Institute of Tropical Disease



Entomology is the knowledge of insects, the most abundant form of animal life on earth. In tropical and subtropical regions, attention is drawn to the role of insects in transmitting diseases (vectors) that are caused by pathogens such as parasite (malaria, trypanosomiasis, filariasis,etc), viruses (dengue, encephalitis, chikungunya,etc), bacteria (salmonellosis, rickettsiosis, borrelia,etc) and causing by nuisanicm have serious social and economic consequences. Thus, the study on insects is a major scientific dicipline that impacts on the medical and veterinary aspects. Our objective is to carry out excellent research that is nationally and internationally at the forefront and (inter)nationally well-connected, while collaborative with Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga. The entomology studies collaboration has an outstanding focusing on bionomic, ecology, epidemiology, vector control, and molecular biology approaches.

Our mission is to unravel the ecological interaction between insects and other factors by combining ecologic andmolecular studies with investigations of the underlyi mechanisms. Vector and diseases management strategies being developed for eradication or controlling against in borne diseases.

Laboratory activities:

• Mosquito survey
• Mosquito colonization
• Insect cell culture
• Isolation ( Parasite and Virus)
• Insecticide test
• Study on insects
• Enlightenment and training


• Transovarial/Vertical transmission
• Molecular analysis against mosquito borne disease
• Ecology of vector
• Vector control
• Species identification of insects
• Identification of secondary metabolites from Coleoptera

  1. Publication (National and International Journals)
  2. Patent of Product
  3. Collaboration with Universities, Industries, and others.
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