{:en}Performance Evaluation of The Institute of Tropical Disease in Yogyakarta{:}{:id}Evaluasi Kinerja Lembaga Penyakit Tropis di Yogyakarta{:}

{:en}Friday, February 4-6 2022, the Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga conducted a performance evaluation in Yogyakarta. This is done to seek performance improvements in order to achieve the…

Continue Reading{:en}Performance Evaluation of The Institute of Tropical Disease in Yogyakarta{:}{:id}Evaluasi Kinerja Lembaga Penyakit Tropis di Yogyakarta{:}

{:en}A Visit from The TNI Commander Andika Perkasa and The Team to ITD UNAIR{:}{:id}Kunjungan Panglima TNI Andika Perkasa beserta tim ke ITD UNAIR{:}

{:en}Friday, February 4, 2022, the Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga received a visit from the TNI Commander Andika Perkasa and his team. They visited to find out what…

Continue Reading{:en}A Visit from The TNI Commander Andika Perkasa and The Team to ITD UNAIR{:}{:id}Kunjungan Panglima TNI Andika Perkasa beserta tim ke ITD UNAIR{:}