Proteomics Laboratory focused on the development of protein-based bioproducts. We are interested in protein as biocatalys for agro-industry, such as Carbohydrate Acting Enzymes. On other hand, we are also interested in the development of protein therapeutics and biology targets. We use several techniques to achieve our goals, such as bioinformatics, biology molecular, protein engineering, and bioprocess as well.
- Prof. Dr. Ni NyomanTri Puspaningsih, M.Si (Leader)
- Dr. Mimi Lamid, DVM
- Dr.drg.Elly Munaziroh
- Dr. Ali Rohman, M.Si
- One Asmarani S.Si, M.Farm
- Anita Kurniati, S.Si, M.Si
- M.Z.Fanani,S.Si,M.Si
- Ni Nyoman Purwani, S.Si. M.Si
- Rahmat Eko Sanjaya, S.Pd, M.Si.
- Graduate students
- Undergraduate students
We are developing protein-based bioproduct from local isolate for agro-industrial application named Excelzyme. Excelzyme is consortium enzymes that was developed for several application, such as Excelzyme for gulp and paper industry, ruminant feeds, and biofertilizer from 3gro-waste biomass. Our findings will contribute to promote nealth and enviromental conservation.
Lab Action
- Exploring Microorganism from Hot Spring
- Genetic Engineering
- Protein Expression, Characterization, Purification, and Protein cryistallography
- Protein Engineering
- X-ray Diffraction and Bioinformatics Analysis
- Analysis of the Products Formed from Enzymatic Hydrolysis Enzyme Application in the Agro-waste
International Colaboration
- Institute for Protein Research (IPR), Osaka University Japan
- Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Mie University Japan
- Laboratory of Protein Crystallography, University of Groningen Netherland
- Department of Bioprocess and Polymer Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
- Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Industrial Patners :
Trademark License: “EXCELZYME”
- Excelzyme 1
- Excelzyme 2
- Excelzyme 3
Selected Publication :
- Scanning Electron Microscope Analysis of Rice Straw Degradation by a Treatment with a-L-arabinofuranosidase. Procedia Chemistry.Vol.18, Pages 63-68.2016.
- Biochemical Potential of a-L-Arabinofuranosidase as Anti- 9. Tuberculosis Candidate. Procedia Chemistry. Vol.18, Pages 82-89.2016.
- Hydrolysis of Corncob Xylan using (3-xylosidase GbtXyl43B from Geobacillus Thermoleovorans IT-08 Containing Carbohydrate Binding Module (CBM). Procedia Chemistry. 10. Vol.18, Pages 75-81.2016.
- Mutation Analysis of the pKa Modulator Residue in I3-D-xylosidase from Geobacillus Thermoleovorans IT-08: Activity Adaptation to Alkaline and High-Temperature 11. Conditions. Procedia Chemistry.Vol.18, Pages 39-48.2016.
- Secretion of Geobacillus Thermoleovorans IT-08 a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (AbfA) in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae by Fusion with HM-1 Signal Peptide. Procedia Chemistry. 12. Vol.18, Pages 69-74.2016.
- 13-D-Xylosidase from Geobacillus thermoleovorans IT-08 : Biochemical Characterization and Bioinformatic s of the Enzyme. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Volume 170, Issue 8, pp 1950-1964, 2013.
- Characterization of a-L-Arabinofuranosidase (AbfA) Variant (Q46R; D205E; K285E) Biochemical Properties and in Silico Study on the Effect of Mutation to Its Structure. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics, Volume 3, Number 5. 2013.
- Modification of surface structure and crystallinity of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) following recombinant a-L-arabinofuranosidase (abfa) treatment. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development, Vol.3(9),pp 182-188.2012.
- Enhanced Production of Thermophilic Xylanase by recombinant Escherichia coli DH5a through Optimization of Medium and Dissolved Oxygen Level. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 12: 321-328.2010.
- Enhanced production of xylanase by recombinant Escherichia coli DH5a through optimization of medium composition using response surface methodology. Ann Microbiol, 60:279-285.2010.
- Kinetics of Xylanase Fermentation by Recombinant Escherichia coli DH5a in Shake Flask Culture. American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 5 (3): 109-117, 2009.