{:en}UNAIR Researcher Reveals Low HIV-1 Resistance Rate in Bali{:}{:id}Peneliti UNAIR Ungkap Angka Resistensi HIV-1 di Bali Masih Rendah{:}

{:en}Bali is one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia with highest number of international tourists. So, there is always a possibility that there are tourists bringing in the HIV-1 virus and…

Continue Reading{:en}UNAIR Researcher Reveals Low HIV-1 Resistance Rate in Bali{:}{:id}Peneliti UNAIR Ungkap Angka Resistensi HIV-1 di Bali Masih Rendah{:}

{:en}Increasing Biology Molecular Enthusiasts, ITD UNAIR Holds Workshop{:}{:id}Tingkatkan Peminat Molekuler Biologi, ITD UNAIR Kembali Adakan Workshop{:}

{:en}Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) continuously hold workshops for students, researchers, and practitioners. Last week, was Gastroenteritis Laboratory and Hepatitis Laboratory held a workshop, Basic and Molecular Technique on Bacteriology: Sequence…

Continue Reading{:en}Increasing Biology Molecular Enthusiasts, ITD UNAIR Holds Workshop{:}{:id}Tingkatkan Peminat Molekuler Biologi, ITD UNAIR Kembali Adakan Workshop{:}