Mr. Thierry Goubier, Mrs. Sandra Vivier, and Mrs. Indri Novitas Sari, who is a representative from the French embassy, ​​came to see the whole genome sample laboratory and communicated with the Covid-19 research team. Hopefully they can find out about the process and developments in the Covid-19 research at ITD so that it can be used as a provision for future collaboration. {:}{:id}Rabu, 26 Januari 2022, Institute Of Tropical disease mendapatkan kunjungan dari Mr. Thierry Goubier, Mrs. Sandra Vivier, dan Mrs. Indri Novitas Sari yang merupakan perwakilan dari keduataan besar prancis, mereka datang untuk melihat laboratorium whole sampel genome dan berkomunikasi dengan tim peneliti Covid-19. Penuh harap mereka bisa mengetahui proses dan perkembangan dalam penelitian covid-19 yang ada di ITD sehingga bisa dijadikan bekal untuk kerja sama nantinya.{:}


{:en}Apprenticeship Programme by JICA and ITD-UNAIR Biorisk management in laboratories{:}{:id}Program Magang oleh JICA dan ITD-UNAIR Manajemen Biorisiko di Laboratorium{:}

{:en}The captioned apprenticeship programme[1] was convened Jointly by JICA and Institute of Tropical Disease – Universitas Airlangga. The programme aims to provide learning opportunity on practical aspects of biorisk management in BSL-3 laboratories. Seven professionals of ITD-UNAIR instructed two apprentices from the central laboratory of Badan POM. Biorisk management is a system or framework that describes the use of practices, operations and training, safety equipment and buildings specifically designed to protect workers, the community and the environment from accidental exposure or unauthorized access, loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release of infectious agents and toxins. The programme covered various topics such as the construction and design, layout and maintenance of BSL-3 laboratory, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the BSL 3 laboratory, practices relating to procedures for entering and leaving the BSL 3 laboratory, procedures for laboratory work, application of basic principles of biosafety/biosecurity, the overall flow of sample handling and other routine laboratory work applicable to BSL 3. Prof. dr. Maria Inge Lusida, Mkes., PhD, SpMK(K)., Director of Institute of Tropical Disease UNAIR emphasized the benefit of this programme for both ITD and Badan POM. Badan POM is working on the construction of Biosafety Level 3 laboratory and this practical training will be very useful to carry out research and testing in safe condition. The program also provided an opportunity for Badan POM and ITD-UNAIR to continue their communication and establish a relationship that will mutually enhance the technical capacities of both institutions in biorisk management in future. UNAIR has a long history of collaboration with JICA and many Japanese researchers in the field of research and studies on infectious diseases using the BSL 3 laboratory, which was built by JICA/JST SATREPS (2010 -2014) and has been operated and managed for many years with KOBE University and others. ITD-UNAIR’s BSL-3 laboratory is often a place of learning due to the limited presence of BSL-3 in Indonesia Source :{:}{:id}Program magang dengan judul[1] diselenggarakan Bersama oleh JICA dan Institute of Tropical Disease – Universitas Airlangga. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kesempatan belajar tentang aspek praktis manajemen biorisiko di laboratorium BSL-3. Tujuh tenaga profesional ITD-UNAIR menginstruksikan dua orang magang dari laboratorium pusat Badan POM. Manajemen biorisiko adalah sistem atau kerangka kerja yang menggambarkan penggunaan praktik, operasi dan pelatihan, peralatan keselamatan dan bangunan yang dirancang khusus untuk melindungi pekerja, masyarakat dan lingkungan dari paparan yang tidak disengaja atau akses yang tidak sah, kehilangan, pencurian, penyalahgunaan, pengalihan atau pelepasan yang disengaja. dari agen infeksius dan toksin. Program tersebut mencakup berbagai topik seperti konstruksi dan desain, tata letak dan pemeliharaan laboratorium BSL-3, Prosedur Operasi Standar (SOP) laboratorium BSL 3, praktik terkait tata cara masuk dan keluar laboratorium BSL 3, prosedur kerja laboratorium , penerapan prinsip-prinsip dasar biosafety/biosecurity, alur penanganan sampel secara keseluruhan dan pekerjaan laboratorium rutin lainnya yang berlaku untuk BSL 3. Prof dr. Maria Inge Lusida, Mkes., PhD, SpMK(K)., Direktur Institute of Tropical Disease UNAIR menekankan manfaat program ini baik bagi ITD maupun Badan POM. Badan POM sedang mengerjakan pembangunan laboratorium Biosafety Level 3 dan pelatihan praktis ini akan sangat berguna untuk melakukan penelitian dan pengujian dalam kondisi aman. Program ini juga memberikan kesempatan bagi Badan POM dan ITD-UNAIR untuk melanjutkan komunikasi dan menjalin hubungan yang akan saling meningkatkan kapasitas teknis kedua institusi dalam pengelolaan biorisiko di masa mendatang. UNAIR memiliki sejarah panjang kerjasama dengan JICA dan banyak peneliti Jepang di bidang penelitian dan studi penyakit menular menggunakan laboratorium BSL 3 yang dibangun oleh JICA/JST SATREPS (2010 -2014) dan telah dioperasikan dan dikelola selama bertahun-tahun. tahun dengan KOBE University dan lain-lain. Laboratorium BSL-3 ITD-UNAIR sering menjadi tempat belajar karena keterbatasan keberadaan BSL-3 di Indonesia   Sumber :{:}


{:en}A Human Monoclonal Antibody with Mature Affinity Targeting the Dengue Virus Epitope Fusion Loop with Therapeutic Potential{:}{:id}Sebuah Human Monoclonal Antibody dengan Afinitas yang Matang dan Menargetkan Fusion Loop Epitope Virus Dengue dengan Potensi Terapetik{:}

{:en} Several viruses that are transmitted through mosquitoes include Dengue virus (DENV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), West Nile virus (WNV), and Zika virus (ZIKV) belonging to the Flavivirus genus and family Flaviviridae. Among them, DENV causes the most serious health problems in the world, in terms of the number of patients and the fatality rate. Infections caused by one of the DENV serotypes (1-4) cause Dengue fever (DF), Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or Dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Every year, at least 390 million dengue infections are recorded with 100 million people showing symptoms and 21,000 deaths worldwide. One of the hypothesized mechanisms of the risk of an increase in severity due to DENV infection is antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), which is where DENV antibodies that are already present in a person’s body both caused by primary infection and due to vaccination will facilitate Fc-receptor positive cells such as macrophages when further dengue infection. Thus, DENV antibodies can play two conflicting activities, namely neutralization and ADE. Neutralization suppresses viremia resulting in a defense against DENV infection. While ADE increases viremia, which is associated with an increase in the severity of dengue infection. This phenomenon is likely to increase the risk of increasing severity in the event of Dengue infection in seronegative persons who have received the CYD-TDV vaccination, as the only currently licensed Dengue vaccine. In addition, ZIKV antibodies were also reported to be proven to increase dengue infection in vitro and vice versa. The presence of ADE complicates the pathogenesis of Dengue, a problem in itself for the development of an effective Dengue vaccine, as well as for the manufacture of prophylactic or therapeutic antibodies. The dengue virus genome encodes three structural proteins namely capsid [C], premembrane/membrane [prM/M], and envelope [E] as well as seven non-structural proteins). Viral particles accumulate in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, where the nucleocapsid (viral RNA complexes with protein C) is incorporated into a lipid bilayer containing the proteins prM and E. Due to the traffic of immature virus particles through the trans-Golgi network, a serine protease (furin) from the host cleaves the prM protein of the immature virus resulting in maturity. This maturation stage is sometimes incomplete, resulting in a mixture of virus particles with different stages of maturity. Virus particles exhibit conformational dynamics known as viral respiration. Virion maturation and respiration have an impact on antibody recognition so that it affects neutralization and enchancing activities. Protein E is the main target for neutralizing antibodies, due to its location on the virion surface of a DENV. There are three domains, namely domains I (DI), II (DII) and III (DIII) in the E protein structure. Each DENV particle contains 180 E protein monomers that make up 90 E-dimers. The neutralizing and ADE activity of the antibody was determined by the viral epitope. Antibodies targeting the fusion loop epitope (FLE) or bc loop in DII generally provide low neutralization, high ADE and have cross-reactivity to other flaviviruses. Antibodies like this are widely formed during secondary infection with DENV, because the epitope between flaviviruses is highly conserved. Antibodies bound to the E dimer, the epitope of the quaternary structure, or the hine region of DI-DIII provide high neutralization ability by inhibiting viral conformational changes and membrane fusion. Antibodies that recognize the epitope complex play a major role in the neutralizing activity that occurs in the patient’s serum in the convalescent phase. However, some of these antibodies are specific to certain serotypes. Antibodies targeting domain III are serotype specific and exhibit higher neutralizing activity when compared to antibodies targeting domains I-II, however, antibodies targeting domain III are not widely produced in the human body. Human monoclonal antibody (HuMAb) can be a useful tool to elucidate the mechanism of neutralization and ADE, as information needed in vaccine development. In addition, HuMAb can also be used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Several researchers have succeeded in developing HuMAb by various methods. However, therapeutic agents against flavivirus infection are not yet available. Seeing the success of antibody therapy against syncytium virus in the respiratory tract, Ebola virus and SARS-CoV-2 virus, antibody therapy against Dengue virus is promising. Using the newly developed cell technology, SPYMEG, we have succeeded in developing eight anti-DENV HuMAb clones from an acute-phase patient with secondary infection in Indonesia. HuMAbs in this study have potential as therapeutic agents against dengue virus, especially against viral strains circulating in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, as one of the largest dengue endemic countries in the world. In general, HuMAbs with high neutralizing ability against Dengue virus are serotype-specific, bind to E-dimers or epitope quaternary structures, and inhibit at the pre- and post-adjacent stages of virus attachment to the host. On the other hand, HuMAbs with low neutralization ability were highly cross-reactive against all dengue virus serotypes, bound to the monomer E FLEs, and only inhibited at the pre-adhesion stage of the virus. Although the HuMAbs produced in this study were HuMAbs type with low neutralization ability, all HuMAbs showed low NT50 values, especially against DENV-2. mOf the eight HuMAbs produced in our study, 3G9 showed superior properties over the others, namely: 1. Capable of inhibiting DENV-2 with an NT50 value of 100 times lower than 4G2 (a low neutralizing antibody bound to FLE). These results underline the potential use of 3G9 as a neutralizing antibody against Dengue virus. The presence of HuMAb with a high neutralization potential, particularly against DENV-2, is very advantageous. This is because the Dengue vaccine (CYD-TDV), as the only Dengue vaccine currently accepted for use, provides a low level of protection against DENV-2. In studies of people who have received CYD-TDV vaccination, it was reported that neutralizing cross-reactive antibodies play an important role in establishing protection against DENV-2, whereas serotype-specific neutralization is the key to protection against other DENV serotypes. Thus, the HuMAb generated in our study (3G9) would be able to make up for the shortage of currently available Dengue vaccines. 2. Not only against DENV, HuMAb 3G9 produced in this study was also able to


{:en}JICA-BPOM Project Biorisk Management Technical Training in the Laboratory Apprenticeship program in UNAIR{:}{:id}JICA-BPOM Project Pelatihan Teknis Manajemen Biorisiko di Laboratorium Apprenticeship programme in UNAIR{:}

{:en}Biosafety is a framework that describes the use of specific practices, training, safety equipment, and specially designed buildings to protect the worker, community, and environment from accidental exposure or unintentional release of infectious agents and toxins. This training program covers the principles of biosafety and biosecurity, including the safe use and containment of biohazardous agents, and addresses laboratory scientists working in the BSL facilities. The training program will be conducted in collaboration between JICA, Airlangga University (UNAIR), IPB, and universities or institutions of Japan. This technical training is designed to provide a comprehensive lecture and practical exercise on Biosafety and Bio risk management in BSL laboratory. Course type: Practical exercises on risk assessment and bio-risk control, including architect, construction of laboratories, gene modification, experiments using animals and other related subjects. Eligibility: Bio-risk managers, intermediate specialists responsible for bio-risk management in laboratories, who must already have fundamental knowledge obtained from a basic training course available elsewhere, e.g., Indonesian Bio risk Association (Asosiasi Biorisiko Indonesia/ABI){:}{:id}Keamanan hayati adalah kerangka kerja yang menggambarkan penggunaan praktik, pelatihan, peralatan keselamatan, dan bangunan yang dirancang khusus untuk melindungi pekerja, masyarakat, dan lingkungan dari paparan yang tidak disengaja atau pelepasan agen infeksi dan racun yang tidak disengaja. Program pelatihan ini mencakup prinsip-prinsip biosafety dan biosecurity, termasuk penggunaan yang aman dan penahanan agen biohazardous, dan ditujukan kepada ilmuwan laboratorium yang bekerja di fasilitas BSL. Program pelatihan tersebut akan dilakukan atas kerjasama JICA, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), IPB dan universitas atau institusi di Jepang. Pelatihan teknis ini dirancang untuk memberikan kuliah komprehensif dan latihan praktis tentang Keamanan Hayati dan manajemen risiko Bio di laboratorium BSL.   Jenis kursus : Latihan praktis tentang penilaian risiko dan pengendalian bio-risiko, termasuk arsitek, pembangunan laboratorium, modifikasi gen, eksperimen menggunakan hewan dan mata pelajaran terkait lainnya Kelayakan : Manajer bio-risiko, spesialis menengah yang bertanggung jawab atas manajemen biorisiko di laboratorium, yang harus sudah memiliki pengetahuan dasar yang diperoleh dari kursus pelatihan dasar yang tersedia di tempat lain, misalnya Asosiasi Biorisiko Indonesia (Asosiasi Biorisiko Indonesia/ABI){:}


{:en}Visit from PHEOC Ministry of Health to ITD{:}{:id}Kunjungan dari PHEOC Kemenkes ke ITD{:}

{:en} Thursday, January 20, 2022, the Institute of Tropical disease received a visit from representatives from the PHEOC of the Ministry of Health, they came to see the BSL 3 laboratory and communicated with the Covid-19 research team regarding the flow in the covid examination including waste management. Hopefully they can find out about the process and developments in the Covid-19 research at ITD so that it can be used as a provision for future collaboration. {:}{:id}Kamis, 20 Januari 2022, Institute Of Tropical disease mendapatkan kunjungan dari perwakilan dari PHEOC Kemenkes, mereka datang untuk melihat laboratorium BSL 3 dan berkomunikasi dengan tim peneliti Covid-19 terkait alur dalam pemeriksaan covid termasuk pengelolaan limbah. Penuh harap mereka bisa mengetahui proses dan perkembangan dalam penelitian covid-19 yang ada di ITD sehingga bisa dijadikan bekal untuk kerja sama nantinya.{:}

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