{:en}ITD Unair Revealed The Potential Of This Plant To Be An Anti-HIV Drug, What Kind?{:}{:id}ITD Unair Ungkap Potensi Tanaman Ini Jadi Obat Anti-HIV, Jenis Apa Ya?{:}

{:en}Researchers from the HIV Institute Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga studied the potential of Zingiberaceae, an endemic plant of Central Sulawesi, as a candidate for anti-HIV medicinal plants. This research…

Continue Reading{:en}ITD Unair Revealed The Potential Of This Plant To Be An Anti-HIV Drug, What Kind?{:}{:id}ITD Unair Ungkap Potensi Tanaman Ini Jadi Obat Anti-HIV, Jenis Apa Ya?{:}