Institute of Tropical Disease



Leprosy Study Group was established since 2002, as one of the study research groups and laboratory collaborated in ITD (previously known as Tropical Disease Research Centre/ TDRC). We have aims to research and develop a variety of bio molecular study that is useful for health services especially on leprosy and the research interests (R & D) based on “Problem Oriented Research”.

The main concepts of our research activity are:

  • Trying to break the chain on transmission (prevention), means of early detection leprosy. Detect Leprosy Sub-Clinical stage among healthy population in endemic areas, especially in Indonesia for examples: a screening test, chemoprophylaxis.
  • Transfer of technology in an effort to support programs to eradicate leprosy by making a quick test sera-diagnostics (as cheap and simple as possible).

Prevent the spread of leprosy through the neighborhood, with the investigation of an intermediate-host / microorganism that is suspected to be a reservoir in the leprosy endemic areas, new discoveries in-vivo culture to Mycobacterium leprae (bacteria cause leprosy) which is known as the uncultivable Mycobacteria.

Aside of ongoing research projects, Leprosy study group also provides lab tests for public services, e.g. Ziehl Nielsen Staining for Acid Fast Bacilli detection, PCR for leprosy detection, IgM and IgG for detection anti PGL-1 also other antigens that specific for M.leprae.

The main experimental works including:

  •  Conventional & Real-Time PCR
  • Genotyping & Data Analysis
  • Multidrug resistance (MDR) studies



Currently, Leprosy Study Group is involved in several collaboration projects with national and international. The collaborators as followed: •

  • JICA Project: Senior Fellowship Consultant, Shinzo lzumi MD., Ph.D (Leprosy Research Center-Tokyo Japan), from year 2002-2010 continued by leprosy NGO from Japan 2010-now, focusing on: Finding Leprosy Transmission From Environment in Indonesia.
  • Science and Medical Technology for Targeting Research Grant (RISBIN IPTEKDOK) From Ministry of Health, From 2006-2007 and 2015, focusing on: Developing early diagnostic tool for leprosy detection.
  • National Strategic Research Grant (Hibah Penelitian Strategis Nasional) from Ministry for Higher Education, 2009, Focusing on: Analysis of environmental factors as a source of non-human transmission.
  • Institution-based competition grant (PHKI), from 2011, focusing on : Development of Integrated Bank Isolates and Bioinformatics system.
  • East Java Province health research grant (Collaboration research between Sumberglagah leprosy hospital and ITD), 2011-2016, Serological detection among school children.
  • Multi Drug Resistance Research Project, 2013, conducted by Ministry of Health and World Health Organization. patients as a viability marker of Mycobacterium leprae, in 2012




  • Indropo Agusni, received an award “SUDJONO DJUNED PUSPONEGORO” for the 3rd best presentation,Title: Analysis of Mycobacterium leprae from environment in endemic leprosy areas from Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia in Jakarta, in 2005.
  • Ratna Wahyuni, published an international journal, Title : Prevalence of Drug Resistant Leprosy Case in Southeast Asian Countries for Nihon Hansenbyo Gakkai Zasshi, Japan Leprosy Journals, in 2004.
  • Cita Rosita Prakoeswa, received an award “High achivement Lecturer (1st rank) from Airlangga University, Surabaya, Title : Expression profile of Rab5, Rab 7, Tryptophan aspartate-containing coat protein, lep-LAM and PGL-1 on the failure of the phagolysosome process in macrophages of leprosy
  • Dinar Adriaty, received an award “The Best Presentation of Young Scientist Award” , Title : The role for free living Amoeba as an environmental host for Mycobacterium leprae at The 18th International Leprosy Congress “Hidden Challenges”in Brussels Belgia, in 2013.
  • Shinzo Izumi, received an award “The best ten contributors of Journals H-Index SCOPUS” from Airlangga University, Surabaya in 2015.
  • Iswahyudi, received an award “High achivement laboratory educators (1st rank)” from Airlangga University, Surabaya, Title: Serodiagnostic tools that suitable on field survey, in 2016.
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