{:en}East Java’s Vice Governor Check for COVID-19 in ITD{:}{:id}Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur kunjungan ke ITD UNAIR dan melakukan tes deteksi virus Covid-19.{:}

{:en}The next day after East Java’s Governor visits to ITD, the vice governor, Emil Elestianto Dardak, had a visit to ITD to see the facilities for COVID-19 treatment and management.…

Continue Reading{:en}East Java’s Vice Governor Check for COVID-19 in ITD{:}{:id}Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur kunjungan ke ITD UNAIR dan melakukan tes deteksi virus Covid-19.{:}

{:en}East Java’s Governor Visits to ITD{:}{:id}Kunjungan dan koordinasi Gubernur jawa timur di ITD{:}

{:en}East Java’s Governor, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, and her team had a visit to ITD and Universitas Airlangga Hospital on March 14, 2020. This visit was intended to take a look…

Continue Reading{:en}East Java’s Governor Visits to ITD{:}{:id}Kunjungan dan koordinasi Gubernur jawa timur di ITD{:}

{:en}Representative’s the United States Consulate General’s Visit to ITD{:}{:id}Kunjungan Perwakilan Konsulat jenderal Amerika serikat ke ITD{:}

{:en}Wednesday 11 March 2020, representatives from the American Consulate General visited the Institute for Tropical Diseases. they want to know information related to the development of corona in Surabaya as…

Continue Reading{:en}Representative’s the United States Consulate General’s Visit to ITD{:}{:id}Kunjungan Perwakilan Konsulat jenderal Amerika serikat ke ITD{:}

{:en}Collaboration between Surabaya City Government & Airlangga University{:}{:id}Kolaborasi Pemerintah Kota Surabaya & Universitas Airlangga{:}

{:en}Tuesday 3 March 2020, Mayor of Surabaya Ir. Tri Rismaharini and expert staff visited Airlangga University to talk about the Corona virus which has now entered Indonesia. This was done…

Continue Reading{:en}Collaboration between Surabaya City Government & Airlangga University{:}{:id}Kolaborasi Pemerintah Kota Surabaya & Universitas Airlangga{:}